Sin, Cos, Tan revisited
Sin, cos, tan are great geometry/trigonometry abbreviations condensed by Texas Instruments on their calculators. The focus of this post is tangent.
I told my daughter, bullets don't travel straight; they curve. God forbid the curved path of a bullet meets or goes tangent to the curved path of the human skull. The bullet does not have to penetrate the bone, I told her.
Bullets also have terrible sound waves, which do great damage to human tissue. So a bullet traveling by a human head only has to'graze' the scalp to cause damage. Grzng can possibly mean leaving a terrible scar, similar to the aftereffects of sinus surgery, if the bullet passes too close to the head.
God bless the family of this poor rapper. He survived ten shots. But the last one did him in.
@tskeene , is the best ;)
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