Younique: The New Face of Talent

in #talent6 years ago

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In the last 10 years, the internet has changed the way we do so many things.

These days, we’re finding our partners online.

We’re meeting up with our friends online.

And, we’re even creating our own currencies online.

The internet has provided us with so many opportunities to change the way we do things, and even change the world around us. We’re lucky enough to be living in the digital age and it’s something we should be taking advantage of in every way.

However, there’s one industry in particular that seems to have missed the memo about this: the talent scouting agency.

Over the last 10 years, nothing much has changed in the talent scouting sphere. Singers still queue up to go to auditions, and actors pay extortionate rent in the most expensive corners of the world while hoping for their “big break” to come along. It can seem like society punishes talented people but it doesn’t need to be that way.

Here at Younique, we’ve come up with a groundbreaking solution that’ll allow people from all corners of the globe to use and monetise their talents: all from the convenience of their pocket.

Through our innovative new app, companies are now able to run sponsored competitions for talented people that’ll finally give them the opportunity to showcase their skills to the world. As well as this, contestants will be able to monetise their gifts by winning YNQ coins. This system will help business of all sizes connect directly to a huge pool of talented people and bring more opportunities to gifted and creative people.

The ways that Younique are going to change the talent scouting game are endless, but here are 3 examples.
Talented surfers are in big demand by companies who want to use them for promotional videos.

Here’s what the current system looks like for companies looking to acquire surfers:

•   The big company gets in touch with one of the world’s best surfers and agrees to pay their extortionate fees

•   The surfer then gets flown out to an on-location shoot to create a promotional video- of which probably only 1 minute of footage will be used

•   Expensive surf gear, along with expensive camera gear, needs to be transported to the shoot, as well as a cast of people who’ll help shoot the footage

As you can imagine, shoots like this don’t come cheap. And, by just focusing on the “world’s best surfers”, so many talented surfers never get a chance to shine.

With Younique, this is how the same situation would look.

•   The big company creates a custom sponsored competition in our app, outlining the criteria for the video

•   Talented surfers around the world would then create their own video footage for the brand

•   These videos would be uploaded to our platform where people can vote for their favourites

Since these days, most people have access to cameras, drones, smartphones and editing software- everything that’s needed to create professional, high quality videos, there’s no need to fly a cast of people out to a special location.

And, what’s more, bringing multiple creative perspectives to the table, along with an online voting system, gives brands more insight into what type of fresh content people want to see.

A system like this is much more suited to today’s digital age and helps businesses save money while giving more young people a chance to shine.
Musicians are always in high demand so it’s strange to see so many working in under qualified jobs: bands are often looking out for new members and live music bars often need people to perform at their venues. But, for many, finding truly talented musicians isn’t always an easy task.

It seems like something isn’t adding up. And when you look at the traditional way of scouting musicians, that shouldn’t come as a surprise. This is how things look at the moment:

•   The person looking for a musician should wait for a friend to recommend someone and then hope that they’re good. In this situation, the seeker may even settle for someone who isn’t good enough just to avoid sabotaging friendships

•   The other alternative is spending hours listening to people auditioning live or going to gigs regularly to try and scout someone. 

As you can see, the traditional way of doing things involves a lot of trial and error, and is extremely time intensive.

With Younique, the same situation would look like this:

•   If a band is looking for a guitarist, they’re able to search our app and filter the talent by location, music style, gender and more. They can then have a look at the potential musician’s pictures and videos and decide if they’ll be a good fit. 

•   If a live music venue is looking for a band, they can follow the same procedure. By seeing how popular each artist is, they can predict how much business they’ll bring to their venue. 

This system allows independent musicians to stay independent and connect to businesses without the need for an agency. It also allows bands and venues to easily screen a lot of different talent without needing to go through the time intensive process of holding live auditions.
If you’re looking for someone to put on the cover of your magazine or be the face of your new swimwear range, then a model can be a great promotional tool.

However, the agency fees attached to finding models can make this completely unattainable for small businesses.

The current way for businesses to connect with models looks like this:

•   The company should get in touch with a modeling agency and enquire about the models they have on their books

•   After looking through headshots, they’ll have to pay a fee in order to do an in-person casting

•   When they’ve chosen the model they want, they’ll need to pay an even higher fee to go ahead with the photo shoot and cover the agency costs

Not only is this scenario cost intensive for the business, it can also be restrictive for the model who should always rely on their agency for work.

This is how things would look with Younique:

•   Businesses can browse a talent pool of models, see their photos and decide which one they would like to speak to for a casting appointment- with no upfront cost necessary

•   To verify that the photos are real, they’re also able to see their ratings and how many people have vouched for that person

Our system will give model scouts a larger selection of people to choose from and, thanks to our large pool of users, our verification system will be stronger than that of any modelling agency.

Younique: The New Face of Talent
Now is the time for change in the talent scouting game, and we’re all here for it. There’s no need for old-fashioned rituals or waiting around on big breaks any more. With Younique, you can enjoy the convenience of having all the talent in the world- and the people who want to find it, right in your pocket. Our platform is the new online stage for talented people who’re ready to have the spotlight shining on them.

More Infos and invite to the beta at our Homepage

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