
in #t4 years ago

2 year old kicked off plane for eating yogurt.


FBI is stealing stuff out of safety deposit boxes & says you must show your ID to get it back. People are dying from Mysterious Brain Diseases, thank you Nano Mask Bots for crawling into our nuggets of love and giving us a rub of death, thank you so much. 19 states let you carry guns without a special carry-permit, well it is already allowed according to the constitution. By the way, Texas is not one of those states. Only place cooler than Disneyland are American No-Go Zones, Happiest Places on Earth. Belgium Mass Arrests, the Evil Easter Church Attendees Getting Locked Up. Bill Gates buying up Monsanto and American farmland. Farm Monopoly. The more they censor, the better at waking people up we become. Two-Year-Old KICKED OFF PLANE FOR EATING YOGURT AHAHHAHAHAAAAA.

Ever Green

I have not investigated Ever Green yet but like somebody said already, it would be tough to share it on Facebook without getting banned meaning we have to be CREATIVE and encourage people to click on links or how to find it elsewhere kind of thing. Don't tell Facebook to get on Twitter to see what that black Supreme Court justice said.

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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-04-05 - Monday | Published in April of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-04-05 23:15:55 Don't tell Facebook to get on Twitter to see what that black Supreme Court justice said.png

Don't tell Facebook to get on Twitter to see what that black Supreme Court justice said

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Only place cooler than Disneyland are American No-Go Zones, Happiest Places on Earth.

FBI is stealing stuff out of safety deposit boxes & says you must show your ID to get it back.



All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

06:55 PM
Only place cooler than Disneyland are American No-Go Zones, Happiest Places on Earth.

07:33 PM

07:38 PM
The more they censor, the better at waking people up we become.

11:16 PM
Don't tell Facebook to get on Twitter to see what that black Supreme Court justice said.

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07:03 PM
Belgium Mass Arrests, the Evil Easter Church Attendees Getting Locked Up.

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Ever Green

09:53 PM - Facebook

I have not investigated Ever Green yet but like somebody said already, it would be tough to share it on Facebook without getting banned meaning we have to be CREATIVE and encourage people to click on links or how to find it elsewhere kind of thing.

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11:58 AM - Hive

The only thing that might have been better than beating up the bully would be in having the confidence to try to calmly talk sense into him every once in a while, to try to counsel him in a sense, etc.

So, of course there are better long-term approaches if you're able to be like a friend to the bully, but there is also a higher probability of risk in attempting to help the bully. In the short-run, beating up a bully solves a problem temporarily.

I say it depends on the variables and I would try my best not to fight back kind of thing. Beating up a person can escalate the problem like you said, like he could have tried to start a new fight with you with his friends.

I believe in violence but I also believe in more long-term approaches at the same time which should be emphasized upon most of the time. I know some if not most bullies do things in order to get certain types of reactions and responses.

People should try not to give the bullies what they want. Don't let it get to you, don't let it bother you.

I've encountered bullies as a kid. I remember one kid during high school and he was bothering me at times and I didn't fight back. Other teens told me they thought I should have done something and I said no basically.

I guess for the most part, I believe in self-defense in a life or death situation where a person is about to kill a baby or something very bad like with a gun, a knife, or anything that appears potentially dangerous and immediate, then you step in kind of thing. Anything less than that should be resisted and procrastinated against.

Potato Man

12:07 AM - Hive

I think Lead must have been a major thing that affected his health negatively, that does make sense on top of that long list you gave here.

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Crow House


People are dying from Mysterious Brain Diseases, thank you Nano Mask Bots for crawling into our nuggets of love and giving us a rub of death, thank you so much.

Horses are running people over.

Universe Inside Us

12:53 AM - The Anunnaki Creation Story: The Biggest Secret in Human History - Nibiru is Coming

445 000 years ago, “creator gods” – as they call it – came to Earth. They were called the Anunnaki, which means “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came”. These beings inhabited a distant orbiting planet called Nibiru, which only entered our solar system every 3,600 years. They describe Nibiru as many times the diameter of Earth, and abundant with iron oxide, making its rivers and lakes appear red. A side note about Nibiru: according to the Sumerian tablets, Nibiru’s atmosphere began to deteriorate and became a hostile place for life, and in order to restore it, the Annunaki needed one important element for their atmosphere: gold.

Samari something as the oldest or one of the oldest human civilizations some say.

2000 or 24000 BC dated tablets? I forget the exact number for the suggested age of tablets found in the 1800s.

Pennyworth 208

2021-04-05 - Monday - 03:14 AM - 04:04 AM - Pennyworth 208

Meeting between 2 sides reminds me when leaders met in Pirates of the Caribbeans 3. Alfred says he trusts nobody. Alfred's mom said, "If your father was alive, he'd be rolling in his grave," regarding Alfred sleeping with somebody's wife. He had a leader of England killed and then lied about what happened during the televised funeral and nobody stood up to say fake news. Alfred's dad is still alive but is now like Darth Vader, part machine.

Health Ranger

06:52 PM - Situation Update, April 5th, 2021 - Nazi-style covid DEATH CAMPS coming to every Democrat-controlled city

19 states let you carry guns without a special carry-permit, well it is already allowed according to the constitution. By the way, Texas is not one of those states.

06:55 PM
Only place cooler than Disneyland are American No-Go Zones, Happiest Places on Earth.

07:03 PM
Belgium Mass Arrests, the Evil Easter Church Attendees Getting Locked Up.

Hitler almost killed Einstein who got out of Germany and escaped to America in the 1930s before it was too late around the time Jews were being murdered by Nazis. Well, it might have been as late as the early 1940s when Einstein finally escaped Europe.

Ron Gibson


Bill Gates buying up Monsanto and American farmland.
Farm Monopoly.

09:28 PM

2 Year Old Kicked Off Plane. Youngest Terrorist Ever.

Watch Log

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Pennyworth 208

2021-04-05 - Monday - 03:14 AM - 04:04 AM - Pennyworth 208

Health Ranger

11:28 AM - Situation Update, April 5th, 2021 - Nazi-style covid DEATH CAMPS coming to every Democrat-controlled city

Health Ranger

06:52 PM - Situation Update, April 5th, 2021 - Nazi-style covid DEATH CAMPS coming to every Democrat-controlled city

X22 Report


Ron Gibson


Dear diary, got up at 11:15 AM to a sunny day, to dreams I forget. Work around the old house, that is where I live here from 12:30 PM to 06:30 PM, that is six hours helping with getting the picnic table under the covered patio which Larry built like in 1993 or early 1990s is my guess. We could probably pack 8 people on that picnic table. He has a BBQ grill. Things are moving along and improving. We were in the big garage smashing boxes and working on the sliding door screen door and a guy came to help with that. I was once in a video in 2009, Spaceman & Diaper Boy and this has nothing to do with anything and imagine wearing that on your face. I was organizing in the garage from like 2 or 3 PM to like 6. And then dishes until now. Plus, recycling, compost, burying an avocado and/or whatever the stuff was for compost. Gardens look good. The pressure washing we did on the weekend all over here as I already mentioned during those days look good. I was able to clear around 8 shelves or so and the other day cleared a shelf in the garden shed. Thank you he said to me for the work I do, 7:30 PM, as he went out door. Nap around 8 to 9 PM.

Food log
Breakfast: coffee, raisins and a banana on oatmeal, 11:26 AM.
Lunch: some chicken soup around like 3 PM, same as like yesterday and past week or so off and on as we had a turkey and/or chicken.
Dinner: more of that lunch soup, 06:52 PM, almonds, bagel, coffee.

Hello everybody,

I just want to briefly comment on Randy's last email on point number two on how governments and others can track us, etc.

In regards to that, my advice is to look at what Edward Snowden has said on this subject regarding how they can spy on us. They could find out you didn't get a vaccine or something else and then they could try to ban you from being allowed to buy, to sell, to travel, to work, to go school, to rent an apartment, to take out a loan, to get health insurance, etc.

Specifically in regards to what we can do, there are so many things I could say but I don't want to overwhelm you.

So, again, to be very brief, I just want to say you could say for example find an old computer and then learn how to install an operating system on it that doesn't spy on you, something that isn't Apple or Microsoft Windows. For example, I use Ubuntu Mate 16.04 as my operating system.

There are so many things people can do that can help and it can feel very overwhelming and my advice is to take it one step at a time and one day at a time, take very small baby steps if you feel like it is something you believe is important to do, begin with a very small step in the right direction and keep a journal to help remind yourself of the progress you're making each day.

For more information, I encourage people to go to the Disaster Prep Meetings offline when people can or at least try to do your own investigations online when you can at the very least.

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The value in telling the truth in a world of lies

[Don't tell Facebook to get on Twitter to see what that black Supreme Court justice said.](

Picard Season 2 Trailer with Q, They want us to believe Picard is not dead because Transhumanism is their religion, they want to upload their consciousness to the cloud and will encourage us to do the same and they refuse to admit doing so means death because they want immortality.

Making a skirt for Barbie

The joys of freelance work, I am glad you have flexibility in when you work, it is a beautiful thing for a beautiful soul.

Lindsey Johnson what is crazy is Facebook will say, "Whatever CDC says is true...... just kidding ahahahahhahahahaaaa."

Exercise Helps Our Immune System

Can you snowboard? i enjoyed skiing on Mount Hood in Oregon. 2

Ra, the Sun God, is that you? I had a guinea pig named Ra Ra Roo Roo.

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