
i'm afraid i have to advise against that ... the mothership is Earth btw, not just Germany and someone like Erika should be shared with as many people as possible, which makes, like it or not, English the language of choice (not even spanish or chinese even if numbers could say that) it's simply the most widely understood.
Case rested (sorry for less reaction i seem to be always out of RC b/c i talk too much and there's more to life than steemit, i recently realized all my newsletters from other sites were gathering dust , even my alltime favourite slashdot ... which in effect meant that this place had not broadened my view but made my world smaller)

and ... Erika ... i think it's very hard for a lot of people to be analogue in thought, i think "this" OR "that" is just easier , takes less energy and doesn't even require thinking as massive objects (like popular opinion) will automatically attract with a lot more of that weak force (that's my kind of metafysics in the metaverse and not really far-fetched)

as always and GTG btw i might already be late


My dear cat,

It's seductive beyond all measure and it touches my heart that you are so prescribing me as someone for all. Rarely do I get such an encouragement, I think, because I generally give the impression that I don't need it. It can be very ... , sometimes. I contradict you a little that Steemit makes the world smaller. It can make it much richer and more colorful if you look for it. Just look, we probably wouldn't have come into contact with each other and I don't know why, I feel connected to you ... don't know, it was the music ... or your confusing text flows ... You always appear very surprisingly and then again submerge. I like that. It has something unpredictable.

But maybe ... maybe ... my ego feels carried by your charm and wants to take it here and there as a gift. I feel silly to deeply touched when I read what you have to say in some places.

The significance of something often reveals itself later on.

For what where you late?

Ich hab schon fast verlernt, auf Deutsch zu schreiben! Echt! Ich gehe ganz automatisch auf Deepl und fang an zu tippen. Dann schau ich mir mein komisches Deutsch an und dann das Englische. Ich mags einfach lieber! Nichts gegen mein Mutterschiff, damit du das nicht falsch verstehst. Ich treib mich aber furchtbar gern im Ausland herum (und da ich wegen der Umwelt nicht mehr fliegen tu, hole ich mir die Ferne zu mir nach Hause. Von überall her kann man Leute kennen lernen und ich hatte schon richtig lustige und interessante Begegnungen mit Deutschen oder Österreichern, wo wir erst nach einigem Hin und Her merkten, dass wir Landsmänner sind!

Weißt du noch? Wie ich hier ganz empört aufhören wollte zu bloggen? ähem ... Und du warst dann auch noch da und wir unterhielten uns. Kommt mir vor, als würde ich dich schon ewig "kennen".

Ich erinnere mich noch gut an deine Serie vom Kindergeburtstag im Garten.

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