Syria is very important understanding to Indonesian
Why is Syria Important to Indonesians?
Just now I saw a video of a former official who was publicly endorsing to donate to the people of Ghouta via a donation agency. Donating to war victims is good and noble. But the problem is, the narrative that he says is exactly the plot of the Western version and the pro-jihadist version of the camp: "We are very sad to hear that in East Ghouta there has been a bombing of civilians ..." He and anyone who thinks similarly to "hear the news", need to watch the following video, an interview with British political observer, Dr Marcus Papadopoulos (there is Indonesian translation).
Or, can also watch a video of a beautiful American journalist Rania Khalek.
They both explain with a simple sentence, about WHO IS IN EAST GHOUTA, who is actually bombarded by Syrian military?
The answer to the "WHO" question is factual and objective. Those in E.Ghouta and being targeted by Syrian military forces are Jaish al Islam, Faylaq ar Rahman, Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham, Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki, and Harakat Ahrar al-Shamal-Islamiyya. They are fully armed combat, no less than weapons owned by Syrian state.
SO, in fact, they are NOT civilians, but combatants.
Our PERCEPTION that determines how we perceive them. The jihad militias are affiliated with transnational organizations with branches in Indonesia (Al Qaeda, Ikhwanul Muslims, etc.). For them, the militia is noble, in jihad, blah .. blah .
But the pro-NKRI moderate camp will see it differently. Imagine if in Bekasi entrenched armed militias who daily fired hundreds of mortars/bombs to Jakarta. They even poisoned the water source consumed by Jakarta residents. Are you silent and think they are noble mujahideen?
Donating to humanity is obviously very noble. Syrians really need help.
But, especially for the Syrian conflict, we need to be very careful and MAKE SURE that the funds we donate are really to the suffering people, not to the armed militias
Finally, for 6 years, various parties held fundraising by dirty means, which provoked the sympathy of the masses with information takfiri, full slander and hoax. The hatred is like a fire, it will burn in all directions. The impact is already felt in Indonesia's atmosphere: hatred spreads in all directions; widened to all issues. Fascism in the name of religion by means of hate is increasingly rampant.
The source of this massive acute hatred disease is hoax information about Syria. Because it is very strange if the leading anti hoax organization in Indonesia seemed to ignore this issue.