A Response from Patty Murray

in #syria7 years ago (edited)

So Senator Murray got back to me in response to my previous post asking her why we were supporting al nusra in Syria. (https://steemit.com/politics/@jasonhatch666/i-ll-let-you-know-what-cantwell-and-murray-have-to-say-about-this-when-i-hear-back) and not surprisingly, it is an unsupported bunch of accusations, which seems to be all our government can muster around any foreign policy these days. My response follows her kind correspondence.

Dear Mr. Hatch:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the ongoing civil war in Syria. I appreciate your thoughts on this critical and ongoing crisis.
The atrocities committed by Syrian President Bashar al Assad's regime over the course of their civil war, and most recently in the April 4, 2017, chemical weapons attack on civilians, are truly despicable. The six-year old conflict has become one of the most devastating and pressing humanitarian crises in the world today, and I believe that the United States has a responsibility to work with the international community to provide humanitarian assistance in addition to bringing a diplomatic end to this crisis. The crippling cuts in President Trump’s proposed budget for the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development would hinder our nation’s ability to do just that.
The Administration’s proposed cuts make our nation less secure and effective, and follow in the footsteps of President Trump’s un-American, unconstitutional ban on Muslim immigrants and refugees, including those fleeing war torn Syria. I encourage people in Washington state and around the country to keep making their voices heard on this matter and reject the Administration’s hateful rhetoric regarding immigrants and refugees. The United States has a moral, legal, and national security responsibility to assist the estimated 60 million refugees from every region of the world who flee conflict, violence, or persecution in their home countries and cannot return.
Following a 2012 chemical weapons attack, under tremendous pressure from the world community, the Syrian government acceded to the Chemical Weapons Convention in September 2013 and eventually agreed to destroy all chemical weapons by June 30, 2014. The Convention requires all member states to eliminate all of their chemical weapon stockpiles and production facilities. The recent April attack in the northern Syrian province of Idlib that killed dozens clearly demonstrates that more must be done to not only ensure compliance with the Convention, but to end the abhorrent use of chemical weapons, as well as conventional weapons, on innocent civilians by the Assad regime. I believe a strong response from the United States and the international community was absolutely warranted.
The crisis in Syria will not be solved with a one-time show of force, and President Trump must now articulate his strategy to Congress and the American people. Any response to the attacks by the Assad regime must be subject to careful deliberation because there is no decision more serious or impactful for our nation and the global community than authorizing the use of American military force. President Trump’s Syrian strategy must also include an aggressive, comprehensive plan to defeat the Islamic State (also known as ISIL), the transnational terrorist group that has seized areas of both Iraq and Syria. ISIL is a brutal terrorist group that has committed unspeakable atrocities against civilians around the world and inspired despicable murders of Americans here at home, and they need to be stopped. To be sure, the situation in the region is complex, and the global community must hold Bashar al-Assad and his allies accountable for their heinous acts while negotiating a peaceful settlement that will protect civilians and allow us to continue the vital fight against ISIL. I believe that a negotiated diplomatic settlement, which establishes a transitional governing body, must be our goal.
Again, I appreciate you contacting me about this important issue. If you would like to know more about my work in the United States Senate, please feel free to sign up for my regular updates at http://murray.senate.gov/updates.
Patty Murray
United States Senator

My Response:
Dear Patty,
Please explain to me in detail the proof that you have that Assad's regime conducted those chemical attacks. The OPCW has verified that Syria is in compliance. The US, on the other hand, makes no such claim, and can't. Also, the USA is supplying al nusra with chemical agents even now. It is well known that the US is planning a chlorine gas attack, to be perpetrated by 'moderate' rebels, with the purpose of selling your war on Syria. Do you think with this foreknowledge any of you are going to be believed? They are naming the actual sites they expect it to come from. You should really listen to the Russian Foreign Ministry on occasion. Sy Hersh has also written a few recent articles you should read. I also think you should show how your position on the chemical gas attacks being of Syrian origin is more believable than his position of them being far more likely to have come from US supported rebels. You see the problem here, right? Sy Hersh exposed the My Lai massacre and the abuses at Abu Ghrab, while you are guilty of going to war against Iraq under lies of WMD's; literally choosing to kill millions on falsified evidence is your pathetic legacy. Your position on what is going on in Syria is both naive and murderous. You are literally killing children throughout the middle east with this sort of activity, and you are far from representing the constituents back home who overwhelmingly are against your bizarre attempt to make money off a bloody forced regime change that is already looking like it will turn out worse than Libya, which was also your fault. How much blood on your hands in enough? It is non-progressive, shameful and disgusting that anyone with your position can for a moment claim to have a progressive bone in their body, and you are an embarrassment to our state. Here's to hoping you learn something about the world before lacing up those shoes for the next senate race. You are pathetic, and the voters of the state deserve people who are not actively conspiring to kill children, which you are absolutely guilty of. Feel free to respond to my new questions here via email. I will be posting all of our correspondence on social media to get a perspective on the opinions of others. My main question is this: Why do you personally believe that killing people in Syria is our job, at any level, and how do you justify our presence there at any level? On a side note, Trump is just another vulgar billionaire, and your sad, fractured and increasingly under-educated party is entirely responsible for him being in office. All the best. Try peace, you could go down in history as someone who matters, rather than just another murderer. You are about to start a war with Russia (via Syria/Iran), and you don't even have the spine to say something to stop it. Foolish, pathetic, sad, wasteful, ignorant, racist and selfish to no end are all apt descriptions for your current path. Change it, for the good of the world. Democrats love selling weapons, though, don't they. It is sickening.

Jason Hatch

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