The HIVEmind Invasion of Civilization!

in #symbolism7 years ago (edited)


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Emily Barwick of Bite Size Veganwrites:

"Countless studies have shown the incredible intelligence of bees. In the well-documented waggle dance, bees use vector calculus and physics. After finding a food source, forager bees return to the hive and perform a dance for the other bees, which conveys all the information they need to go to the food source.

Now, not only does this dance convey the direction of the food source, but also the distance to it. As if that's not complex enough, every 4 minutes the sun moves 1° to the west. Bees actually account for this in their dance. It's been documented that every 4 minutes, the angle of their dance moves 1° to account for the movement of the sun. So you can't really knock a bee's intelligence. I mean really, how many humans are using vector calculus to get themselves to the grocery store? Hell, we're lucky if we don't drive into a lake just because our GPS told us to."

I'm always astounded at how bees have the capability, let alone the direct knowledge of building such perfect cubical lattices.

**They do so because the hexacubical geometric lattice is mathematically the most structurally sound and contains the greatest amount of volume within a given area. So in other words, this allows the bees to store the greatest amount of honey and larvae within the most efficient building structure.

An appendix to
*A Theatre of Politicall Flying Insects*****, written by Samuel Purchas and printed in 1657, consists of three hundred " Meditations and Observations, Theologicall and Morall upon the Nature af Bees." Some of these extracts refer to the bee as a builder:

***"I am exhibiting some naturally built honeycomb and some models whch will show that the esteem in which the bee was held as a builder and geometrician was not without reason. Each comb consists of two layers of hexagonal cells arranged back to back. The partition is not a plane but a collection of rhombs so arranged that three rhombs form the base of each cell.

If a pin is stuck through each of the rhombs at the base of a cell, the points will be found to have penetrated into, three different cells on the opposite side of the comb. Thus each cell base is supported by three of the walls of the opposite cells.

Old encyclopaedias such as Rees' and the Britannica deal fully with the geometry of the honeycomb:---"The geometric form of each individual cell is therefore an hexagonal prism terminated by a trihedral pyramid the three sides of which rhombs, whch meet at their apex by their obtuse angles, and forming oblique angles with the sides of the prism, truncate a portion of these and convert, them fram rectangles which they would be in a regular prism, into trapeziums." ***

***The work of the bee is usually so uniform and regular that the diameter of the cell was suggested in the eighteenth century as an universal unit of length on the suppositiion that bees everywhere invariably build cells of the same dimensions.*****

David Lapoint in his series Primer Fields, demonstrates how magnetic fields produced by plasma electrical currents, produce hexagonal static order, which explains the mysterious hexagonal vortex on the norht pole of Saturn, which the the Thunderbolts Project has also explained how science has finally discovered massive electrical filaments or Birkeland Currents**flowing from the plasma sheath of the sun into the north pole of Saturn, as The Electric Universe Theory has proposed all along!

**This is quite strange indeed, seeing as how mainstream science has tried to deny this and refute it for so long, yet the hollywood black magi have been showing the stargate portal motif of Saturn's polar vortex for YEARS! **

This is why you will ALWAYS find the hexacubical lattice structure in everything SPACE related, from the ancient Hebraic CUBE OF SPACE geometry, to sacred geometry as the cube-octahedron composing metatron's cube, and why the very fabric of space is often depicted in sci fi and space movies as relating to a dimensional hypercube. I'm not going to go back and post all the examples here, I just dont have time. See my previous articles covering it listed below.


To see more, I've done several other short and long articles and presentations exploring this, such as
SACRED GEOMETRY: GEOMANCY, Fidget Spinners: 666, DEEP Esoteric Numerological Secrets of Creation, Symbols of Power: The Mysterious Origins of Viruses & BioWarfare! You can also find great explanations by actual mathematicians as well. In fact, I uploaded a great presentation by Stephen Morris, J. Tuzo Wilson Professor of Geophysics, University of Toronto on the Hexagonal lattice basalt rock formations in geology**. **

Physicists have cracked the mystery behind the strange and uncannily well-ordered hexagonal columns found at such popular tourist sites as Northern Ireland's Giant's Causeway and California's Devil's Postpile, using water, corn starch and a heat lamp. Using a combination of field observation, experiments and mathematical theory, they have solved the problem of what decides the size of the columns. >>**

It's the very essence and secret behind the mystery of SQUARING the CIRCLE in Freemasonry. **

**Dr Walter Russell has written extensively on the cosmology of cubic wavefields and proposes the the universe is composed of two geometries, the MASCULINE CUBE AND THE FEMININE SPHERE.



**Funny... the masters of civilization call us "BUSY LITTLE WORKER BEES," and keep us in CUBICLES and cell BLOCKS, while the queen bee dictates psychic order over the drones via radio frequency wavelength (consciousness).

The Phreemassons venerate the beehive and emulate it in society, from its complex perfect social obedience to central authority and hence good BEEhavior, to their intricate language of symbols and geometry (in the form of dance), to their perfect building structure and cohesive ability to colonize.



What *Modern Masons*****call a LODGE was for the above Reason by Antiquity called a *HIVE*****of *Free-Masons*****. And for the same Reasons, when a Dissention happens in a *Lodge*****, the going off and forming another *Lodge*****, is to this day called ***SWARMING,*****" Just like good little followers, cult worshipping, groupthink, herd, and hive mentality wannabes who need social approval in order to feel like a part of something bigger than themselves. Groupthink and hivementality is the structure of an AUTONOMOUS, DYSTOPIAN, HUXLIAN NEW WORLD ODER. It is the insect invasion over individuality. **

I've been a labelled a disruptive troublemaker my whole life because I DO NOT BEEHAVE, because I do not conform to HIVE MENTALITY like a SUB SERViANT DRONE!

I'm more than aware of the Hive's virtuous facade and the glorified, reverent, all Magnanimous tenets that are portrayed for the necessity of an overbearing hivemind wavelength emitted by 5G network grids, but i'm not having it.

**The ancient Egyptians revered the APIS bull, but APIS means BEE in LATIN! **

Apis, living in societies under a queen and producing wax and honey, Used metaphorically for "BUSY WORKER, LABORER!"

In Jonathan Swift's *Letter from the Grand Mistress*****printed in Bro. Henry Sadler's *Reprints and Revelations*****:

The *Egyptians*****always excellent and Antient *Free-Masons*****paid Divine Worship to a *Bee*****under the outward Shape of a *Bull*****, the better to conceal the mystery; which *Bull*****by them called *Apis*****, is the Latin word for a *Bee*****; the Ænigma of representing the *Bee *by a *Bull*****consisteth, in this, that according to, the doctrine of the Pythagorean Lodge of *Freemasons*****, the souls of all the *Cow-Kind*****transmigrate into *Bees*****, as one *Virgil*****, a Poet, much in favour with the Emperor *Augustus*****, because of his profound Skill in *Masonry*****, hath described; and Mr. Dryden has thus show'd


"*****Four Altars raises, from his Herd he culls
For Slaughter, Four the fairest of his Bulls,
Four Heifers from his Female Store, he took,
All fair, and all unknowing of the Yoke;
Nine Mornings thence with Sacrifice and Prayers,
The Gods invok'd, he to the Groves repairs.
Behold a Prodigy! for from within
The Broken Bowels and the bloated Skin,
A buzzing Noise, of Bees his Ears alarms,
Straight issue thro' the Sides assembling Swarms, &c.

There is a well-known passage of Shakespeare which attributes ordered government to the bees:---

"So work the honey-bees,
Creatures that by a rule in nature teach
The art of order to a peopled kingdom.
They have a king, and officers of sorts,
Where some, like magistrates, correct at home.
Others, like, merchants, venture trade abroad.
Others, like soldiers, armèd in their stings,
Make boot upon the summer's velvet buds;
Which pillage they with merry march bring home
To the tent royal of the emperor:
Who busied in his majesties, surveys.
The singing masons building roofs of gold;
The civil citizen kneading up the honey;
The poor mechanic porters crowding in
Their heavy burdens at his narrow gate;
The sad-eyed justice with his surly hum
Delivering o'er to executors' pale
The lazy, yawning drone."Henry V., 1, 2.

**The people on the BOTTOM do all the WORK AND LABOR and the fat dumbasses sitting on a pyramid dont do shit or contribute any value to the community, but are considered the GLORIOUS glorious sole proprietors of God's natural resources because they are "CLOSER TO GOD" (higher in the air, as I've covered extensively in Symbols of Power series as to why the HIERARCHY is so revered as the symbol of the conical spiral, the pyramid or the sacred mountain, the Axis Mundi).

The sacred Bull also represents the sacred Bee as I've shown in esoteric anatomy. See my full presentation EL: The Illuminaughty Bull God of the Biblefor so much more>>

Bees tend to consistently build structures to a specific GOLDEN (ratio) parabolic EGG geometry and the conical or egg shaped hive is analogous and homologous with the sacred Egg! See my full Symbols of Power pt 3 film presentation for a complete background and CONEtext on this. >>**

The very same as the EGGHEADS, the ancient CONEHEADS or conical hats of the omphalos shape, the acorn (egg) shape of the pineal GLAND, which is the very same sacred geometry as the DICK HEAD, the GLANS PENIS, as GLAND comes from GLANS which means "ACORN shaped", as covered in my Symbols of Power film series, because these people are DICKHEADS and COCKTEASES!

The ancient advanced civilizations were bull cults and wore various crowns of horns, as I've covered COUNTLESS times in just about every work, I've documented WHY the CROWN comes from the sacred bull god.

Here's an excerpt from my Symbols of Power pt 1film presentation:**

"Kaf can be phonetically linked (pronounced) as Calf (the biblical golden calf). Kaf is etymologically linked with Keter, the Hebrew CABAListic CROWN chakra, as crown comes from Hebrew QRN, Keren, qeren (Karen), meaning "HORN," from Proto Indo European ker-(1) "HORN; HEAD, UPPERMOST PART OF THE BODY" (see horn(n.)) the same root of* corn"HARDENING OF SKIN," "HORN (OF AN ANIMAL), as EL was the ancient agricultural HARVEST LORD of the GRAIN and thus why the masons have the CORN-EAR-stone dedication especially at CORN-EL University!


This is why Jesus wore the CROWN of T-HORns and has horns on his head in the shroud of Turin (torino, taurus), because EL, the Hebrew god of the bible had "horns of a wild Ox" and was always depicted as a sacred bull god. **


EL/Cronus/Saturn was the "Most High" of the bible and thus wore the Crown which comes from Krone/Kronus the old Crone. The Crown or Keren comes from Cronus and Corona, which comes from the SUN. A Corona is a halo, a CROWN.

**Crown; from Latin: corona (gaseous envelope of the sun and other stars.) Hence a crown symbolising the rays of the sun.

Corona and Crown come from Greek Korone "anything curved, kind of crown," which comes from the curve of the golden rings of Saturn, who is also known as "lord of the rings" and is also known as the Greek god Kronos (father time), who gives us the words Chronology, Crown, coronation, corona, crone, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY ALL WHO WEAR CROWNS ARE LITERALLY CRONIES! "

Most people have no idea how SIGNIFICANT THIS WHOLE SUBJECT IS... **

**The MASONIC HIVEMIND and CASTE SYSTEM of civilization is WHOLLY based and revolves around EXPLOITATION OF SLAVE LABOR and SACRIFICE! **


Let's emphasize this fact into your egghead, shall we?**





"*****In any collection of Masonic glass, pottery or other curios, a number are usually to be found on which the straw beehive, or skep, as it is technically termed, occurs as a decoration.

If the young Mason enquires of his brethren what the beehive has to do with Masonry he is usually informed that the bee, or beehive, represents Industry and was used with that significance by our Masonic forerunners.**

As a beekeeper, this explanation made no great appeal to me. The industry of the bee suggests itself on a fine day to the casual observer with no knowledge of bees. More remarkable characteristics pass unnoticed, and the lesson is also unsatisfactory.


The system of beekeeping that formerly prevailed in this country when the production of honey was a necessity depended on an increase in the number of colonies. The surplus colonies were killed off in the autumn for their stores of honey. Those with the most honey, as well as those with the least, were sacrificed, so that Industry carried with it certain disadvantages. (IMMORALITY AND EXPLOITATION OF SLAVE LABOR)

This aspect of affairs was noticed by Shakespeare, who wrote:---"Our thighs packed with wax, our mouths with honey,
We bring it to the hive, and, like the bees
Are murdered for our pains."*****2 Henry IV., iv. 4.

*****A writer in the** *Universal Magazine*****for May, 1800, thus moralises:
"Thou art a fool, thou busy, busy bee
Thus for another to toil;
Thy master waits till thy work is done,
Till the latest flowers of the ivy are gone,
And then he will seize the spoil.
He, will murder thee, thou poor little bee."




Bite Size Vegan again comes to the rescue with incredible resources. **

"there are numerous scientific studies documenting that bees in fact do feel pain. How are we to say whose pain matter and whose pain does not? Is it only humans, is it only humans and their pet, is it only warm and fuzzy animals?

Now aside from intelligence and their ability to feel pain, we come to the real issue that most vegans have with the honey industry. The enslavement of bees and the stealing of their honey. And I know you might be saying "bees are slaves, really?" I'd like again to turn to a quote by Alice Walker. She says "the animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men."

The bees will not make honey if they don't have a queen. Some beekeepers will order queens, many of which have been artificially inseminated, a process in which male bees are crushedand drained of their semen, which is then forcefully inserted into a queen bee. Travel can be rough on the queens, who are often injured or killed in transit. When a queen arrives in the mail and eventually get boxed, beekeepers rip off her wings to prevent her from flying away.

Within the honey industry there is quite a lack of regard for the bee's lives. A lot of beekeepers kill off their hives before winter, especially with the large factory bee farms. The life and death of these entire colonies are decided purely on economic ground.

Bees use their honey, really their vomit, as hive insulation and food for themselves and for their babies. Still don't give a [bleep] about bee's? How about your health? While honey is often marketed as a healthy natural sweetener, all bee products contain sugar, animal protein, and fat. and are unequivocally unhealthy. Now honey is the perfect food, for bees. According to T.C. Fry:

"When humans eat honey, it immediately begins to reabsorb moisture from the stomach and stomach flora. it destroys our symbiotic bacterial population wholesale. In humans, honey, more so than cane and beet sugar, is acid forming and decalcifying. The body draws calcium from its teeth and bones, if necessary, to neutralize the acids introduced and formed. The manite acid of honey is a protoplasmic poison. It interacts with protein and from this, forms alcohol, ammonia and carbonic acid."

**Now if you're sitting there and saying "I'm a human, I'm on the top of the evolutionary ladder," think about this: If every bee species were to drop dead tomorrow, it would have an absolutely detrimental effect on agriculture, plant life, and food sources around the world. If we lost all pollinators, foods sources as we know them would vanish. However, if you take the mighty all-important human, and wipe our species off the face of the earth, every other living thing would benefit. So perhaps we should think about this when we are ranking the importance of a species race. If it comes down to who's the most useful, we humans are going to be the first to go." **

**Now that we know the occulted secrets of the Bull and the Masonic EL-ite ELder Insect Hivemind Invasion of the ELiminati, It can become clear as to why the Vatican Catholic triple crown and the beehive is homologous to the ancient Qeren of HORNS! **

It appears to be an ancient trend to mimic and emulate these EL-ite ELder ELongated skulls of EL, in order signify rulership and status or strength, power and authority of the sacred bull god and the ancient "alien overlords."


I'm certain I need not mention all the examples of such. For much more examples and expanded context on the meanings, usage and allegories of the sacred ELongated ALien skull cults, see my presentationLOST ARK of the ALien COVENant as well as my full upcoming presentation KuKulKan: The KKK, Masonic Druidism, & Ancient Coneheads (UNFINISHED)

Theres so much more to explain and piece together that I cant possibly fit in here because it would go on forever and I'm continually working on the process of compiling a book from all of my full articles. It's extremely challenging and exhausting because This isnt exactly linear narrative material. But if you wish to see more and continue to see more articles and presentations of this nature and content, please consider giving back by subscribing for as little as a dollar a month, something I'm sure anyone can afford for this incredible quality information.

These Presentations sometimes take me over SEVERAL THOUSANDS of HOURS of research and production for films to complete for you to enjoy. Please consider giving back for my efforts by supporting my work with a donation or more preferably subscribing for as a little as a 1$ a month for continual email notifications on project updates and full research articles. I spend ALL MY TIME, sometimes 24 hrs every day just compiling these and making animations, films and graphics.

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