Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall & Our Redemption (part 2)

in #symbolism7 years ago (edited)

Written by Cullen Smith at Lifting The Veil ** NOTICE: DO NOT REPRODUCE ON OTHER CHANNELS, BLOGS OR SITES, BUT YOU MAY SHARE THIS PAGE AROUND TO HELP SUPPORT THE WORK. THANK YOU! All rights reserved on the text and watermarked graphics only.**

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you must see part one here>>


To give you a full grasp I'm going to have to recirculate segments from my Phoenix Consciousness Risingpresentation and my various Symbols of Power films >>

**Semitic PHOENICIA, the "purple people" of Tyre, Tyrian RoyAL PurpEL TYRANNY gave us our phonetic alphabet and phonics, with it's global currency trade routes over the current sea, the seamen that were the worlds most ELite admiralty military COMPANY & commercial financiers.

So much more on the linguistics of that in my upcoming sequel to "Occulted Language: Phonics, Phonetics, Etymology here (not published yet) >>**

"In ancient Greece and Rome, the bird, phoenix, was sometimes associated with the similar-sounding Phoenicia, a civilization famous for its production of purple dye from conch shells. A late antique etymology offered by the 6th- and 7th-century CE archbishop Isidore of Seville accordingly derives the name of the PHOENIX from its allegedly PURPLE-RED HUE. Because the costly purple dye from Phoenicia was associated with the upper classes in antiquity and, later, with ROYALTY, in the medieval period the phoenix was considered "THE ROYAL BIRD".

***This theme will be explored more throughout the article. ***

If you already know about my previous work with the ORange and ROYAL PurP of EL in videos such as "CODE ORANGE! A Clockwork Ultra"and "Symbols of Power**", then you can see where I'm going with this. ;) **

**We find the ZODIACAL SOLAR CROSS of the London Flag at the Olympic mega closing ceremony. **

**The 2012 ROYAL LONDON Olympic Closing ceremony portrayed the EGYPTIAN PHOENIX or BENU RISING FROM THE BENBEN PRIMORDIAL MOUND as the FLAMING TREE OF LIFE and is a direct mimic of the Ordo Templi Orientis (Order of the Oriental Templars) logo. The Descension of Spirit into matter from KaBallistic Kether "CROWN" to Malkuth "earth", and the return ascension or "apo-theosis" of the Consciousness of Man to the Universal Mind of the Godhead (Godhood). **

"*****Classical discourse on the subject of the phoenix points to a potential origin of the phoenix in Ancient Egypt. In the 19th century scholastic suspicions appeared to be confirmed by the discovery that Egyptians in Heliopolishad venerated the Bennu, a solar bird observed in some respects to be similar to the Greek phoenix. However, the Egyptian sources regarding the bennu are often problematic and open to a variety of interpretations. Some of these sources may have actually been influenced by Greek notions of the phoenix, rather than the other way around."*

The Egyptian meaning of the Bennu is PURPLE HERON, as well as, PALM TREE, phenix means "the date palm" (fruit and tree). Supposedly, Philipinos and other inhabitants in the Pacific islands instinctively call the palm the "Tree of Life." In India, they refer to it as "kalpa vriksha," the tree that provides all the necessities of life. This bird is associated with the Phoenix and its legend is associated with the Bennu. The Bennu bird, resembling the heron, has red and golden plumage and is the sacred bird of Heliopolis, which is the CITY OF THE SUN.

The Phoenix is also symbolically represented as a Hawk, Falcon, Eagle, Rooster and even the Thanksgiving Turkey (as the roasted offering at the death of the season), all the symbols of the ANNUAL SEASONAL DEATH AND RE'S ERECTION OF THE SUN and the inner SUN of consciousness within man.

The main character of the Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen is known as "THE GIRL ON FIRE" and is symbolized by the FLAMING MOCKINGJAY, a direct and overt allusion to the FIREBIRD, the PHOENIX, which is the reborn and transcended aspect of Scorpio, as the EAGLE, representing the death and rebirth transformation of the FIERY SUN, from the earth to the Heavens, from creeping on the ground to soaring the heights of the sky! This is WHY they SHOW YOU THE ZODIAC WHEEL as the Egyptian WINGED SOLAR DISK of the PHOENIX WITHIN the body in the logo!

So****now****you****KNOW****why****just****like****Egypt,****Rome,****America,****Nazi****SS,****etc,****the****Capitol****of****Panem flaunts****the****EAGLE****on****their****flags,****mimicing****the****turkey's****feathered****plumes****or****"kukul".****So now****you****know****why****we****SACRIFICE****and****IMMOLATE****the****turkey****as****a****sacrificial****holocaust****or"burnt****offering"****in****thanks****to****God,****which****represents****the****SCORCHED BURNT SUN IN IT'S EMBER STATE IN SCORCHED SCORPIO, the****FIERY****PHOENIX****REBIRTH****of****the****sun!****Previously covered excerpts from "Children of the Capri-CORNucopia!!"


So perhaps now you will understand why OZYMANDIAS is PURPEL AND GOLD of the SUN AND THE ROYAL PHOENIX, and why his main symbols are the PYRAMID and ALL SEEING EYE, with the WINGED SOLAR DISK OF THE PHOENIX on his belt! He is the epitome of the LITE OF THE EL-ITE ENLIGHTENED ONES of old!

So now you'll know why we have the Order of the CRIMSON (Golden) DAWN with the symbol of the RISING SUN in the new Star Wars movie.


Again, remember the reason why VEIDT is ADEPT in all of this ELITE ESOTERICA, as am I, is because he TRAVELLED the path of ALEXANDER THE CONQUERER through the ancient mystery traditions! **

**And he's the smartest man in the world...



The reason PURPLE AND GOLD/ ORANGE is associated to the SUN as the ETERNAL death and rebirth of the PHEONIX is because PURPLE AND THE ORANGE OR GOLD OF THE SUN is the color we find at the EVENing, THE COLOR OF NATURE AT SUNSET AT THE DEATH OF THE SUN, when the two worlds are parallel, the purple EVENing, the time of EVEN or the unification of polar opposites between red of day or summer and blue of night or winter.

**Keter (crown chakra) and crown comes from Keren /qeren (Karen), meaning "HORN," which is why #Jesus wore the CROWN of THORNS and has horns on his head in the shroud of Turin (torino, taurus), because EL, the Hebrew god of the bible had "horns of a wild Ox" and was always depicted as a bull. EL/Cronus/Saturn was the "Most High" of the bible and thus wore the Crown which comes from Krone/Kronus the old Crone. The Crown or Keren comes from Cronus and Corona, which comes from the SUN. A Corona is a halo, a CROWN. **

**Crown; from Latin: corona (gaseous envelope of the sun and other stars.) Hence a crown symbolising the rays of the sun. Corona and Crown come from Greek Korone "anything curved, kind of crown," which comes from the curve of the golden rings of Saturn, who is also known as "lord of the rings" and is also known as the Greek god Kronos (father time), who gives us the words Chronology, crown, coronation, corona, crone, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY ALL WHO WEAR CROWNS ARE LITERALLY CRONIES! **

Chronos, who in ancient times was known as "the Best sun" during the Golden Age of Kronos, who was the King of the Age because he emitted a glorious Halo: from Greek halos "disk of the sun or moon, ring of light around the sun or moon" or in other words "golden rings," which rivaled or "tempted" our modern sun today also known as our "sun" of god.

**And this is exactly why to this day, we still pay homage to the "best sun" by wearing golden wedding rings, as well as earrings. **

**Ozymandias has some common similarities with Thanos from Marvel comics Avengers, not in the least being the common EL-ite ELder royal pharaonic bloodline color parapsychology of PURP-EL and GOLD, which are the royal colors of the ancient Canaa Phoenicians who were known as the the "PURPLE PEOPLE" because that is the meaning of the word Phoenicia, whose chief deity was EL, (the supreme bull god of the Bible from ancient Byblos) who was the Greek TITAN Kronos, who became the Roman god SATURN. See my full presentations where i've recycled this common Elite symbolism explicit in just about every major event and attack in recent history.


The Thunderbolts Project electric universe theory and David Talbott's the Saturn Myth proposes the hypothesis that the mainstream astronomical brown dwarf star known as ProtoSaturn (before saturn became a planet) emitted a faint PURPLE HAZE glow from its cosmic plasma sheath that enveloped the inner planets as witnessed by the far ancients during his benevolent PURPLE REIGN of the gods. The PURP of EL and GOLD are the ROYAL COLORS of SATURN because Saturn in ancient mytho cosmology or astrotheology was known as the KING or RULER of the GOLDEN AGE of the gods and men.**

** See my full "Occult Secrets of Saturn" presentation for all of this and more in full context>>**


But get this, THANOS is a TITAN and RULER OF THE UNIVERSE from the home world of TITAN, which is one of SATURN'S MOONS! Thanos comes from ancient Greek mythology as THANATOS, the personified spirit (daimon) of non-violent death. His touch was gentle, likened to that of his twin brother Hypnos (Sleep), (daemonic here is used with its classical meaning, which refers to benevolent or benign nature spirits). He wasn't a torturous bringer of death, but a bringer of gentle death, akin to falling into an eternal slumber.

So in essence this is a shared motif with SATURN, the TITAN KRONOS, who was known as the GRIM REAPER, as FATHER TIME who is the EVENing balance between the living and the dead, representing the DUALITY of EL EVEN, at the EVENing, or the 8 as the duality within infinity.

What i'm trying to get at here is that both Thanos and Ozymandias have a devised "divine plan" for the "greater good" of all humanity in that they both hold the similar belief of the ELITE ELIMINATI ELDER PROPHECY of a greater depopulation agenda, the genocide of a vast number of the population in order to maintain "perpetual balance" in the universe as outlined on the Masonic Georgia Guidestones in the United States. **


Both THANOS and OZYMANDIAS, bearing the ROYAL COLORS of the original HOUSE OF EL in Canaa Phoenicia, later adopted by the Roman Caesars, share similar character traits in that they are the supreme villain of their stories, however, there lurks a redeeming quality somewhere beneath their cynical flawed worldview of humanity and the universe itself, as they are both extremely intelligent, far from fools and In fact, Ozymandias is officially the smartest human on earth as one of his superpowers, he is also one of the richest, similar to Tony Stark in Avengers.

Thanos is more of a brutish mob boss similar to Trump, but Thanos quotes to Tony Stark in the Avengers movie, "You're not the ONLY ONE cursed with KNOWLEDGE" implying that indeed, he is also privy to some very big secrets of the universe and the "Great Plan" for humanity, much as the Donald was also privy to the Great Plan of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks** as written in his book in 1999 before the attacks ever occured**, down to the very details of Bin Laden being the patsy for it.


Thanos, AND Ozymandias dont actually WANT to cause unnecessary suffering or harm, they see themselves as saviors and both of their greater depopulation plans SUCCEED in wiping out exactly HALF OF THE POPULATION. Thanos wipes out HALF the universe, and Ozymandias wipes out HALF of Manhattan. Both involve the quick and painless dissolution or simply vanishing or ceasing to exist, obliviation akin to the Greek god THANATOS in putting people to sleep.

For more on the occult Obliviation secrets of the New Avengers Infinity War movie and Thanos, see "The Secret Spoils of Avengers: Infinity War... OBLIVIATE!" **


Once again the purple passion of human blood sacrifice and pence paid, must be done between the twin pillars of EL EVEN in order to prove your loyalty to God, which is why Thanos must sacrifice his first child to prove himself just as we find all throughout the Bible.



Ozymandias genetically engineers a giant fake alien threat to unite humanity against this fake common enemy, which is exactly reminiscent of Donald Trump's new proposed SPACE FORCE which will be created to weaponize space against the coming fake alien agenda promoted by the Elitist Elders of EL as ALLEGEDLY warned by renowned ex Nazi aeronautical rocket engineer Wernher Von Braunto Carol Rosin, a space and missile defence consultant who has worked with various corporations, government departments, and intelligence communities. She worked closely with Wernher Von Braun shortly before his death, specifically on the subject of space-based weapons.

"I met the late Dr Wernher Von Braun in early 74, at that time Von Braun was dying of cancer, but he assured me that he would live a few more years in order to tell me about the game that was being played, that game being the effort to weaponize space, to control Earth from space and space itself.

He asked me to be his spokesperson, to appear on occasions when he was to ill to speak, and I did. And what he asked me to do was to educate decision makers and the public about why we shouldn't be putting weapons into space . . . and what the alternatives are, how we could be building a cooperative space system.

What was most interesting to me, was a repetitive sentence that he said to me over and over again. . . . And that was the strategy that was being used to educate the public and decision makers, and the scare tactics, the spin that was being put on the weapons system. And that was how we identify an enemy.

The enemy at first he said, the enemy against whom we're going to build a space based weapons system . . . First the Russians are going to be considered the enemy . . . then terrorists would be identified and that was soon to follow . . . then we were going to identify third world crazies, we now call them nations of concern. . . . The next enemy was asteroids . . . [and] against asteroids we're going to build space based weapons.

And the funniest one of all, was against what he called aliens, extraterrestrials, that would be the final card. And over, and over, and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card.

***'And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We're going to have to build space based weapons against aliens,' and all of it, he said, is a lie." ***


" Ozy
used his monetary resources and superior intellect to create a giant genetically engineered monster, with dozens of tentacles and ONE LARGE EYE, along with a giant unnatural brain (cloned and enhanced from that of deceased psychic Robert Deschaines
) that generated a devastating mental shockwave upon the creature's death that killed half of the population of New York City in order to frighten the governments of the world into working together (NWO), thereby saving humanity from extinction. " **

**So don't you see?? This is all the exact irrefutable esoteric symbolism and allusion to the ULTIMATE ROYAL ILLUMINATI FALSE FLAG SACRIFICE!

Theres so much more to explain and piece together that I cant possibly fit in here because it would go on forever and I'm continually working on the process of compiling a book from all of my full articles. It's extremely challenging and exhausting because, This isnt exactly linear narrative material. But if you wish to see more and continue to see more articles and presentations of this nature and content, please consider giving back by subscribing for as little as a dollar a month, something I'm sure anyone can afford for this quality information**

These Presentations take me over SEVERAL THOUSANDS of HOURS of research and production for films to complete for you to enjoy. Please consider giving back for my efforts by supporting my work with a donation or more preferably subscribing for as a little as a 1$ a month for continual email notifications on project updates and full research articles. I spend ALL MY TIME, sometimes 24 hrs every day just compiling these and making animations, films and graphics and it's consuming my entire life..

@Lifting_TheVeil is now on all social media.
All of my full video presentations and articles can be found at full #esoteric film presentations, research articles, livestream hangouts, lessons and so much more mind blowing esoteric content on #theology, #mythology, #etymology and #language, #symbolism, #science, #biology, #health and so much more!


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