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RE: SwiftCash Outreach Plan

in #swiftproposal6 years ago (edited)

My compliments on a very good proposal. I have a few questions:
Who decides if a deliverable in the proposal meets the requirement/commitment? Who controls payment to you?
Is your two-month estimate an:
(a) calendar duration of 60 days regardless of how many work hours are expended, or
(b) estimate of work hours performed regardless of how much calendar time elapses?
For example, 2 months * 20 workdays/month * 8 hours/workday = 320 work hours. You would bill us for 320 hours even if those were performed over a 6-month period. I really hope it's (b) as I just don't think getting all of these deliverables in two months is going to be anywhere near as valuable as getting the deliverables over a 4- to 12-month period. Case in point, the SmartVlog videos span a period of much longer than two months.
More details are needed on the team section. Will you be creating these teams as a deliverable or creating and ramping up these teams to provide the deliverables or both? Whichever the case this needs to be fleshed out more. I would much prefer you being an orchestrator and a doer rather than just a doer of which one of the things you get done is the team deliverable.
You did a pretty good job of interspersing your experience within the proposal. Would you be ok with providing a resume? It would better magnify your expertise by looking at an unfragmented summary of your experience.
I would not be comfortable approving without some kind of NTE (Not-To-Exceed) estimate of travel costs. With the travel history you describe in your proposal, I can see travel costs surpassing the cost of the work.
Do you have any references for your SmartCash work? Is there any write-up or analysis of the impact of your SmartCash work? Are you still doing work for SmartCash?
For the SmartVlog of videos, it appears most of the videos were in Central America. Will that geography be your focus for SwiftCash?
For the Book of Fermat, could you please detail what was involved in the Graphic Design?
For the deliverables you describe in your SwiftCash proposal, did you do any of those for navigato? If yes, please provide some details?


Hey Kkekoa,

  1. About the deliverables, the proposals are in the "work first, get pay later" , so that way the community can measure the goals set on every proposal, altough every proposal has a maximum of 3 months, the community can vote again with a "NO" on the same proposals if the deliverables are not equal with the promises, in the second and third month, it is a good way to manage good quality on every proposal, since there is no person paying the services, this is made automatically by the blockchain.
  2. The fist two months I have already worked full time, so I placed more than 8 hours per day during October and November.
  3. Regarding the list of activities, please note that I placed on point "2.10 All activities listed will be coordinated but some of them will be produced by Community members or Service Providers in proposals (contractors#)." So most of the work is coordinating activities being done by other members which will deliver as contributors or contractors.
  4. The month of December again I will place at least 8 hours per day and @bowienetter will dedicate at least 4 hours every day since his part will be part time.
  5. I will create videos but I agree as you said those take time, I wish the Proposals were longer than three months, but if this one is approved I will continue submitting more for creating more videos, specially traveling to different countries to promote SwiftCash, the same as I did to SmartCash.
  6. Travel expenses are not included as of point "3.9 Traveling expenses are not covered, those have to be submitted in the proper Proposal, Fairs or Crypto events attendances will be managed by its own budget" in my case if travel is needed to promote SwiftCash in events, then a separate proposal will be submitted.
  7. My proposals on SmartCash were for Videos basically, but I did some other works like promotion, conferences and Meetups. I did 45 videos and I do not work for SmartCash anymore.
  8. Regarding the countries for promoting SwiftCash yes, I can promote it in Mexico, central and South America, if other areas need to be coverded later, I am ok with that. Altought the idea is to include more people later for their native language areas.
  9. On the book of Fermat I did the graphics and layout using Adobe InDesign.
  10. Navigato is in the Development stage and seed funding so most of the work there has been in Project Management.

Thanks for asking the questions, I think this can clarify the proposal. :)

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