⚡$$$ Tipped @msg768⚡100.00000000 SWIFT! If you don't know how I work, reply help! Currently the price of SwiftCash in the market is $0.0035 USD per SWIFT. Current value of the tip is $0.3500 USD. To find out more about SwiftCash, please read our whitepaper!
@furious-one: ⚡308 SWIFT has been withdrawn from your account to SND4yUNTtFFWmj1uc8dzcDP3raB1XHUHWi. You have been charged ⚡0.01 SWIFT withdrawal fee. Transaction 81022f92acca38365bd4d09a03c8a728489dca54c056a71ce26a4a0691359007 is now completed. To monitor the transaction status click HERE.
⚡$$$ Tipped @msg768
⚡100.00000000 SWIFT
! If you don't know how I work, replyhelp
! Currently the price ofSwiftCash
in the market is$0.0035 USD
. Current value of the tip is$0.3500 USD
. To find out more aboutSwiftCash
, please read our whitepaper!help!
You can use the following commands:
- displays your current wallet balanceaddress
- displays your deposit addresswithdraw <amount> <address>
- withdraws the amount of SWIFT to addresstip <username> <amount>
- sends the amount of SWIFT to usernameterms
- displays terms and conditions for using @swiftbotbalance
You have
⚡308 SWIFT
(unconfirmed:⚡0 SWIFT
).withdraw 308
withdraw 308 SND4yUNTtFFWmj1uc8dzcDP3raB1XHUHWi
⚡308 SWIFT
has been withdrawn from your account toSND4yUNTtFFWmj1uc8dzcDP3raB1XHUHWi
. You have been charged⚡0.01 SWIFT
withdrawal fee. Transaction81022f92acca38365bd4d09a03c8a728489dca54c056a71ce26a4a0691359007
is now completed. To monitor the transaction status click HERE.