Inflammation of the legs will be less
The problem of swelling in the legs due to pregnancy or injury etc. is very common. If your foot is swollen then some home remedies can help you with it:
Put rock salt in lukewarm water and immerse your leg for some time. Do not use too much hot water for this work, it will increase swelling and increase.
Drink as much water and fluid as possible. Instead, drink only after drinking the cucumber and lemon in the place of drinking water. Cucumbers and lemon have amazing ability to reduce inflammation.
Eat watermelon instead of junk food as snacks. Watermelon contains 92 percent water, which does not allow excess water to be collected in the body and eliminates inflammation.
Add two to three spoons whole coriander in one cup of water and boil until the water is half. Filter the water and let it cool down. Drink this water twice a day.
Feeling of swelling of the feet is less than massage. Massage from the bottom of the feet to five to ten minutes with light hands. This will improve blood circulation and relax the muscles.