Sweden, Nazis and the freedom of speech

in #sweden7 years ago

Nazism is a big deal in Sweden at the moment. Tomorrow Saturday, Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen (NMR) is going to host a demonstration called "Revolt against the traitors". The traitors are, to my understanding, the current government and everyone involved in making Sweden the multi-cultural promised land to anyone seeking refuge or just an increase in living standards.

The current debate, however, isn't against the message they want to put out there because that's a message a lot of Swedes agree with nowadays. The message that the politicians have put us in a ton of shit recently with the increasing crime wave spreading across Sweden and the rest of Europe. No, the debate is about wether or not NMR should be allowed to protest at all.

This is incredibly frightening to me since the message should always be free to put out there and anyone with a decent argument (or in NMR's case, any argument at all) should be able to put the case to rest. Because the NMR are a bunch of racist, socialist, angry white men (and some women) who holds ridiculous views. It shouldn't be this hard to shut them up with an open dialogue...

The problem, as I see it, are simply that there's no argument from the left anymore. Just the feels. Right now, they are attempting to shut down this and future demonstrations, which is protected by the Swedish constitution, by using the same old words such as "hatespeech", "racists", "nazis" and many others. It doesn't help! It just makes the part of the population who thinks the country's on the wrong path feel sympathetic towards the Nazis. It would, of course, also help if you (the politicians) didn't try to fuck up the country permanently at the same time, though, but one can't have it all, I guess.

Some people who claims to be experts have also made the suggestion to make the Tyr-rune from the old nordic rune-language illegal because it's become a symbol of Nazism and NMR. This sounds totally reasonably, right, I mean since the Swastika is banned and all? Making a character in a language (old, but still in use) illegal. It's like banning the character B since it stands for Bitcoin and it helps child-trafficers on the dark web continue their work.

We can't simply continue to ban everything that doesn't agree with us! It will come back and bite us in the rear at some point. We have to use our words to make sure these ideas don't spread. Make others see the ridiculousness in their words by explaining their faults, not simply silence them.

I also have to mention about tomorrow's demonstration that several thousand extreme leftists both national and international have promised to show up and wreak havoc on the Nazis (and probably the inner city of Gothenburg will see its fair share as well). But let's not talk too much about them...

This will be an incredibly interesting but very sad event.

Nordfront's (NMR) info page about the demonstration


If you don't have a perfect and strong law enforcement system, do not bring foreigners with other culture and other laws. Because they don't know the laws and the cultures of their new home, they often go into trouble.

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