Sweden 🇸🇪 votes ! I voted for first time in decades and first time by mail.

in #sweden6 years ago

Just voted from long-distance for first time in decades. I am Swedish but haven’t voted for years, I been living abroad since 2000. I’m moving back home now and I have a little daughter family and I’m getting more engaged.

This time it feels very compelling for me to vote. This election is very scary because of the winds starting to blow through Europe AGAIN .


I have been fortunate to have met some Holocaust survivors before they all pass to their ancestors and I need to do my part to keep my promise to them and not forget. I am not gonna say which way I lean politically but that my wish is that everybody should vote and really pick up a history book.
Visit the concentration camps, travel to a war zone ( safely) or refugee camp. Visit a catastrophe of starvation.

Our stories and experiences are all we have to make educated heartfelt emphatic decisions sometimes. Go out there get the experience see for yourself. Live, learn and share.

I’m immensely grateful for the experiences I have accumulated and I can share and for this platform.


Great job voting man! And welcome back home (I'm not living in Sweden at the moment, but longing to get back)! Eat some kalles kaviar for me 😎

I will with cheese ona sandwich

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