How to deal with excessive sweating?

in #sweat6 years ago

There are ten powerful ways to overcome excessive sweating.

  1. Use strong antiperspirants

If you use regular deodorant does not work to prevent excessive sweating, try using a stronger antiperspirant deodorant sold in pharmacies or drugstores. You can even get a special product that your doctor prescribes if you need a deodorant whose formula is more potent.

Make sure you always carry the antiperspirant in the bag. You also should not forget to wear them before bed. In the evening your sweat production is not as much in the daytime. That way, antiperspirant will be absorbed faster skin and sweat glands so the effect is more potent.

  1. Avoid spicy foods

Do you like to eat spicy food? We recommend starting now limit the consumption of spicy foods that can increase the production of excessive perspiration. Especially if you're nervous, stressed, or anxious.

  1. Wear a thin dress that absorbs sweat

Good for sleeping, traveling, or while exercising, make sure your clothes are made of ingredients that easily absorb sweat. For example clothes and pants from cotton. Try to choose clothes from 100% genuine cotton because of its ability to absorb sweat very well. Avoid clothing from synthetic or polyester materials that can not absorb moisture.

  1. Choose loose clothing

The tight clothes will make the body and skin difficult to "breathe". So, should choose clothes that fit or slightly loose in the body. Especially if you have to wear several layers of clothes.

  1. Wear socks

Your feet can also produce excessive sweating. As a result, the foot can be a bad odor. To overcome the excessive sweats and bad odor of the feet, make sure you wear socks from materials that absorb sweat when wearing a closed shoe.

Do not forget, you should not wear the same socks two days in a row. In addition, if your socks are already wet by sweat, such as exercise, immediately replace with a new one.

  1. Replace shoes every day

As much as possible, do not wear the same shoes for two or three days. Make sure your shoes have a "rest" and get a smooth air circulation for at least a day. That way, shoes that have been sweat from your feet will not be a nest of bacteria that causes unpleasant foot odor.

  1. Controlling stress

Stress can make you sweat more. Therefore, you must learn techniques to control stress and negative emotions. For example by way of meditation, yoga, enjoy the natural atmosphere, take a deep breath, or consult with a psychology therapist.

  1. Stop smoking

Smoking will force the body to work harder to remove various toxic substances such as nicotine. This will trigger sweat glands to continue to produce excessive sweating. So, quitting smoking is a very powerful way of overcoming sweat.

  1. Maintain ideal body weight

People who are overweight or obese will require more energy to move and move. As a result, body temperature will rise faster and you sweat more. Therefore, make sure you are easy to sweat to keep the weight remains ideal.

  1. Check with your doctor

If the various ways above do not manage to overcome the excessive sweating, you may need treatment from a doctor such as surgery, botox, or taking special medicines that have been prescribed for you.

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