Installing Swarm City Boardwalk
Hello World,
Recently I came across Swarm City -
The idea of rolling up my sleeves and playing around with their MVP (Minimum Viable Product), the Swarm City Boardwalk ( seemed very interesting to me. Since the sc-boardwalk github page assumed Node.js, NPM, Bower and Polymer were already installed, here is my step by step guide to getting you set up to using boardwalk.
Current Specs
Using VirtualBox, I installed Debian 9 (Stretch) as guest release June 2017 -
After installing I ran the following to be sure everything was up to date
> sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
Installing Node.js and NPM on Debian / Ubuntu
At first I was trying to clone different github locations, as well as compiling code from many sources. But that is not necessary, and also leads to much pain. The best thing to do is to always stick with package managers.
The 'required' Node.js repository for BoardWalk is not inherently within the Debian repository manager, so it needs to be updated. In addition, when you try and install, there are some old repositories that hang the process. That's why I have updated the repository first and then the removal of the unnecessary repositories.
> sudo apt-get-repository -y -r ppa:chris-lea/node.js
> sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chris-lea-node_js-*.list
> sudo apt-get update
Install Node.js 6.x - The Polymer FAQ states they only support 6.x and 7.x
> curl -sL -o
> sudo bash
Check Node.js is installed
> sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
> node -v # prints the version v0.6.11
With the installation of Node.js, NPM is installed by default. So now we are ready to install Polymer, and should have the minimum requirements to try out Boardwalk.
Install the Polymer-CLI
> sudo npm install -g polymer-cli
Install Bower
> sudo npm install -g bower
Install polyfills,
> bower install --save webcomponents/webcomponentsjs
Now you are ready to follow the steps on the Boardwalk Git Page
> git clone
> cd sc-boardwalk
> npm install
> bower install
> polymer serve
Then in another window:
> firefox
You should now see the same image that I posted at the top of this article.
Have fun,
Thanks for the good article