💛 “Your Heart Is A Seed” - Poetry for Steemit Vision Quest
Just as the remembrance of organic seeds is so vital to the survival of life on this planet, your remembrance of your heart as a seed of love is fundamental to the thrival of humanity. Each one of us must remember that we have the power inside of us to change everything in the light and healing of our open hearts.

Art by Vanja Vukelic of Merakilabbe
One of my favorite songs at the moment is Ayla Nereo’s song “Seeds.” I invite you to listen to this song as the soundtrack for the story and vision I will share with you.
Our lives will live in the gardens we've grown
Calling what's coming clear
Our will is held in the seeds we've sown
As light from the sun we can give
As rivers meeting can become one
Walk toward the call of this
And plant it deep for the ones to come
Grandmother Flordemayo, Mayan elder and part of the respected International Council of the Thirteen Grandmothers, was born under the Mayan sign of the seed and declared at a young age to be a “seer.” Part of her life’s work lays in being a “Seed Keeper.”
She was told by the Beloved Mother: “Make bundles [of seeds] for the children being born and gift these bundles to them. Remind the parents that they are to take care of the seeds the same way they would take care of their children.” In alignment with this message, her non-profit The Path has built a Seed Temple on their sacred land near Albuquerque, with the sole purpose to collect and protect organic and heritage food, flower, and medicinal seeds to be stored, saved, and shared with future generations.

Art by Vanja Vukelic of Merakilabbe
Every new moon, in over 80 countries, women gather with our sisters under the dark cloak of the new moon to weed inner gardens, so that we can plant seeds of intention for the next moon cycle. We do this in the name of love. We do this because we know that it is a radical act of self-love, peace, and hope for humanity to plant our seeds, tend and nourish them and have patience for them to grow.
What seeds will you be planting this new moon? The next new moon (May 15th) is in the sign of Taurus. As an earth sign, it is even more potent a time to tend to the soil of our inner beings and get clear about the intentions we have--for ourselves, our families, our communities--for the next 30 days.
We invite you to share with us in the comments below about the seeds you are planting.
Remember that even though you may not be able to see any evidence of growth above the ground yet, with time and tender care, these seeds will grow.
They will bloom...and change the world.

Art by Vanja Vukelic of Merakilabbe
Your Heart is a Seed
Replete with everything you need to blossom.
The stories you have been told about who you are,
Your not-enoughness,
Who you can become...
Are only dust, blown away by your growing awareness.
The waters of your emotions to flow through unimpeded,
The light of your courage to penetrate and warm the darkness,
The loving reflection from your sisters.
Allow your creativity to root inside your belly,
So that your stem and petals can reach all the way up to the expansive blue.
Let the world see your colors, magnificent and uniquely you,
So that the colibri and mariposa can feed their spirits from your nectar.
Let your mind become a vessel for the blooming of your soul,
And the fragrance of the wild will heal you.

Image Source
-Mexican proverb
From my seed-heart to yours,
Kat Lindsay, a.k.a. @wildfamily
Community Advocate of Global Sisterhood
Art by Vanja Vukelic of Merakilabbe. Music by Ayla Nereo. Poetry by @wildfamily.
We celebrate your Creative Spirit, and we appreciate your entry in Steemit Vision Quest.
this is so beautiful, yes we are seeds, I love your vision, it is similar to mine, thank you for creating this xxx
It is wonderful when we put our inner visions out into the world and receive reflections from others that it resonates! Thank you so much. It is my deepest mission to be a mirror that reminds the viewer of the beauty of their own heart's majesty.
Oh my, how fitting that the two of you get to know each other this way. Really happy we can all be mirrors together, holding onto that divine light.
How beautiful your words like seeds sown on my fertile mind and heart...I deeply wish I could be at Gathering for humanity event, but I am far away.
My favorite piece inspired by Ayla Nereo's song Whispers(she is such a Goddess) is a story I wrote: before this humanlife I was a Tree with a lifelong wish to dance...if you interested I can give you the link to that story to read. Many blessings to you and glad to find you on Steemit.
Hello dear sister! Your words touch my heart. I would love to read your story. I love stories, especially ones about trees. <3
aloha dear one,
my apology for my late reply.
Here's a list of the best post this far on Steemit for Nomvula the Greeninglady:
Enjoy and please comment on which one was the best one for you!
Organic love
Nomvula the Greeninglady from South Africa