Scrappy Yarn
What do I do with the little scraps of fiber sitting around the studio; when I have leftover fiber, bits and bobs, tufts from other projects? I can't make a full project, so sometimes I just combine down. I will either blend all the scraps together, which makes a muddy blend, or sometimes I'll spin scraps end to end. Each yarn is unique, a one of a kind creation. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes it ends up looking like clown barf and sometimes it looks like clown barf until you knit it up. The rush of not knowing.
Recently, while my mother-in-law was in the hospital, I brought all the different scrappy yarns I had on hand and made hats. Most of the hats I crocheted using a puff stitch. Something incredible happens every time. The color pops. All of a sudden, I've got a fashion piece.
It all starts out with scraps.
All photos and text property of @luthvarian
Ooooooo I love that hat!! grabby hands
Pretty cool hat and made from scraps too! Definitely a fashion statement.
This is the reason I try not to throw all my waste away! Waste from one project isn't the same as trash fiber.
The hats really are beautiful! I love that they are made from scraps! I am into reusing and recycling in a big way.