I just ended up on a survivalist marketing list with a strong Right Wingnut slant.
They asked for a reply email to confirm I was receiving their emails.
This was my reply:
For reference, I am a deep ecology (no car rides, no planes, minimum consumption, compost & recycle), anti-war, anti-gun, anti-corporate, big government, ultra-liberal with a background in compsec.
My ecological research indicates that we are headed for societal breakdown before 2030 due to climate change - fires, floods, storms, heat waves, cold waves, and droughts will cause global food and water shortage.
Since we now produce collectively around double the subsistence level of food, that is over 50% decline in food production. Flesh, fowl, and fish are going to go first as it take too much water and grain to raise livestock under those conditions, and the ocean is already getting fished to extinction - it is down 70% from the first global survey in 1898 and will not recover because we decimated the carnivorous whale populations, who were the keystone species of both land and sea. Already food on market shelves in the US has nutrient density reduced 75% - 100% so there is no healthy CorpoRat food - in fact, cash cropping is not sustainable.
Since all industrial activity creates more environmental damage than profits, there is NO Sustainable WAY TO GET RICH.
The long term survivors are going to be subsistence farmers who are agile and adaptable and can defend their plot of land.
This is why I ordered the Matei book, to optimize my use of knives in defending my crops.
I am already low on surveillance susceptibility - I do not have phone service, my house is 100% shielded wiring and I do not use wireless technology. I travel anonymously on foot, bus, and train. My laptop camera has black tape over it, and my webcams have privacy doors closed. My audio input is a USB interface with no microphones plugged in.
I believe that people who need to have an automatic weapon are mentally ill, and should have all their guns taken away permanently. Any tips you have on how to kill people carrying guns without using guns are much appreciated.