Steemit Prepper Chat...Survival Hygiene!!!

in #survival8 years ago


Hello Ladies and Gents. Let's talk about the importance of hygiene in a survival situation! I will go over some of the important areas on your body to keep clean! Keeping good hygiene habits in a suvival scenario is a very important part of both physical and mental health. This could directly effect you if you get an infection and don't take care of it! I hope this get the wheels turning and I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for watching. : )

TEOTWAWKI- The End Of The World As We Know It

GIF courtesy of @liberty-minded! Thank you!
@oilyshumblehome I'll keep tagging!: )
Badge credit goes to @daddykirbs. Thank you!

Semper Fidelis



Sommuch yes to this! I love how you cover topics a lot of prepped don't talk or forget about! Hygiene=Health. Easy peasy☺️

Thank you very much! Al of the prepper chat videos are super improv lol. I like to make it interesting for myself too! Lol. I will literally get in the Jeep after work and come up with a topic! It's like a brain exercise for me. And of course I always hope that it helps everyone watching! : ) Thank you so much!

Nothing wrong with that! Sometimes I wish I was a Vlogger as I want to be able to catch everything I am thinking to share with others haha
You do a great job :)

Well thank you so much! And you could be if you want to! : ) All it takes is a camera and a thought! I think you'd be good at it! : )

I do a live feed on Instagram about life, makeup, sex, health and advice but I feel so awkward if I actually recorded it and watched it over haha That's just me though lol

That's why I just post it before I watch it! Lol. Then once it is posted I just give it the oh well and see what happens. Haha. But if you go back and watch my first video ever; I was so nervous. Lol. But after that it just got easier for me! You can do it! I believe in you! : )

Not too promote myself, but here is my first video ever just so you can see the huge change! Lol.

Soooo many points you made here! Hygiene is one of those Non-Glamorous parts of prepping that often gets ignored yet most deaths during an shtf situation is typically due to hygiene/disease issues. They make pre-pasted toothbrushes that are small called wisps I believe. Excellent for EDC. Just wet and brush. We just did a chat on dental preparedness items to have. Again, one of the overlooked areas of prepping.

I sure am going to miss you! (sad)

Yea dental care kind of goes to the wayside. Most people don't think about it, but like I said a toothache can be crippling. And I will miss everyone. But I will post as much as I can. 😀

Definitely a toothache can be crippling. Like you said...You can think of nothing else except the pain and how can I stop it when a toothache is amped up. So painful. Toothaches and earaches are the worst.

I know it. That's why like I said in the video, I'm missing a tooth because it was just so painful I had to have it out! It's better now. Lol

Good video man! Something a lot of people don't think about in survival.

Thanks brother! I appreciate that. Keeping a clean body helps keep a clean mind!

Hell yeah it does! And now you got me thinking I need to get a tooth brush in my kit haha!

Lol. Yea me too. I made myself think about it. Haha. That's why I like doing these chat sessions. It gets my mind going too.

Great info! My wife is one of those crazy coupon ladies so we have enough hygeine products to last for years.

Well sir. I consider you a lucky man then. You can never have too much soap and hygiene products! 😀 And thank you very much brother!

Hygiene IS very important in a SHTF scenerio. I do not have a toothbrush in my vehicle but do have plastic flossers with a pick on one end, tp and baby wipes (wifes idea) among other things. Good video.

Yes sir. Keeping clean could mentally and physically keep you going. Thanks alot brother! 😀

We are RV full timers, and preppers, and one of the thing I am getting supplies for now are soap making materials. I know when things crash it could be worse than 1929 this I am thinking more long term. I will be able to make cleaning supplies for everything from tooth care to laundry and household.
Great video...thanks :) We keep baby wipes too, and coin towels

Now I am going to get a bunch of toothbrushes in with our storage too, I cannot believe I totally spaced them out!

That is awesome. Definitely a great plan. Why buy the stuff when you can make it? And I totally spaced the toothbrush thing too. Lol. Sometimes when I get to talking I make myself think of the stuff that I let slip through the cracks! Haha. But I am happy I could be of service to you. And I'm glad you liked the video. Thank you so much! 😀

Yes exactly, and then I can teach others who will need to know.

Haha, yeah it was perfect timing! I will follow you over on youtube too so I actually get notifications...

It's a good information circle here. Lol. I appreciate following me over on YouTube also. But I don't post public on YouTube anymore due to my love of Steemit. Lol. But if you would like. I can tag you in my posts here on steemit! I have no problem doing it at all. Maybe someday I will return public to YouTube but for now it's all about the steem. 😀

Yes, tag me please :) The notifications here never seem to be working...

You got it! : ) And yea I know when I first started here they used to work, but I don't know what happened. They may have changed something when they updated Steemit. : (

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