Let's See My EDC!!!

Ladies and Gents; today I will show you my EDC (Ever Day Carry). After over 50 videos, I realized that I have never actually showed you what I carry everyday! So I figured I would show you guys what I got! One of the items in this video was in a video by @countryprepper. His Altoids Tin EDC Video made me want to go out and buy this item! And I did! Lol. So a big thank you to him for the "bright" idea. Hint Hint! So let's dive into this video! Thank you Everyone! : )
Here is the post that I referenced for the $20 EDC Kit. This will show what's inside! : ) https://steemit.com/life/@teotwawkiman/usd10-and-usd20-everyday-carry-kits
TEOTWAWKI- The End Of The World As We Know It

Semper Fidelis
Great breakdown...really like the m&p shields too
Thanks brother! Yea. She's my little baby. 😀 I have a 1911 but the shield is just a nice little carry gun. Plus she still packs that .45 punch too.
two flash-lights??? that's a bit decandant ;) lol
btw, I've tested an empty BIC on a dandelion 'clock'. the flint sparks instantly ignited the flash-tinder 'clock' into flame. I was surprised but only really worthwhile knowledge while the dandelions have gone to seed lol.
Lol. I can blind the crap out of someone with two lights. Haha! But that is good to know about the dandelion! I have seen kits with a bic cut in half with just the flint half. It is a good thing to carry. Thank you brother! : )
Yeah, it's good to know an empty bic shouldn't be thrown away :)
Yes sir! I think I have about 30 lighters all over my house and car! Lol
Don't tell my wife but I brought a bulk load off ebay 3 years ago. +250 lighter ;)
They should be good barter items too I reckon.
So much yes to this post (as usual) I honestly need a good sturdy watch. I can't believe this is something I have been at a loss of. EEEK! Thank you for reminding me!
Of course. Never know when you'll need it. It's good to have around. Thank you so much. 😀
You definitely belong here! ;) Great EDC. I need to get me a watch! That is one thing I have been putting off as there are so many choices! Lol! I gotta get it done though!
And this concludes my catching up! Yay! At least until tomorrow. Haha!
It is hard to find a good watch but I like Casio alot. They're not too pricey and they hold up pretty well. And yay! I'm glad you caught up! 😀
Lol! Well it wasn't easy with Mr. Two Posts a Day! Haha! Just kidding! I love your posts! I will have to see about getting me a Casio then. I will take your word on it since I am not a watch connoisseur. Lol!
Lol. I had a Casio in Afghanistan and it took a beating. It ended up making it the whole year! : )
I have been thinking it's time to start pushing an EDC tag here on steemit. Done a couple posts in it myself. Hoping to see more EDC related content around.
I could definitely get down with that! Next time I make an EDC video I will throw that tag out there! : )
Great video!