Day 3
Day 3
Day 3: 5:15am Dec 12 - Tuesday
I can’t stop thinking about home and if they was hit and disable like I am right now. I wonder if it was an EMP and if so who is responsible? Russia, North Korea or Iran? Maybe all three or maybe it was some other country. I need to find a way to put this out of my mind before it drives me crazy!!!!
-22C outside. It’s going to be a cold day. I wonder how the rest of my camping team is doing. Jake was the first to leave camp almost an hour or more before I did. So he could be any where now as I am pretty sure he said he lives in Tompsonville. Tompsonville is about five hours east once you get on RR 217. Where I am heading west on RR 217 I am pretty sure I will never see him again.
So that leaves Tom which was ahead of me and Jeff which was ahead of Tom. I think Jeff left about 30 minutes before me but I really can’t remember. That would mean he might have made it to RR 217. If so I am not sure if he lives east or west. For that matter I don’t know if Tom lives east or west either. What a strange situation to be in. Camping with nine strangers, shooting guns and sleeping in the bush in the middle of winter with nine strangers. Now they are the only nine people that I know that might be some what prepared for what life just throw at us.
All this weight am packing and not being in the best shape has clearly taken its toll on me. I am so sore right now but I know I have to keep pushing on.
I wonder how my house is doing? I rent a room in a four bedroom house along with two guys and a girl. The rent is cheap but sometimes having all those people around drives me crazy. However, I would pay good money to have one of them here right now!
Speaking of money I counted mine today. I have $225.00 in small bills and four pre-1900’s Morgan’s and 10 - 1 ounce silver rounds on me. I wonder which has more value right now? Silver or paper or a wood stove? I bet the people in the cities are having a tough time of it. -20C would be deadly especially to the young, old and sick.
I made sure when I set camp last night it would be easy to see me because I didn’t want any of my fellow campers to walk by me. But I think it might be better to start setting up camp a bit deeper into the bush. After all I don’t really know them and they know what I know about this current situation. Which means that if they wanted what I have they might decide to take it. Better be safe than sorry.
I hope to see some game today as I need more food. A nice Rabbit or partridge would be amazing right now. I will keep a ten round mag handy for the Ruger 10/22 in case I see something. Or someone.
This is a daily fictional journal of events that started December 10, 2017. Enjoy and thanks from your support and comments. I plan on writing a entry everyday if possible.
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