RE: House Passes Bill Allowing Government to Microchip Citizens with “Mental Disabilities”
When we are at the subject .. And this is a messed up one.
First .. The WTC plaza (all 7 buildings) was leased by Larry Silverstein on a 100 year leasing contract signed in July 2001, leasing .. Which mean that he ain't own the buildings and can therefor only use them.. Not rebuild them externally.
They were knocked down in a terrorist attack which no one could foresee in September 2001.
Still, he started to design the new WTC in April 2000 !!!
Thats 14 months BEFORE the contract was signed, i.e he had nothing to do with them at that time .. And it was 17 months BEFORE these terrorists knocked them down. (!!!!)
And if thats not enough ... The new WTC was financed by insurance money in those plans ... 17 months before ANYONE knew there would be any insurance payment ... Since no one knew they would be knocked down .... From an insurance that didn't exist yet ...........
Connect THESE dots .......