it's only a step away
its amazing how many people do tutes on wordpress if you know how simple it is to make a blank server install do whatever dafuk you want without digging
but well
its euhm
well in the screenshots i guess, alas , until one of the things pays enough for at least its own hosting and a machine here that runs on more than a celeron and a multimediaboard i'm afraid cloudflare-san will have to help me with some rules to prevent any api's from being used to overload
the curse of the bum who can only speak for himself i'm afraid
i don't know ....
another blender render or another "this is what real people do like cleaning and stuff ?"
cos im done with six page essays for ten cents ... truly
mh no just playing
with it , i just , this will be buying tickets and returning profits in the end
for all involved i hope
i like things i can add some variables to
but still custom
as much as possible
if i can run it from a €125 pc
it should work on a Xeon node
hey if it was easy, everyone would do it! :)))))