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RE: Support minnows , Date 19.6.2018 promote content on Steemit
Hello, @yoo1900. Tasteem, a platform for restaurant reviews, is finally open. We run review contests, and reward our participants with upvotes as well as the SBD from our posts. We are aware of your awesome activities here on Steemit, and would like to invite you to participate! If you resteem our post announcing the official launch of Tasteem, we’ll show our appreciation by upvoting your post. If you could write a review on Tasteem, even better!
Wishing you and Steemit all the best, Tasteem
Avoid from this caterpillar, see how the body shape more clearly. this is the link.
Hi @yoo1900, this is my first experience with my friend when I saw the ghost, this ghost is not a real ghost, but it looks very scary. We enjoyed her. 😂
Unique banana plant, although the stem is dead but this plant can produce fruit, magic and very interesting.
Very many unique stones if we want to go to the river, and this stone is perfect in make the eye of the ring so very interesting and beautiful
The most unique transportation in the world with unregulated passengers, unique and very interesting picture already spread all asian tim sukse future. thank you my friend want to join
betel leaf is very beneficial for our body
Pests and plants. The existence of foreign organisms in the planting area is not always harmful to plants. There are times when the organism is useful and beneficial to the plant itself. But the ladybug - which has become a pest icon in some places - includes plant pest organisms. When we are in the planting area, ladybug will always dodge and hide. Although the hiding place is only a very small branch. Let's look at ladybug behavior.
Congrats to all winners
Look at me @yoo1900, here :
it turns out the history of aceh bloody conflict, can still be demonstrated by the children and grandchildren of Aceh. how it happened. see if my link.
If our heart is happy, then any work will be very light in the work, but if the heart is angry and in the household always quarrels with wife and children do not obey the rules, then whatever we do will be heavy even though cotton lifted.
Creating togetherness to achieve happiness is a difficult thing, we do it and succeed. how it happened. this is my link.
Hi @yoo1900, this is my first experience with my friend when I saw the ghost, this ghost is not a real ghost, but it looks very scary. We enjoyed her. 😂

Hi @yoo1900, this is my activity on this crazy night, I just do a job rarely done by others, climbing mango with a long bamboo piece in hand. Dangerous but this is my choice. I hope you can see the post without plagiarizing.
Food that is suitable to enjoy when it rains, delicious and very delicious
Well @yoo1900, I accept whatever you decide, but I will continue to participate here, every day in every your post
Hi @yoo1900

Here my daily participations today, as my promise with you :
@yoo1900 this place amazing for to camping, Please visit my post
When young and rich we are very many friends, but when old and poor we no longer have friends, then smart looking for true friends because the true friends will always accompany us to old.
Hi @yoo1900, this is my craft that I often show here, many of my handicrafts have been sold with varying prices, I re-create miniature resting place of some small choice wood. Hope you like it, and want to see it.
DOES FRUIT JUICE IS HEALTHY? Every one of us believes that consuming the fruit must be healthy. But we rarely pay attention to the procedure of manufacture and presentation. Usually fruit juice is made by adding more sugar and milk. In fact, added sugar can increase the consumption of sugar for the body. So that the addition of sugar can affect the health of the juice connoisseur. At least the level of sugar in the body will increase. What is your opinion?
Unique banana plant, although the stem is dead but this plant can produce fruit, magic and very interesting.
Chinese made it is good, but the quality is very ugly, then the candy just is not liked by the ants because the sweet is not from sugar but sweet it is made up
Congrats to the winner:
Hi @yoo1900, see how the children in Indonesia to go to school, they have to bet their lives against river flow.
LET'S DRINK LOCAL FRUIT juice. In recent days the atmosphere in Aceh, Sumatra is quite hot. Hot temperature conditions that make us always sweaty and stifling followed by a sense of thirst. So we should drink a lot of water, not one too if we drink local fruit juice. Mango fruit juice added ice cubes. Cold and refreshing. Trust me.
Honey bees have long been well known to humans. Honey bees have been widely used since the time of the Prophet. Even during the kingdom in Indonesia, honey became one of the mainstay of healthy drinks in the archipelago.