Daily price of Bitcoin, SBD, STEEM and SuperiorCoin for 17th February 2018
Price Today
BTC USD (CoinMarketCap) = $10,777.30
SUP BTC (BTC Alpha) = 0.00000100
SUP USD (BTC Alpha) = $0.0108
SUP BTC (SouthXchange) = 0.00000087
SUP USD (SouthXchange) = $0.0094
SUP BTC (Stocks.exchange) = 0.00000085
SUP USD (Stocks.exchange) = $0.0092
SBD USD (CoinMarketCap) = $5.63
STEEM USD (CoinMarketCap) = $4.55
Price Yesterday
BTC USD (CoinMarketCap) = $9,867.16
SUP BTC (BTC Alpha) = 0.00000099
SUP USD (BTC Alpha) = $0.0098
SUP BTC (SouthXchange) = 0.00000097
SUP USD (SouthXchange) = $0.0096
SUP BTC (Stocks.exchange) = 0.00000071
SUP USD (Stocks.exchange) = $0.0070
SBD USD (CoinMarketCap) = $5.55
STEEM USD (CoinMarketCap) = $4.39
Daily Steemit Faucet post for 17th February 2018
Up, up, up, up, up
Thanks for sharing friend, happy week
SBD is going up for sure..
The price of SBD is stable now at $5 and it's slowly going up. :) Slowly but surely.
Good news @sydesjokes 🙌
I like that the price is 5, but if it rises more I do not bother!
Se está manteniendo en 5, eso es muy bueno! Con tal no baje más de alli!
I just detected an error in your post @SydesJokes :

Move/Remove comma $10 777.30 LOL @elex17 you spotted that quick