Sun gazing: the magic of the sun

in #sungazing6 years ago

So after I posted my last blog about the harmful effects of artificial light I got to thinking about all the positive effects of the sun. Actually to be more specific the benefits of sun gazing. My sensational husband taught me about this many many years ago. It's basically just staring straight at the sun during sunrise and sunset. Easy enough right!? Just start out looking for a few seconds and increase your gaze each day, little by little. There is a fantastic documentary called Eat the Sun all about it that I highly recommend everyone go watch.


The sun is the source of all life and regularly gazing into its rays has tons of health benefits. To start it increases energy levels. Score! This is most likely due to increased hormone levels. You see sun gazing increases the size of the pineal gland which is responsible for the production of melatonin and serotonin thus boosting our production of these lovely feel good hormones. Cool right!? A brain scan of a sun gazing man in his 70s showed that not only did his pineal gland not shrink, which is normally what happens as we age, but it was 3 times bigger than that of an average man.


This awesome daily practice also promotes weight loss. People report that while regularly sun gazing their mental and physical bodies felt nourished by the sun, thus leaving them eating less and having excess weight fall off effortlessly. Yassss! In the movie Eat the Sun a man featured talks about how the sun has nourished him so much that he has not eaten anything for 8 years! Wowzas! Now while I love food too much to want to stop eating, major foodie here, loosing a few pounds is always a plus.


The last thing I want to mention is a big one. A big one that I have personally witnessed. It improves eye sight. My husband and myself used to wear glasses and while I have not fully fixed my sight he has! He says he sees better now than ever before! Oh I will also add I haven't been a consistent sun gazer. Eeeeek! Consistency has always been one of my biggest weakness, so that is probably why my vision has never been corrected fully. Though there's no better time to start again then now. So here we go! Time to look at the sun!

Big thank you to @kenistyles for improving my health and my life by being part of it! Oh and all the pictures were taken by Keni during sun gazing sessions all around the world. 🌞


I love this gentle, positive look at the LIGHT which fuels, feeds and inspires us all!! Needing some Chiang Mai SUN today!! :)

It's funny how I chose this dreary day to post about sun gazing! Especially seeing as how I'm enjoying the fresh coolness of the rain so much but definitely looking forward to tom to get out in the sunshine!

Love and light is much more than a cheesy new-age slogan! Sweet and simply expressed post love, there's also the in-depth aspects of genetic restructuring and cerebral rewiring and efficiency boosting aspects that well.. as you know can be a bit much to "ground" for some that don't have the incredible patience that you have haha!

What I love most is that you speak to those who have long given up on listening to me.. with this I am so very appreciative of you and the team we be with Mr Kai as captain of our light ship! ☀️✨

Thanx babe. Yea I guess I just simplified and left some of those more intricate elements out. I guess there's always room for a part 2 🤷‍♀️

I just got back to CM after 3 months of travelling. I know we need the rain, and it's keeping everything cool....but I want the SUN!!!!

This is wonderful, I really do love being out in the sun, i do not always get to see the sunrise, but I usually try and catch the sunset, My eyesight is not the best so I will definitely be giving sun gazing more attention. Thank you @iamjamie for this lovely post xx

Our eyes are essentially the filters we see through, physically and energetically as our perception shapes our reality. One thing Jamie forgot to mention was the cleaning up of our food intake also massively contributed to our vision correction. I was -2 left and -4 right eye that had been mistakenly diagnosed as a boxing injury that essentially ended my career.

Cleansing the entire system, all the organs that contribute to our well-being, the blood that flows through the eyes, this all helps. High water-content alkaline whole foods are as important to better vision as they too are captured sunlight. 💖

thanks so much @kenistyles for this great information, you should write a post about it, I would love to read it xx

Thanks to you also, I will do. I've some vlogs about my experiences though I'm currently re-upping since being censored by YouTube. I'm committed to chronological accuracy though, so I'll have to drop you a message once it's up lol. No point sharing a transformation without revealing full process eh? 😅

cheers let me know for sure x

Thanx for stopping by and leaving your lovely comment! I too have always had a hard time with getting up to see the sunrise but the sunset is easy and beautiful so it's hard to find a reason not to! Glad you enjoyed the post and yes @kenistyles is right there are a lot of other elements that also go into eye health but I guess those could be addressed in another more eye sight specific post 😊 Good ideas for future posts. Lots of love to you!

Here's the trailer for the movie Jamie mentioned.

YESSSSS! This is it! Awwww! Thanx for finding it and adding it to the comments! You are the best! 😍

Beautiful light - I'm already looking forward to spring and winter has just begun here, where i get hungry for LIGHT!!! A few weeks before midwinter...

A lovely and cheery post!! xxx

Wow! Winter just started!? Where are you!? Glad you enjoyed it! Thanx for stopping by! Sending you loads of love and buckets of sunshine! 😘

I'm in Australia.... it's not as cold as it usually is but this week is looking fairly moody and grey! We had had a gorgeous Autumn of AMAZING sunlight and warm shadows though...

Autumn sounds lovely! Too bad winter is so grey. I guess you will really appreciate spring when it come. Stay warm!

Just remember not to look directly into the sun once it has risen above a certain point. The sun is amazing and all but it's also a giant ball of incredible energy and it will damage your retina.

That being said, I recently watched an interesting documentary about several studies exploring the connection between the exposure to sunlight and eyesight. It showed that the less time children spend outside in daylight the more likely they are to develop myopia. Researcher linked the rising numbers of children who need glasses to how they spend a lot more time inside, and even though artificial light often seems very bright it's not even close to daylight (even when it's overcast!). They recommended that in school at least 2 hours per day should be scheduled for outside activity and classrooms need big windows to let in sufficient daylight. (I'd give a link to the source, but the documentary is in german ┐(´-`)┌ )

Interesting stuff! The sun is so incredible! Thanx for sharing your thoughts and knowledge with me! Lots of love!

Great post and beautiful photos! I will definitely have to check out Eat the Sun....
I remember when I was young, I was always told not to look directly at the sun, so I found all this information very interesting.

I was just spending some time on Koh Phangan, and every time I made it out to the beach to watch the sunset I could feel layers of stress melting away. It really is some of the best medicine.

And, so cool to hear about the eye sight thing! I have very bad eyesight, so I love hearing about new ways to help improve it.

Good one!

I agree completely! It definitely melts all the yuckies away! And yes I too was told not to look at the sun but then I was also told a lot of things that turned out to be so very wrong. Not that these people were intentionally telling us falsities, we are all doing our best after all. Hope you enjoy your light medicine and heal your sight! Can't wait to hear how it goes a year from now! 😘

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