A SudokuChess Match Simulation of the Greatest Game

in #sudoku2 years ago

A SudokuChess Match

This post represents a simulation of the greatest chess game played by Donald Byrne and Bobby Fischer in 1956. This is Shockeftmedia's attempt to answer a question presented by Max Keiser in the very first Keiser Report. That question pertained to the 2008 housing crisis. Max wanted to know what the American people would say in ten years. The question was: How did we, the American people, allow the banksters to take over the country? That is what this simulation intends to answer. Let us proceed.

Black Royalty and Power

  1. John Brennan BQR a8
  2. Robert Mueller BQN b8
  3. James Clapper BQB c8
  4. Michelle Obama BQ d8
  5. Barack Obama BK e8
  6. Don Lemon BKB f8
  7. Joe Biden BKN g8
  8. James Comey BKR h8


Black Pawns

  1. Chuck Schumer BQRP a7
  2. Adam Schiff BQNP b7
  3. Nancy Pelosi BQBP c7
  4. Oprah Winfrey BQP d7
  5. Larry Summers BKP e7
  6. Cuomo BKBP f7
  7. Joe Rogan BKNP g7
  8. Anthony Fauci h7

White Pawns

  1. Robert Kyosaki WQRP a2
  2. Jeff Rense WQNP b2
  3. Greg HunterWQBP c2
  4. Tyla Gabriel WQP d2
  5. Douglas Gabriel WKP e2
  6. X22 Report WKBP f2
  7. SGT Report WKNP g2
  8. Marfoogle News WKRP h2

White Royalty and Power

  1. Dan Lok WQR a1
  2. Alex Jones WQN b1
  3. Gerald CelenteWQB c1
  4. Stacey Herbert WQ d1
  5. Max Keiser WK e1
  6. Kirk Pendergrass WKB f1
  7. Anna Von Reitz WKN g1
  8. Matt Barnes WKR h1


The Opening
"know what a fianchetto is, some openings that the fianchetto is used in, how a fianchettoed bishop can be used actively, and how to identify some tactics that can occur using a fianchettoed bishop"


1 2
55 45

The first move in a chess game can be a knight or a pawn. In the game of chess, the pawn is a weak individual who gets to move first if chosen by the mover and his objective is to get to the end of the board and get promoted. The second option to start a game in the opening is the knight, who has the ability to jump over other pieces. So he's able to move also in the opening move. So we have Anna Von Reitz representing the white king's knight. Then we have Joe Biden representing the black king's knight and they moved first to kick off this game. Who are these people.
We have the American States assembly


fighting the United States incorporated. We have a former vice President of the United States incorporated who, through malfeasance, became the CEO of United States incorporated.



c4 g6

WQBP GHunter
46 56
##we have original alt-right media Greg Hunter##


being challenged by newcomer alright media

the newcomers in the alt right media
Joe Rogan

don't seem to have a clue at this point of our game.


WQNc3 Alex Jones
BKB g6 Don Lemon


So here we are about to observe the fianchetto king's defense being setup by the black side. There is a more definite emphasis on defense by black. Knowing the end where Brennan checkmates Max Keiser, let's analyze the fianchetto defense and how it relates to the Brennan checkmate.


The Players

Anna Von Reitz, the White King's Knight, starts the game off. Black matches with Joe Biden acting as Obama's Black Knight.

Greg Hunter, a former main stream news anchor turned podcaster, is the White Queen's Bishop's Pawn is the first pawn to move. Black moves a pawn as well. Joe Rogan, Professional wrestler turned podcaster acts as a counterbalance to the alt-right attack.

Alex jone is the White Queen's Knight. He moves to back up Greg Hunter. Don Lemon represents Obama's Black Bishop. He is the bio nano robot of this chess match. He is the lynch pin for the fianchetto defense.

White pushes its second pawn, Tyla Gabriel in a big move to d4. Black completes the fianchetto defense opening by castling Obama BK and Comey BKR
Now the fianchetto defense is set for Black on the King's side. On the other side white is in no position to castle. All of white's moves are under the surveillance of the strong fianchetto formation of the black king.

WQB Gerald Celente moves to f4
BQP Oprah Winfrey makes a big move to d5 to threaten WQBP Greg Hunter at c4.
The WQ Stacey Herbert moves to b3
BQP Oprah Winfrey eliminates WQBP Greg Hunter
WQ Stacey Herbert eliminates BQP Oprah Winfrey.
BQBP Nancy Pelosi moves into a defensive formation to c6
WKP Douglass Gabriel makes a big move to e4

The takedown of Alex Jones

  1. BQN Mueller fronts the Black Queen M. Obama d7
  2. WQR Dan Lok moves close to Max Keiser WK d1
  3. BQN Mueller moves to threaten WQ Stacey Herbert b6
  4. WQ Stacey Herbert moves into enemy territory out of BQN threat. c5
  5. BQB moves to threaten WKN Anna Von Reitz g4
  6. WQB Gerald Celente moves to threaten BKN Joe Biden g5
  7. BQN Mueller moves to threaten WQ Stacey Herbert a4
  8. WQ Stacey Herbert retreats to a3
  9. BQN takes down Alex Jones c3



BQRc2#Brennan talks to CFR about stratospheric aerosol injections
WKc1 Max and Rt banned in Amerikkka.
B?Nc3 Biden, Eukraine, Russia
WKd1 Max comes home from El Salvador.

So our goal is to analyze the end game from the fianchetto perspective of the two pawns that did not move during the entire game. These two will become the kings of the subsequent battle based off their analysis of the Brennan checkmate.

The SGT Report cross referenced with Cuomo will focus on the concept of vaccine injury.

How does an effective KkkonzPiracy Theorem model this situation to make it integrate with bio nano robots. Here we will introduce the King's Bishop to be Bio Nano Robot that reflects the fianchetto Signal sensor dynamics. That Bishop turns out to be Don Lemon.
The Queen's Bishop will represent the Rothschild/Illuminati/Catholic
War, Law, Education
Executive Legislative Judicial
Municipal County State Federal
local national regional global. This is James Clapper who made contradictory statements to Congress about unwarranted mass surveillance of the American people.

So well use our Bishop Larry Gaiters analysis of Kanye West to understand how black history has been altered for the purposes of obfuscating the work of the global eugenOcystz. The human experimentation is still being ignored mainly because the initial test subjects are black people.
Vocabulary to start with
These two words offer a hopeful solution because of the relationship with spectrography. The ability to look at things from a microscopic point of view. The manipulators have that capacity to find the needle in the haystack. This ability allows for full spectrum dominance of all living organisms on all scales from nano to macro levels.



Right here is where we have the killer of Alex Jones character according tothe Greatest Chess game. That killer turns out to be Robert Mueller. This scenario illuatrates how the Amerikkkan injustice system shut down the alt right media with lawsuit.
Hillary Killinton attempts to defame Jones by claiming that Alex Jones said that 911 and Sandy Hook was a hoax. Jones was one of the first dominos to fall in the alt right media space. In this scenario, the RNB BQB James Clapper comes out to menace WKN AVR. As you can see, the White king is unable to match Black's defensive formation. So BQN Mueller turns out to be carefully planned to take out the alt right's most prolific whistleblower, WQN Alex Jones.

Before Jones was taken down, Mueller had his sights on every piece on the White Queen's quadrant. Mueller had just forced Stacey WQ to retreat back to her own quadrant. From the White King's perspective, a squeeze play was in effect. After the takedown of Jones, WQNP Jeff Rense takes out Robert Mueller BQN











Now that WQN Alex Jones has been eliminated, BQN Robert Mueller gets axed by WQNP Jeff Rense at c3.
At this point in the game, Black and White have each lost a pawn and a knight. The difference is that the Black King has castled and the Black Queen remains in the royal court , both safe for the moment. On the opposite side, the White Queen has been exposed to to the enemy and is becoming a non factor while the White King never gets an opportunity to castle. So the fianchetto defense has allowed the Black King to operate with less movement while the White team makes moves that produce no advantages and continues to leave the royal family vulnerable. Mueller has performed a kamikaze on Alex Jones that severely cripples the alt right media. As the lesser podcasters for White move in to fill the void, the Black team is now ready to begin its middle game strategy. This turns out to be a cunning reverse psychology stunt.
After WQNP Jeff Rense avenges WQN AlexJones by eliminating BQN Robert Mueller, the Black team launches a new offensive with BKN Joe Biden, who kills WKP Douglass Gabriel at e4.
WQB Gerald Celente takes out government fixture BKP Larry Summers. The BK Michelle comes out of the house to occupy b6.
WKB Kirk Pendergrass leaves to occupy c4. BKN Joe Biden takes out WQNP Jeff Rense at c3.
WQB Gerald Celente moves to c5.
WKR James Comey moves to f8 and checks the White King Max Keiser.
The Black team has reached the White King. The White Queen's quadrant is in a shambles now that the top White alt right podcasters were taken out by the Black knights. Black is in the end game while the White King must now run for his life. Let's examine how Black does it.
First, the White King Max Keiser moves out of check to f1.
The Black team comes with a clever move. The BQB James Clapper moves to b6 which sacrifices the Black Queen but threatens WKB Kirk Pendergrass.
WQB Gerald Celente executes the BQ Michelle Obama at b6.
BQB smashes WKB Kirk Pendergrass at c4 and checks the WK Max Keiser. Here is where the dance begins.
The WK Max Keiser moves to g1.
The BKN Joe Biden jumps to e2 to check WK Max Keiser.
WK Max Keiser moves back to f1
BKN Joe Biden takes out WQNP Jeff Rense and leaves WK Max Keiser in check once again.
WK Max Keiser goes back to g1.
Again BKN Joe Biden checks WK Max Keiser by moving back to e2.
The WK Max Keiser goes back to f1.
BKN Joe Biden checks WK Max Keiser by moving to c3.
The WK Max Keiser moves back to g1.
BQRP Chuck Schumer executes WQB Gerald Celente at b6.
WQ Stacey Herbert moves to b4.
BQR John Brennan invades a4 to threaten WQ Stacey Herbert.
WQ Stacey Herbert takes out BQRP Chuck Schumer at b6.
BKN Joe Biden takes out WQR at d1.
WKRP Marfoogle makes a small move to h3
BQR John Brennan completes the destruction of the WK quadrant by terminating the WQRP Robert Kyosaki at a2.
WK Max Keiser hides at h2.
BKN Joe Biden terminates WKBP X22, a white team fixture, at f2.
WQR Dan Lok moves to e1.
BKR James Comey kills WQR Dan Lok at e1
WQ Stacey Herbert moves to d8 with a weak check of BK Barack Obama. Bio nano robot BKB Don Lemon moves to protect the BK Barack Obama at f8.
WKN Anna Von Reitz executes BKR James Comey at e1.
The chinese rnb BQB James Clapper moves to d5.
WKN Anna Von Reitz moves to f3.
BKN Joe Biden moves to e4.
WQ Stacey Herbert moves to b1 to threaten WQNP Adam Schiff.
WQNP Adam Schiff makes a big move to b5
WKRP Marfoogle moves to h4.
BKRP Anthony Fauci makes a big move to h5.
WKN Anna Von Reitz moves to e5.
BK Barack Obama moves to g7.
WK Max Keiser moves back to g1.
BKB Don Lemon moves to check WK Max Keiser at c5.
WK Max Keiser move to f1 again.
BKN Joe Biden checks the WK Max Keiser by moving to g3.
WK Max Keiser goes back to e1.
Bio nano robot BKB Don Lemon goes to b4 to check WK Max Keiser.
WK Max Keiser goes to d1.
Rnb BQB James Clapper moves to b3 to check WK Max Keiser.
WK Max Keiser moves to c1.
BKN Joe Biden moves to check WK Max Keiser at e2.
WK Max Keiser moves to b1.
BKN Joe Biden checks WK Max Keiser by moving to c3.
WK Max Keiser moves back to C1.
BQR John Brennan moves in for the kill at c3. Rc3#
Check mate

So in this simulation, it appears that the superior surveillance system was able to shut down the alt right media. The black team had superior defenses while white arrogantly made big moves that were inneffective. The black team showed more cunning and saavy and forced the white power structure to move in an unorganized fashion. Once black had its sight set on the white king, black began to apply unrelenting pressure upon the less protected white king. While the white queen moved around the board with no clear objective, the black queen and her pawn were sacrificed to cloak the black teams strategic defense. Once accomplished, the white king was easy pickings as the black powers attacked the white king from all angles unti finally the checkmate was inevitable.

Now, Shockeftmedia must reverse engineer this simulation and analyze each move. Once completed, we can simulate the same game from the opposite perspective using the two pieces mentioned earlier that never moved. We can then develop a fianchetto for the alt right.

Thank you for your time and patience


Brennan checkmates at c2 not c3

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