Reducing just 3% of weight has several health benefits
The health benefits start with just a 3% weight reduction; to understand
Losing weight, even if it is very little, already means significant in health indicators. This is what recent studies show. For example, 3% weight loss is associated with benefits such as reduced glucose levels. Authors have even written that this weight claim may be associated with a lower likelihood of some complications from infectious diseases, including Covid-19.
Only 1% weight reduction, a weight drop from just 00kg to 95kg, already with greater risks of decline, such as increased HDL (the “good”), lower depression, increased trends in trends and improved fertility .
A 7% weight loss has been associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Data from a US Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) study show that every pound lost was associated with a nearly 16% reduction in weight loss. diabetes risk.
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3% loss: lower risk of complications or infectious diseases, such as Covid-19;
5% loss: 20% to 30% reduction in blood pressure, improvement in good HDL cholesterol), lower risk of depression, improves fertility;
7% loss: 15% reduction in the risk of developing diabetes for each kilo lost from this parameter;
10% loss: 2% drop in risk of developing metabolic syndrome, which is associated with heart problems, stroke and diabetes.
15% loss: Up to 86% remission of type 2 diabetes.
Weight loss of more than 10% has important effects in increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. An 11% weight loss was associated with an almost 23% drop in intra-abdominal adipose tissue, meaning that weight loss has a positive effect on ectopic fat gain, which is associated with atherosclerosis. The UK study D, respectively, was done by universities, 7% and 15%, caused by a remission of type 2 diabetes in 5% and 86%, respectively.
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In terms of aesthetics, a reduction from 5% to 15% may have no more visual impact, but it can create an already large aesthetic effect of measurements, especially in terms of abdominal aesthetics.
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