What's your PURPOSE on Steemit

in #success7 years ago (edited)

Most of us know why did we start Steemit, but do we all know what's our purpose here and what our goals are? It's best to start by yourself so I'll tell you my side.


I've started Steemit because I've seen on my friend's example that you can earn money writing any content you want and I liked that type of freedom to share my thoughts and opinion. Steemit literally gives possibility to people to read and reward my idea and my content.

Steemit, as a platform and community, is 90% business and 10% of social network. Despite the majority of Steemit consits of business, warmth and respect of people I'm surrounded with, especially from Balkan Steemit Alliance with @ivan.atman on the top and initiative of @dobartim with his @steemitschool, attracted me the most.
I liked how everyone here is spreading positivity and are so helpful, I'd never imagine. Most of people here revealed and shared their tricks and "secrets" about better progress and gave me motivation to write better and better.

I'd say to all that are here exclusively because of money, it's wrong approach and you will easily lose motivation when you see your few posts with low price on it.
Write from your heart. Post about stuff what you love, in which you have an interest.

"Only the energy of love has power to launch a wave of support."

You have to set your aim, your goal, what will you do when you achieve your goal(s).
But first of all, I warmly suggest you to determine what you goal is?
The key question is: Why are you here and why are you doing this?

Let that inspiration and love to the content you're typing take you away and carry you on the wings of success. Have clear vision and with enthusiasm and faith build your future and ideals.
And never forget to carry your emotion with you, always.


We all know that feeling of release and pleasure at the moment we're done with a post in which we invested our time and effort. Without an emotion there's rarely the top content, believe me, and the pleasure without the effort is not the same. That's what should be your inner initiator, a smoldering fire in you.

Sometimes the material reward on the post won't be as nice as you thought it will be, that happened to me many times. But that's okay! You've built yourself, your brain processed information and the brain is muscle as every other. So you have to build it too to be strong :)
Life is such that many times, even though you have been struggling, but dedication & discipline without giving up is the only way and the only stairs to the top and success! Believe in yourself!

Although, when writing a post, try to evoke an emotion in your potential reader and try to inspire the audience. That's the key. Of course, it's not possible every time, neither I do that every time, but people can notice a real effort and good effort always points out.


Do what you love and for your soul and you'll be rewarded - maybe not always material, but that what's inside means much more. Bring together the right people around you with a real content.
Go explore things and be active. Learn new stuff.

For the and I'll tell you my goals in few lines and why I'm here on Steemit:

  • I'm a student of IT design and I want to start learning 3D modelling and animation, but that requires a bit better hardware (PC). I've already started something in Cinema 4D and Adobe Maya but just at college and a bit at home of Sony Vegas Pro (video editing software)

  • To improve myself and to educate, better than wasting time online.

  • To improve my English and my mother tongue both vocabulary and grammar. That will surely help me in further development, business and communication.

  • It's also nice to hang out with all these people on Steemit and meet new people.

  • In the end, to help my parents financially. However, after all the years it would be nice return the part to someone who gave you everything in their life 💚

Find your emotion and goal. Be positive and write about stuff you like and know and everything will go as it should. -@tonac :D


Since I'm an artist this seemed like a good opportunity to get some publicity and to simply get motivated through other peoples stories, experiences and of course blogs and comments.
Presumably because Steemit is in its early days there's a lot of non toxic members of the community and that might also be a reason why I am here. It seems like a good place to get a little bit of distance from usual facebook / youtube / instagram posts and communities in general.
Considering the money or the business side of Steemit, to me it's more as a motivation to open up and share my stories and emotions with the rest of the community. It's a good bonus at the end of the day :)

I've seen your work and you have a great potential on this community. Your talent and creativity have its place here. Good luck and if you ever need a question I'm here for you.

I have a few reasons, why I'm on Steemit.

  • I want to learn about #cryptocurrency without having to invest a ton of USD to get in.

  • I'm always looking for a new community to learn from and meet.

  • I'm wanting to sharpen my social media skills, in hopes of getting a job with a decent brand in Los Angeles.

  • I've got a lot of free time, these days, so I figured I would start learning about cryptocurrencies and see what kinds of thing are out there for me. Social media is something I enjoy and the concept of monetizing my content is appealing.

Man I'd give you 100% of my upvote if it was $50. Thanks for a nice constructive comment, you have a great future with plans like this. I wish you best luck on Steemit and with finding a job :)

The monetary amounts on these posts I ignore. I don't believe any of it. Thank for the kind words.

I'm a newbie here so I learn much from your post. Thank you for sharing!

Very motivational post i like this

A great post, I can see it's written from the heart. I'm sure you will achieve all your listed goals. Pozdrav :)

Thank you! I hope so too :) 👋

Aah What an amazing post.Thank you for motivating people. 💖 The best vibes for you.

Thank you! It's the best for us to grow up this community together and raise the value :)

This is a sincere post, and your goals are noble and worthy. To improve ourselves and maybe to discover something new about us should be everyone's goal here. I myself try to get in touch with some parts of me that I usually don't have the chance in real world, like fiction writing. And I feel like Steemit is doing good to me, it is developing me.

Yup that's right what I've experienced since I'm here. I'm looking and writing about stuff I don't usually spend time thinking of and this is so great to growth your inner-self.

MyPURPOSE here on steemit is share my knowledge about foraging and homestead.

Sounds great and sounds like a plan for contest or something, you never know :)

yes it is wonderfull and yes in the past i make a contest for get a scientific name of one wonderfull plants i paid around 17 sbd for the winners was great contest if you need some knowledge about a plants of something, ask steemit and be sure you get the knowledge, sure pay for it and you would be a great steemers
Happy foraging

Like you said it's 90% business at first my purpose on steemit was to make lots of money to myself but after posting severally on this platform the money wasn't just coming I became fustrated and stopped posting for some weeks so i met a friend who changed my perspective and purpose towards steemit. Now I write and post my stuffs just because I derive joy and happiness for doing that.

That's a nice comeback @flexy001 :)
I'm glad your friend changed your mind and I hope you'll climb fast.

I want to make people ask questions of their belief system. To point out equality and greed using a bit of humour and generally piss people off I think need a little bit of pissing off, I also like to read loads here and try and show genuine people they're valued, however good or not their content maybe. I get tired of hearing about 'great content', I much prefer great people and thats nothing to do with how they write, but how they engage with other people....I'm 51, grumpyness matures with age!
Great post by the way and interesting to read the replies. thanks :-)

We all have different point of views. But yes a dose of disconnecting to the people is reasonable idea too. We all have our style and that's why we here. To mix great people to make great content :D

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