Has Anybody Seen That Steven Wood Dude Recently??? A Brief Catch-Up. Ya Just KNOW This Is Gonna Be ANYTHING But Brief!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #success5 years ago

Well at this point I am sure the answer to the question posed in the title of this post is;

Uhm... Steven who???


Well I can quite categorically state that he IS here, in some limited capacity at least.

Nope I did not give up on blogging, did not flee the platform and contrary to rumor I am not headed for the Mexican border with a nap-sack full of Crypto.

Since the end of November I have been absent from work due to an overwhelming illness. Officially I left due to mental stress causing depression after a mini-meltdown at work. When I spoke to my employer, Doctor and hospital consultant I told them I thought it was more of a physical ailment causing my mental and physical fatigue and feeling of being 'not me' at all and was linked to an underlying cause.

I was told that these were all symptoms of mental fatigue and to rest and take time out and it would pass.

It didnt!

Over the following weeks I had many, many appointments and was repeatedly told to rest and I would get better in due course.

I didn't!

Without boring you with the details in between these appointments and now I will cut to the chase. It turned out I was suffering from a myriad of symptoms due to an undiagnosed, underlying condition due to my diabetes.

I have been incredibly weak for some time now, suffering massive overpowering fatigue and apparently I have a bone infection in my foot which has now materialized in to a raging infection... Nice!


My blood sugars are through the roof and I have been unable to bring them down despite eating the most sickeningly wholesome diet you can imagine ((think cardboard soaked in beneficial enzymes, protein and nutrients...)) I have developed a chest infection, an ear infection ((both ears of course, twice the fun - twice the goodness)) oh and the best part... My body has burst out in an awesome pretty rash that is a cross between fire and acid...

So - You may well be thinking I am pretty pissed off right now and lamenting this shockingly poor start to 2020

Not a friggin' chance!!!

I am HAPPY to know what's wrong with me and be getting treatment.
I am EXCITED to get well again and start 2020 the RIGHT way.
I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is going to be my most KICKASS year to date.
I have been listening to resources that will propel me toward SUCCESS unsurpassed this year, there is something to be said for resting after all!


Can anybody give me an example of a time when languishing in negativity helped a situation? Nah, me neither!

I wish everybody here all the very best for 2020. May everything you would wish for begin to materialize. This is the year for taking MASSIVE action and getting MASSIVE results in all of your endeavors. Make damn certain that if you have unfulfilled goals, dreams and ambitions that you don't wake up in August, October or December and think...

"Aww snap I did it again, where does the time go."


Not a single one of us have been promised that 2021 will even be a reality for us, sobering thought, huh?

But is that where we are going to place our attention? I think bloody NOT. We all know at some level that new years resolution type goals are a bit faddy and not prone to last but that does not mean that a brand new year and a blank canvas to paint as we see fit is not an AWESOME opportunity to go after what we really want.

Seize the day, OWN the year and just START to build a better, brighter you. You do NOT need to conquer the world in January, all life asks of us is to make measurable progress in reasonable time.

Take a few moments of quiet time to make a list of the improvements you want to make in 2020. Who do you want to become, what do you want to do.


It may be beneficial to make a list regarding who you are today, the job you do, where you live, how do you spend your time? Could you devote an hour a day to learning something new that will help you fast track your way to whatever SUCCESS looks like to you.

What do you have to do right now that is more important than achieving everything you've ever wanted and becoming everything you've ever hoped you could be? Seriously think about it.

I know it's a cliche BUT it is true nonetheless that we only get ONE SHOT at this whole life thing.

I KNOW that all that stuff that makes up our daily life, all the problems, the joys and the noise can really cloud the mind and make it difficult to step back and take a long hard look at our lives, but if we do not do it, then who???

I KNOW that I have some MASSIVE questions to answer this year, trust me on that, so many things in my life right now are simply not tenable. Maybe I need to be honest with myself, maybe I need to toughen up or maybe I just need so sit down and have a conversation with... ME!


I AM gonna take the steps that I have avoided all too often to make damn sure that this is MY year. I hope with all my heart that many of my friends here and even many friends I have not met yet take the journey too. Post about your victory's, failures, struggles, new experience along the way, people here WILL engage with that.

We love nothing more than somebody sharing a genuine journey with someone who is REALLY going for it, somebody showing a lot of HEART. My dream is that people cheer each-other on from the sidelines, I absolutely 100% guarantee you that it is far easier to haul your butt up the second half of that mountain with encouraging shouts echoing in your ears.

This was intended to be a brief catch-up regarding exactly where I have been, but I'll let you in to a little secret it felt AWESOME to connect with my tired, battered, abused keyboard again ((hence the reason I forgot to stop!!!))



Although I do intend to get back to posting fairly regularly again. I have been researching a whole slew of ways to earn passive income in the coming year. the first 2 of these will be a real world 'normie' blog and a YouTube channel. The reason I mention this is that although I intend to be more regular, I will need to streamline my time here and learn to type less and say more.

I believe I MUST do this and do it quickly as I believe my health may remove me from my job this year and take any choice I have out of the equation. Nobody wants to operate from a position of dis-empowerment, so I gotta take the initiative and take control of my own lot in life. I will share my journey here with regard to creating my own financial freedom and am SERIOUSLY thinking of creating a "success club" here and on Discord when I understand exactly what direction I am taking. A club built on the community helping and encouraging each-other toward their goals.

I wish you all a 2020 that sees YOU take bold strides toward the life you want for you and yours from me and mine.😎❤️



Things seem to be headed in the right direction for you. Best of luck with the infection and 2020 as a whole.

Yes I am feeling incredibly positive that a dark time is coming to an end and feeling that the future is set to be fabulously bright.

It's easy to get lost in hopeless feelings and become drowned by pessimism, this point is beautifully illustrated by a very wise man who writes here sometimes, you see he lost his job in October and feared the worst but I will leave you with a direct quote from him...

"I dealt with the situation and can now say what seemed like a crushing blow to me at the time turned out to be a true blessing"

Life does have a way, doesn't it?

Oh BTW I realise that July is a while back now but I think something as wonderful as 25 years together is certainly worth belated congratulations. I recently celebrated the same with my lady/best friend and have always felt happy and content.

Thankyou so much for the kind words they are more than appreciated. Wishing you and Mrs Papper a truly magnificent 2020.

Thanks for taking the time to comment, I'm always happy to see people actually take the time to do so :)

You might have stretched it a little with "wise man", but I'll graciously take the compliment. Thanks and thanks for belated congrats on 25 years of marriage to the Mrs.'s , she is a saint for putting up with me.
Commenting is my favorite thing here on Steemit , just don't get here often enough to do it like I should.

The "penny has dropped" Steven 😀 Now I know who you are! 😂 I thought that your name looked familiar, then I saw this very post on WhaleShares! You joined there just 1 month before me. I have made no secret of the fact that I think the new "Tipping System" there will fail ~ Some hate me for giving my views and thoughts about it (especially Chris Bird) who i'm sure you know well. You will have to decide for yourself Steven about me, but I promise you that i'm not all BAD 😂 I am back on Steemit now, where I first started my Crypto journey ~ I like what I see here now, the new Tribes are exciting and I feel inspired once again ~ We will meet again Steven I'm sure!

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Inspired, yes that is exactly how I feel too!

I have always the utmost belief in where Steem would go in the long-term, I won't lie, like most I have had grave reservations about how things were evolving at times.

Some hate me for giving my views and thoughts

I find similar reaction both online and irl BUT I believe the courage of one's convictions is incredibly important and a trait to be admired, if one speaks from the heart and has belief in the message they convey, whether the future finds them to be right or wrong does not matter, only the intention and belief they were acting in good faith.

Oh don't worry about how I judge your words and actions based on the views of others, that does not enter my head, I take people as I find them and make up my own mind. We were not designed to agree with everyone and we could never get on well with everyone either, but that s a good thing, right?

Debate can be useful, stimulating and invigorating, often we learn something too as long as we are receptive to the possibility and willing to form new opinions if the occasion arises.

Thanks so much for stopping by Andy, thank-you even more for taking time to comment, I bloody love engagement. 😁

Take great care my friend, enjoy the rest of the weekend 🙂

Is it wrong if me to say I hadn't even noticed you'd gone?? Bahahahaha!!

Glad you're on the mend and looking forward to seeing what rubbish good, quality, content you come up with next.

Stay positive 👍

Well that has certainly been a roller coaster of a ride, but at least you know the underlying causes. Hopefully now you can move forward again, good luck with YouTube and the blogging.

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#Posh Tweeted [here] for greater #Steem awareness 👍

Oh thank-you so much, that is more than appreciated. I checked out your Twitter feed. Kudos to you for trying to raise awareness of the platform.


Your surprise visit to my Steemit blog (which I just discovered minutes ago) was an unexpected delight. I of course clicked over here to see what you've been up to, and discovered that you hadn't posted here for about four months... and then read this post and discovered, to my considerable distress, why...

My friend! I will also be very direct with you and say that (having read the news about your myriad infections) YOU NEED WHAT I MAKE, namely you need (right now) one of our SILVERengines proton colloidal silver makers.

Please visit our website:

My friend, PLEASE, please, please read the stories (especially the newest report from Michael J.) there about how many have had their lives saved or dramatically improved by using the wonderful, natural, powerful antimicrobial liquid that our machines automatically produce.

If you are unfamiliar with what a strong, safe, and effective antibiotic colloidal silver is, I will be more than happy to answer any and all questions you may have, hoping that you will accept and begin using a machine for your own health immediately (if not sooner).

Steven, I would like to send you one of our machines (a refurbished and fully functional unit) at no cost to you other than the equivalent (in crypto) of what it costs me to ship it to you where you live (I don't at the moment recall where that is). No need to send me the crypto for postage until you receive the machine. I just hate the thought of you suffering these infections, and then (to make things worse) any and all side-effects of whatever pharmaceutical drugs you may be getting to fight them...

So, my friend, please say you'll accept my sincere offer? If so, we can communicate privately (Discord or Telegram or Wire or whatever) so you can give me your shipping address.

Please get back to me on this ASAP... :)



Duncan! You are an unbelievably nice, thoughtful guy I am incredibly happy to know you. That is quite literally the kindest offer I have ever received, I am quite overwhelmed by such a wonderful act of compassion.

The irony is not at all lost on me that when we first connected it was over some completely outrageous vitriol aimed at you by one Aschatria regarding colloidal silver and a huge amount of FUD and superstition that she had somehow concocted in what seemed an incredibly inventive mind.

I have just been searching through my Discord history as I felt sure we had engaged there in the past. I guess the sheer amount of square mileage we have covered in the past in the comments section probably felt like it had been on Discord lol. BUT alas I cannot find you there. My Discord name is plain old, vanilla sounding stevenwood there too. What can I tell you I am lacking in imagination!

I have long since been aware of colloidal silver and it's myriad of therapeutic benefits, hence my feeling completely able to back up the information you shared in the aforementioned 'Silvergate'.

I would once again like to take the opportunity to thank you immensely for the amazingly wonderful, compassionate gesture you have made here, my mind is blown. Do not misunderstand, we have spoken at length on some topics of mutual interest in the past and I am not in the least surprised that you would make such an offer. In many ways I would venture to suggest that it is exactly in your nature and exactly the sort of thing you would do.

I have spent a few hours deciding how to respond to you if I am going to be completely truthful about it, in all honesty, I have been thinking of a tactful way to politely decline the offer without seeming ungrateful. I felt as though the gesture was too generous and I couldn't possibly accept. When you add this to the fact I have always been terrible at asking for anything and terrible at accepting anything, you see how it is lol. It was actually a conversation with my lovely lady that made me consider an alternative way of thinking and a solution that would offer me a way to show my thanks 🙂

I can hear your response already 😄 and have absolutely zero doubt that you would tell me there is no need and it is a condition free gesture, Oh trust me I believe that with all my heart. You are a genuinely lovely person and an example of what we humans are supposed to be.

I am not nearly jaded enough to doubt that honest, optimistic, amazing people exist, unfortunately the other kind of people soak up all the column inches in the press. You are a shining light as an example of humanity in my eyes ((even if you deny it and feel a little embarrassed by my response, if so, sorry!!!))

I'm incredibly happy and humbled to know you Duncan! 🙂

Steven, I think (hope) I've located you on Discord? (I hate Discord and avoid it at much as possible... for some reason I always have a hard time using it?)

Please look for my message and respond there? :D

(P.S. I found you there on a Whaleshares server? Is there a different Steemit server? Discord is soconfusing!)

Hoping today, after seeing a tracking report, that you've received the device?

Please if possible let me know... as you've seemed unusually quiet recently, and thus I am also hoping that all is well with you? Waiting to hear, my friend...

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Good to hear you are on a positive treatment path. And good like with the Success Club. Do let me know when you have the YouTube channel.

And thank you for dropping by to read, and comment on, my #FutureDiary series - much appreciated.

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I enjoy reading your post, it's a journey.

And welcome to my world of diabetes. I am one of the "lucky" to get it, hey but I am not letting it control myself. I still drink coke, eat meat and desert .... but all with moderation. I diet if I need to, eat plenty of grass (salad), and exercise.

Life is good. Enjoy it everyday.

Cheers mate.

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