How to become a successful person?

in #success6 years ago

The life of a modern man is a daily struggle for survival, for a place under the sun and of course for his happiness, so to be successful is an elementary necessity of life, if we do not want the rest of life “to sit on the bench”. People who have achieved success, adhere to strict rules that will help each of us to become better. What should we stick to?! Let's understand!

18 rules how to become a successful person.

1. Believe in success.

A person should always believe in the successful completion of his work, as it is faith that moves us in the work and does not give up.

2. Set goals and plan.

Commitment is a great feature for a person who wants to succeed in all his endeavors. The goal should be in any business and in every step, you should clearly understand why now doing this business, and nothing else. The goal, of course, is tightly intertwined with planning, since, setting yourself a task, you have to plan in detail the course of your actions.

For example, if you want to withdraw your earnings of$ 10,000 per month in one year, you must answer the questions: how will you achieve this? and what would that take? To track the success of the plan, put time targets: for example, monthly your income should increase by$833. For more information about financial independence read our article: "how to become rich".

Of course, all the goals, plans and objectives should be theoretically achievable and have a time frame, otherwise, such an idea is better to call a dream. It should be understood that plans are built in a state of uncertainty, so they tend to adjust. Be honest in the construction of their plans, really evaluate their capabilities, but the goal should be put a little above their capabilities to make it work.

* For more information on how to achieve the goal, read our next article."

3. Be hard-working.

Hard work a  lot of strong! No wonder everyone is familiar with the expression: "Genius is 1% genius and 99% of work.” Try to work on the maximum of their capabilities. In addition, the most difficult thing for modern man — is to start acting. Make yourself get off the couch and get down to business. If you want to change your life for the better, you have to get out of your comfort framework, otherwise you will “stand still”for a long time." It is not necessary, also to think that, after working a week or two, you deserve a holiday, which was before! Try to bring the work to the level of ordinary Affairs, so that the work became a habit, then everything will go like clockwork.

4. Do only what you love!

If a person has reached the heights-then he is engaged only in his favorite thing! In other words, if you do something reluctantly or “out of the sticks”, then immediately drop this activity. Work should bring you at least a little pleasure and interest. Only in such an atmosphere is it possible to perform the planned task with high quality. If you do not like monotonous, monotonous work — try to combine it, doing several things in turn.

5. Never give up!

Never be afraid to make a mistake, because only the one who does nothing does not make mistakes. Learn from your mistakes, so even if Your plan has failed, don't despair, keep going forward. A bad result is also a result. Learn the history of great men, because each of them experienced both the sweetness of victory and the bitterness of defeat, but they all shared one thing, they never gave up, no matter what it may cost them!

6. Motivate yourself.

Motivation-that's the secret of good luck in any endeavor and development. Sooner or later, there are times when work becomes unbearable, begin to give up and laziness can take over, because we can find many reasons not to do this or that thing, despite its importance.

As a motivation, you can use a variety of techniques:

remind yourself what is the goal to which we aspire;

after work, go with friends in a cafe or club;

update your wardrobe;

buy delicious food that has not been eaten for so long;

just get some sleep by turning off all the phones.;

promise yourself next month to go on vacation, etc.

Methods of motivation are so diverse that you can list endlessly, the main thing that imagination is enough, but not every one of them can fit you, because it all depends on the tasks, goals and your character. And if nothing helps, then just learn how to deal with laziness.

7. Delegate tasks.

Think about how much you do in a day things that you do not need, that do not contribute to the achievement of Your goals. Each of us will have a dozen of such cases, so they must either not be performed at all, or to instruct another (to delegate). Household chores can be delegated to your children, second halves, brothers/sisters and other relatives (of course explaining the reason and politely asking for a favor), and the working moments should be delegated to subordinates.

8. Improve regularly.

By perfection must be understood only to improve professional skills and” hardening " of his character. To know your business perfectly is one of the main components of the secret of a lucky person. Try, at least once a month to update their knowledge in the professional field: read more literature, magazines and online publications. Regular visits to conferences and workshops will also have a positive impact on your level of knowledge.

Character traits are also important, let's look at the main ones:



self confidence;



independence from other people's opinions;



self-esteem, etc.

9. Change your social circle.

Under this point should remember the good old saying:”Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are." Successful people never have in their environment disadvantaged, pessimistic, lazy and envious people. Try as much as possible to isolate themselves from such, because such individuals will always pull You down, not allowing normal development. They will spoil the mood, assure you not to risk and instill a constant fear of something. You need to communicate more with positive people, with those who believe and support.

10. Be always in a good mood.

Note that a successful person is always smiling, positive and always in a good mood. Yes, a good mood is a valuable quality, an essential indicator and the motto of a successful person. When you Wake up in the morning, smile at your reflection in the mirror and say that everything today will be just class!

11. Develop your stamina and willpower.

Perseverance and the will to win — an indispensable feature that should be characteristic of everyone who wants to achieve in this life more than he has today.

12. Rest more and take care of your health.

Daily work (no matter physical or mental) will exhaust you quickly, so you should definitely rest. However, this should be done after the work on the plan. Rest is both motivation and the key to good health, which also need to be monitored. Otherwise, the first half of your life you will work hard, and in the second half — to spend all the money earned for the treatment of diseases caused by daily work without rest.

Rest should not be just lying on the couch, but also walking in nature, fresh air with friends. If your work is related to mental work, then you necessarily need fresh air and exercise every day. Details on how to lead a healthy lifestyle, we'll talk here.

13. Kill in itself sense of envy!

A person who achieves a lot in life, never envies someone else's happiness or success, he sincerely shares joy with the winner. The success of another person can only cause excitement to the beginning of even more active work. Envy will destroy You: ruin the mood and will degrade performance.

14. Live to the maximum.

Always live this day as if it is the last in Your life, appreciate every minute and do not lose it simply. Plan your day to the fullest, so that the day you have time to work well, and have fun, to experience both pleasant moments, and not very much. Appreciate your loved ones, as they, like no other, will support you in difficult times!

15. Be logical in your goals, plans and desires.

Now let's go back a little bit, remembering the goals and plans that the person who wants to become successful sets for himself. Any of Your goals and plans should be real, of course, you should be as creative as possible in the implementation of the plan, but this only applies to the implementation, and not the goal setting. Even if you set a goal to get$ 1,000,000 per year, then soberly assess their capabilities, because bending so stick, you will only worsen the situation, realizing at the end of the road, how utopian was this task.

16. Confidence and speed of decision — making-your main credo.

Be confident in yourself and success in your business, never hesitate for a long time, it is better to make a quick but erroneous decision than not to take it at all! It is very easy to learn this. For practice, use any life situations that require you to make decisions, for example: when the waiter comes up and asks what you will order today, try to give an answer within the first 30 seconds.

17. Find your style.

Each of the great and successful people had their own style, their own zest, charisma, each of them has something special, so You have to “create yourself”. Find your style in clothes, manner of communication, taste preferences and just thinking. Do not be afraid to stand out from the crowd, as only the white crows are able to achieve something in this life, and the gray mouse will remain so forever.

18. Set new goals.

The last and also important rule is that you should never stop. Even if You managed to achieve your goal, put new, throw a new challenge to yourself and your self-esteem!

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