25 Secrets to Wealth Creation - Kevin Trudeau - Audiobook

in #success7 years ago

+You Need to Have a High Teachability Index+

You need to be an excellent student. To know how teachable you are you need to ask yourself the following questions – How willing am I to learn? Most likely you have a high willingness to learn because you are reading this email. The second question is how willing am I to accept change? If you’re not willing to accept change, then you’re not teachable even though you are willing to learn. Only change to things brings about change to things in your life. Develop the teachability index and begin to learn things.

+Understand the Training Balance Scale+

There are 2 sides to the scale. They are Motivation – Thinking, Attitude, Enthusiasm, Thoughts, Dream (Why you do things) and Techniques – Skills, Action Steps, Doing (How to do things). Why do you do the things you do today? What motivates you? Don’t focus on the techniques of wealth creation, rather focus on the why. You don’t have to know how; just know why you want to whatever you want. When you do, the how will come. The Why you do things is more important than the How but there should still be a balance.

+Understand That There Are 4 Phases Every Individual Goes Through When They Learn Things+

The phases are as follows:

Unconscious incompetence – You don’t know that you don’t know.

Conscious incompetence – You know that you don’t know.

Conscious competence – You make conscious efforts to apply the principles that you have learned to change your situation. If you don’t, you will be able to make a change.

Unconscious competence – It happens automatically after doing level 3 for quite some time. Super successful people are at this level.

+Having a Definite Purpose / Aim or Specific Goal or Very Clearly Defined Goal+

Successful people are very focused and they have a one definitive goal/objective. They only diversify after the achieving success. Focus on something; don’t keep doing so many things.

+Have a Burning Desire to Achieve Your Defined Goal+

This was first verbalized by Napoleon Hill. Application of 4 and 5 in one’s mind will definitely bring about wealth in abundance. Set your goals today and desire to have them achieved.

+Use The Law of Attraction+

This was also first verbalized by Napoleon Hill. You become what you think about. You become what your primary dominate thoughts are. Whatever you really really really want, you get and whatever you really really really don’t want, you also get. The simple way to guide this process is not to worry about your thoughts but check what you feel. If you feel good, then you are on track and you will get it. If you feel angry and depressed, then that is what you will get.

+Read Books+

If you want to be successful, make sure you read books. Leaders are readers. Who you become in 5 years from now is a product of the books you read and people you meet. Books change people. Broke people don’t understand this. Read the following books:

  • The Law of Success in 16 Lessons

  • Ask and It Is Given

  • The Magic of Thinking Big

+Listen to Information on CDs/Tapes on a Regular Basis+

Listening to information on success helps to replace your thinking pattern with new ways of thinking. It feeds your mind with positive information thereby helping to change your paradigm. You never stop training. The same way having a phenomenal body doesn’t stop you from going to a gym is the same way you should not stop listening to information on success.

+Attend Seminars+

This is continuous learning and is different from reading and listening to CDs because it helps to get you in a room with like minded people. It gives you an experience that changes you.

+Save 10% of Whatever You Earn+

Successful people save. Don’t live within your means. To achieve wealth you need to live below your means. Pay yourself first and put the cash away in an investment account.

+You Need To Get Out of Debt, If You Have Any+

Reduce debt and eventually get out of it. This does not have to do with using credit to your advantage; it’s referring to crippling debt. Crippling debt is all debt incurred on expenses and that do not help to increase your income.

+You Need To Have Good Priority Management+

You cannot manage time but you can manage your priorities. This reduces stress, confusion and anxiety and improves focus and helps to get things done in less time.

+Associate with winners+

Successful people associate with like minded people. 5 years from now, your income will be the average of the income of your 5 best friends. If your friends are broke, then you need 5 new friends who are not broke. Energy helps achievement. Sit around successful people, play games with them, discuss with them, hang around them and be with them.

+Understand Work+

What is work? You can work hard or work smart. Successful people know that their thought process is the work and is not work to them. Do what you love. That way you will do it for as long as possible without any worries and create spectacular results. You don’t have to pay any unpleasant price for success. If you are miserable doing whatever you do now, then you are on the wrong track.

+Develop a Pleasing Personality+

To succeed you need to become a likeable person. Learn how to do this by reading the book, ‘How to win friends and influence people’ by Dale Carnegie.

+Develop Good Communication Skills+

Successful people are good communicators of their thoughts and ideas. They are persuasive, negotiate well and have good sales skills. Be able to win people to your way of thinking. This is a good skill in business. Read books and attend seminars.

+Improve Your Credit Score+

Increase your asset base thereby giving you a good opportunity to access credit facilities; one reason why savings and investments are very important in building wealth.

+Reduce Taxes+

Wealthy people pay no taxes while people just starting up pay a lot. Reduce taxes to increase you cash flow. Take advantage of opportunities to do this.

  • Reduce The Amount of Insurance Premiums You Pay in Case There Are Any Excesses +

  • Use Corporations & Trusts For Tax Efficiency +

Protect your assets and increase your ability to get credits. Rather have a limited liability company instead of a sole proprietorship.

+Use Other People's Money (OPM)+

If you want to be successful, you have to utilize other people’s money. Learn to utilize credit and other people’s money to crease wealth.

+Increase Your Income+

There are 2 basic elements to building wealth – Expenses and Income. Reduce or manage your expenses – taxes, debts, etc and then increase income. You can increase income by:

  • Investing In Real Estate

  • Selling on Amazon, Ebay, Shopify, Craigslist, Etsy, LetGo or OfferUp

  • Investing In The Stock Market Using Robinhood, Stash, or Wealthsimple

  • Trading In Stock & Cryptocurrency

  • Be Involved In a Multi Level / Network Marketing Company

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