Success - Do What You Say You're Going To Do
Do what you say you're going to do is one of those phrases that most people hear, but hardly ever act on. Most people just don't seem to understand that when you make a promise you have to keep it, and you can't break a promise. If you don't do what you say you are going to do, then you have crossed the line. It is a fact of life, but only a few people actually learn from this fact.
It is important to not only what you say you are going to do, but how you say it as well. If you are saying things like, I'm going to go get that ball of light-colored carpet so quick, then you are really going to get dirt under your fingernails before you get it all out. On the other hand, if you are saying, I'm going to sit here and do my best so that painting in your living room will last for years, then you are more likely to succeed in making it last. It all depends on how you say things and how you are willing to take action.
Many people think that once they have figured out what to do they should just go ahead and do it, but that's not how you live your life. You need to take action, even when it seems that you don't need to make any changes or improvements. If you are truly going to enjoy your life, then you need to take some action each and every day to see it through.
Many times you will hear or read things that say that you are going to get something done, but you aren't going to get it done. If you're going to believe that it is going to happen, then it is going to. The best thing about believing that it is going to happen is that it causes you to be passionate about pursuing the opportunity. When you have passion and dedication for something, you believe that can happen. You aren't afraid to dream big because you know that things are going to come together. If you don't have any courage or desire, it won't.
Another important point to keep in mind is that you will be successful in life if you are willing to learn new things, and you are willing to do what you say you are going to do. If you don't have the fortitude to accomplish your goals, then it doesn't matter what you say you want to do because you won't get anything done. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches and do what you have to do to get where you want to be. When you are willing to roll with the punches and do what you say you will do, then it is possible to accomplish things.
So, the next time you sit down to make a decision, ask yourself if it really makes sense in life to do what you say you are going to do. If it doesn't make sense, then you need to make the choice to go for something else. Nothing happens overnight, so don't expect to live your life by doing what you say you are going to do tomorrow. You need to learn to wait for life to happen, then you can use what you learn from life to grow and succeed in life.