Does Success Equates to Money?

in #success6 years ago

Most of time success is tied with money. I grew up thinking the same because the image that they potray for rich people is happy faces. Is it really the case? I happened to know a few of the ultra rich people and to my surprise not all of them happy with their achievement. I believe that it gets lonelier at the top, the friends that you have either too little or too phony or just there for their own benefit.

What's worse is that it's going to be hard for them to distinguish the real and the fake friends. For so many years I've been wanting to make the first million so bad in order to think that I could be considered as successful person until one day I realized that money doesn't equal to happiness. Happiness is by choice and it is totally up to a person to be happy, or not.

I am saying this because I have been trough some phase in life where the money doesn't make me as happy as I thought. It is also sad to have to tell the closed one that your beliefs has changed. I still gonna prove to them one day!. Isn't irony that those rich person(not all) usually ends up doing drugs and whatnot. I mean, they can literally do anything with their shit tonnes of money but they choose to do things that do harm to themselves.


Picture from Google


I will be much happier when I have reached Financial Independence (a comfortable passive/semi active cash flow stream of middle class life style). Past this point I do not imagine more creating more happiness as I have no desire to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous with private jets and yachts and such.

With Financial Independence I will have the ability to choose the work I want to do instead of the current 9-5 drudgery doing what the boss wants.

exactly! I checked out your blog and I saw somewhat our interest in market and crypto are smiliar. Followed! How long has you been living such live? the semi active income kinda life?

Well I am not there yet. Still stuck in 9 to 5. Need some crypto gains to fund my put selling investment account. In the future maybe live 50% on crypto and 50% on put selling.

Just dreaming of the day.

Passion pays.....there are so many people out there doing what they love and they get paid to do it!!!! =)

I partially agree to this, but I only met a few so I can't say I have met many people that enjoy what they do for living

The ones that do are the lucky ones =)

El dinero forma parte del éxito en esta vida, porque en la vida espiritual, o la por venir, no tiene ninguna importancia, en una oportunidad conocí por remembranza, a un hombre, que tenia todo el dinero que quería y no podía comer todo lo que quería, porque su estado de salud no se lo permitía, con el dinero se puede comprar de todo, menos vida, salud ni felicidad. saludos

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Very doubtful

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Money may be a reason for happiness, but it's definitely not the only reason. Everything can not be bought with money and wealth. All the money in the world is for us, but we are not health and do not have a way to cure that wealth is not worth it. Money is not the only reason for happiness and calmness, but the lack of money is also a huge problem

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I personally don'r measure success in money.

A better equation is success = time spend without worrying about money related topics

exactly my thinking right now! I trade time over money any day(as long as the money is enough to live). But I might change my thought anytime also ahhaha

There is some success in being able to effortlessly change ones opinions, views and priorities on a whim as well.

Success should look a little different for every individual. Some may attach their wagon to their bank account while others will take pride in the people they have around them during their most memorable moments in life.

My advice is to make enough money that will allow you to chase and realize your dreams and then surround yourself with people that you love.

Thank you, my definition is success is to have enough money with the least working hours

Heres the thing, money can buy you luxury and if you think luxury can give you happiness then money gives you happiness.
However, if you don't think luxury can give you happiness then money isn't happiness. Money can provide satisfaction but not happiness to the holder of wealth and too much money just means that you'll be very lonely for a long time because it shows you've traded social time for money.

It is the stigma from the society that causing this problem, the belief that money=success. It is pathetic really.
But again in some country you really need to grind to even get basic needs, it breaks my heart to see such things happened in this era.

United Nation are already working on this(I don't know that much of it yet for now). It is their top priority for now

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