Pursuing a Goal
We all have goals. And the higher they are, the more difficult it is to be stuck to the process. Actually, it is quite normal to not entirely reach them: you have to set the bar high enough to keep you motivated, even too much high and this can happen. It is part of the game. And that is the only way to get better: challenge yourself. You cannot always win your own challenges the first time, but you can pursue those challenges until you win them. You just need to have a clear goal in mind.
There are six rookie mistakes that you know that you can not do anymore but you keep doing.
Chances are you do your best for months, until the last week when stress becomes too much and you indulge in binge eating, binge drinking and/or other binges you know they are not healthy and not useful (see following points.) Like sports where human physique or brain are involved, you need to train and in the race you need to start a little bit slower in order to be faster than your opponents in the end. You cannot reverse those things or you will Finish Before the Finish Line.
Wanting to reach a goal is a competition. Sometimes it is a competition against yourself and your old and bad habits, but still it is a competition. And competition needs focus. And you can focus on just one thing at a time. That means you can not multitask and that if you have a goal you have to spend at least five consecutive hours per day working on that goal. Plus: you can not relax untill you’ve reached your goal.
It’s likely somebody around won’t understand you and that you will feel alone. You are not alone, you are entering the next level with fewer but better people. Eventually you will get in touch with them.
Don’t get me wrong here. You have to always act like nothing could go wrong, but you need to plan like everything not in your control could turn against you while figuring out how your actions could backfiring you. And remember that there are A, B and other twenty-four letters in the alphabet, don’t be afraid to use them all.
But don’t use that as an excuse to not act: you plan a little, then you act, then you replan accordingly,then you act again. Repeat.
You know circus, so you know they need special protections in order to not die in case somebody makes a mistake. You need it too: call it your family, friends, team, etc. they are your “people net” and they can help you reach your goals. So if the net is placed high enough, then you won’t hurt too much in case you fall, but if it is placed too low, then you risk an injury for the very fact that you end up on the net. The net is for safety purpose only and so is your people net: even if you should not rely on that and it is there just in case you really need it, you want it high enough to protect you. As a rule of thumbs you should surround yourself of people who are better than you in at least three meaningful aspects: that way you will recover fast in case you fall.
Unfortunately, that means you should ditch the funny drunk guy and the pot-dealer of your group and that “unlucky” old friend.
First you skip training, then the next day you eat a little bit more and by the end of the week you just eat shitty meals drinking wine at 10 in the morning. These are binges and they are one of those things you do just because you think you are not strong enough to do a mindful meal today.
But let’s face the truth: you always regret that and you always feel less energised after. The meals that were supposed to refresh you have actually put you in a sleepy mood and you knew that before.
So it’s not about strength, but just about convenience: if you eat healthy, then you will feel better and then you will perform better.
Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 6.8 and reading ease of 82%. This puts the writing level on par with Stephen King and Dan Brown.