To Succeed you will most likely Fail. You will experience what it’s like to be knocked down.

in #success6 years ago

Your heart will be tested. Haters will verbally attack you. Friends will even shock you with lack of support for your dreams.

And when you’re laying on your back, beaten up, stripped of your confidence, stripped of everything... That’s when the true test comes.

Do you have what it takes to start over again? Do you have what it takes to get back up? Do you have what it takes to give it your all when you feel like you already gave it everything you had and it didn’t work out?

Do you have what it takes to reframe the negative into positive and bounce back quickly before defeat settles in?

I believe that success is a journey, not a destination.

And that road will have many obstacles along the way. Learn to summon the strength inside of you to keep going, leveling up each time you pass an obstacle, and not taking defeat for an answer.

You don’t have to fight. That’s working too hard. You can work smart.

Allow your creative mind to find solutions. Ask yourself “how can I” instead of saying “I can’t”. And spend every day chasing the Dream you are most passionate about, not settling for a life you think the cards dealt you.

Success is a decision.

You aren’t going to get lucky. You are going to need a hunger inside that wants it bad enough that you can keep that dream in your site at all times.

Do you have that hunger? Do you have a desire to do something better with your life?

If so, dust yourself off, and get back in the game!

Why? Because you deserve it! 💯

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