Know about 5 awesome manmade substances
Man has, over the course of time, built various objects that are astounding. The characteristics of these objects have made them even more appealing. Many manmade objects have been able to astonish the common folk with their imperial design and perfect qualities. Here is a list of some manmade substances that have been able to attract the attention of many.
1. One way bulletproof glass.
Saving you from bullets was not enough. Here comes one way bulletproof glass. This manmade substance has gained a huge amount of popularity in a very short period of time. This commodity allows you to attack back at the person who wants to harm you. It sandwiches 2 different sheets of plastics. A brittle layer and a soft layer. Under pressure, the acrylic is able to form a very hard surface. When shot from inside, the bullet first hits the polycarbonate. This allows the person who was the target, to become the shooter.
2. Amorphous metal.
This manmade substance is the combination of surface hardness of glass along with the strength of a metal. This metal has a very random atomic structure which means that any kind of slips is easilyprevented and the atoms possess the quality of rebounding to the initial position they had.
3. Starlite.
This is a kind of plastic which has incredible heat resistance. The quality of this manmade substance as a thermal insulator is so staggering that for a short while, many people thought that the inventor of this commodity was purely deluded. It consists of nearly 21 organic polymers and many copolymers and also small amount of ceramics. It is a really high performing insulator and is incredibly light weight.
4. Aerogel.
Imagine a porous substance of such a low density that a cube of 2.5 centimetre of that substance has the internal surface area of a football field. Now just stop imagining such things and believe that it is true. Aerogel is a kind of shape into which some substances can be moulded into. In a nutshell, all the lightest substances known to man are aerogel. Silica aerogel, which weighs 3 times more than air, is nothing but dried silicone gel. The gel has a very special texture and has the ability to be made either lipophilic or hydrophobic.
5. Carbon Nanotubes.
Carbon nanotubes are nothing but one atom thick sheets of carbon that are rolled into the shape of a cylinder. If you try to look at a molecular level, then you will find that the result looks very much like a chicken wire. This is the strongest material known to science. It is 6 times lighter than steel, and potentially is hundreds of times stronger. This manmade substance is able to conduct electricity very effectively.
So these were some manmade substances that are appealing to every person either due to their great design or due to their perfect quality. Hope you would appreciate the science that has been used behind them.
Nice article, but it has largely been copied from this website
I'm new to Steemit, but I believe the purpose of this platform is to offer original content, or guide readers toward external sources with some commentary by the original poster. Copying another writer's material is just not proper.
I notice you post several articles a day. Please be sure you are not copying them from other websites, and if you use other sites, be sure to include the link so we can read them.
[I am an English teacher. You set off my teacher warning system.]