RE: Power of Subconscious Mind..
i know this to be true.
during a trying period of my life, before i'd completely awakened to this truth... i'd had the thought that my girlfriend and i had to many animals. it was too much i kept thinking, and she was too. we had placed our problem on them.
we had a special cat, he wasn't all there. but he was very kind and loving. he seemed to take this personally and died shortly after. it touched my soul, i knew i was responsible for his death, my girl knew it too. we cried for our stupidity. but i made a vow to never do such a thing again...
so i know, and now i use the power of the word for good only. destructive thoughts towards self or other return to you. it cannot not be. you cannot hurt another without hurting yourself.
be careful with your thoughts, words, and deeds!