#STWT Show 26 - Net Neutrality, Q Anon, Alex Podesta, Flynn Indictment, and more.
#STWT Show 26 - Net Neutrality, Q Anon, Alex Podesta, Flynn Indictment, and more.

Live Show Summary:
This is the 26th edition of the Spitting Truth with Titus Live Show. In this show we went over a myriad of topics to expose the New World Order and to wake people up. I had a bunch of awesome guests and we went over too many topics to properly summarize.
Individual Topics and Links:
I went over "Net Neutrality" I looked at both sides of the argument, but I conclude that Net Neutrality is a necessary thing to have.
Net Neutrality: https://imgur.com/t/net_neutrality/5Etel
Net Neutrality 2: https://staff.tumblr.com/post/168089036210/one-more-time-for-title2
Net Neutrality 3: https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20060413/1634250.shtml
Net Neutrality 4: https://slashdot.org/story/06/03/02/139241/comcast-accused-of-blocking-voip
Net Neutrality "Jeffrey Tucker" argument against it: https://fee.org/articles/goodbye-net-neutrality-hello-competition/
EFF Net Neutrality: https://www.eff.org/issues/net-neutrality
I asked around on #REKT network (Anons) and the vast majority of those computer skilled individuals was pro net neutrality. Ask yourself and get #Rekt, special thanks to "BOFH" on there for the help with the research: https://rekt.network/
I discussed Michael Flynn being indicted NY Post article: https://nypost.com/2017/12/01/flynn-charged-with-making-false-statements-to-fbi/
Alex Podesta "Follow the White Rabbit": https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2259565
Flynn release the list video: https://steemit.com/releasethelist/@titusfrost/general-flynn-has-a-pedogate-list-according-to-roger-j-stone-jr-release-the-list
Trump's Zionist Ball and Chain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjoJMF_8Wkk
Vigilante groups competing with Police to catch child predators by @DoItVoluntarily on steemit: https://steemit.com/news/@doitvoluntarily/vigilante-groups-competing-with-police-to-catch-child-predators
Police using stingrays illegally by @Dbroze on steemit: https://steemit.com/news/@dbroze/police-use-military-tech-to-track-suspects-without-warrants-my-interview-today-on-rt-america
Podesta throws tantrum over unscripted question by @realityreader on steemit: https://steemit.com/conspiracy/@realityreader/upset-john-podesta-throws-tantrum-over-unscripted-question-says-he-s-suffering-due-to-alt-media
My Guests (In Order of Appearance):
Lift the Veil: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_zyu5jMtsJrx4xY3NgSO6A
The Last American Vagabond: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ClYrAtDNAGy5J0N-AwBNw
Jamie Dlux: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9SL3BtH21c8EGeZnw0WTXw
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I appreciate and laud All in the Family and Fearless One, and will continue to watch them. Thanks for recommending them. Now, what gets me is that these things were being preached by Church of Christ ministers since 1914, and since then went through a lot of persecution.
Now, through the advent of the World-Wide Web and then YouTube, people are now coming to agree that Christmas and Halloween, to name a few, are actually satanic-based, but the whole world is doing them. It saddens my heart when I see homes with beautifully lit Christmas lights or awesome Halloween figures.
Regarding the Bible, religion, etc. people would easily accept the lies or God's commands but suited to their own appetites. The Holy Trinity was crafted way after the apostacy and is not grounded on the Bible, or the sign of the cross, etc. Martin Luther was prophesied in the Bible but he did not found a church, but Christ did.
These last days, God speaks to us through the Gospel; whereas before, during the Patriarchal Era and Prophetic Era, God did a lot of speaking and demonstrating to them directly. People want miracles and wonders which the devil can do just as well. So now, during the Cristian Era, it is in the word, the Gospel, wherein we must look for our answers, if we base our faith in the Bible.
I'm sorry to rant, but how would you feel if you say things that people took as hogwash until the time somebody else comes along with the voice and research that supports what you're saying, after all?
I appreciate the comment, and I agree with a lot of what you are saying. I may read this comment on air if that is cool by you? I plan to do an AMA session for the questions submitted for show 26 either tonight or tomorrow.
Nice work brother. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving with fam.
You too m8, hope all is well.
Thanks for sharing all this great & enlightening information. Resteemed by your friendly @eastcoaststeem