#STWT Show 37 - March for Insantity Paid Protestors, Whitmore Farm Recap, Bomb Iran Bolton? -Dtube Version
DTUBE Film Summary
This is the 37th Spitting Truth with Titus Live Show. My once a week live show where we discuss a wide array of topics about the New World Order.
This week's show is dedicated to Tyler Marion Hurd, who passed at the age of 31, with his son on his chest, leaving behind a world of people that loved him. You will always bin my thoughts and prayers T, I will see you again in Heaven.
I recapped my visit to Whitmore Farm, to break down what I saw when I went and what took place. I showed how farm onto the property I got and described what I saw. Post: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@titusfrost/whitmore-farm-pizzagate-late-night-visit
I also discussed my experience at the Lord Baltimore Hotel, with about 50 paid protestors here who were bussed from Chicago to go the March for our Lives aka March for Insanity. So someone, is paying to bus these people, paying for their hotel, paying for their meals plus a 40 dollar per diem. The people who came from Chicago to protest at my hotel, don't care about guns, guns are already illegal in Chicago, and they saw it as a free weekend in DC and Baltimore. They don't care about anyone but themselves. They are willing to hand their rights away for the bread and circuses handed to them by some unknown financier. Most people think Soros is behind all this but there is no direct evidence of that. My tweet that went "viral": https://twitter.com/ImperatorTruth/status/977904138112651264
Most of the anti gun protestors could not define an assault rifle in a million years because they know jack shit about guns: https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/977700882807746560
Lastly I discussed John Bolton becoming the new National Security Adviser. John Bolton is a crazy, psychopath who desires war against Iran and he is a self declared Israeli shill. You would be hard pressed to find someone who wants war with Iran for Israel more than John Bolton. This is one of the worst picks ever for this position.
Bolton Video by "Black Stone Intel": Video
John Bolton on how he hates Wikileaks, tweeted by wikileaks: https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/977490753751576576
The last topic I covered was just sending some love to Anonymous Hive, please watch and share their latest video about taking out pedophile websites: Video
Plenty more was covered, please feel free to ask for any links not already listed. I look forward to your comments and feed back.
God bless everyone!
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What's happening with the Jason Goodman & Quinn story? Are these disinfo goofs still coming after you or have you been able to shake them off your back?
What I want to know is how Goodman was able to get a multi hour interview with Jerome Corsi and Charles Ortel. Didn't Corsi and Ortel listen to any of the Goodman / Quinn BS before allowing themselves to be associated with Goodman? Any further views on what's going on here?
I love when these Lib Tards talk about gun show loopholes. The people selling weapons have a federal license. Anyone can do a personal firearm sale outside the building or anywhere else.
Great works, I wish you success
When questioned they knew absolu… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Hey, Titus.. how do I get ahold of you, my email is [email protected], got some critical information, it just occurred to me to try telling you about it.
John Bolton looks an awful lot like a skinny walrus. I still believe that Trump is trying to do something about the pedogate situation, however, bringing a guy like this into the administration doesn’t give me any hope for him in the geo-political sense.