Best of Vimeo '22

in #stuff2 years ago (edited)

"We offer you eternity"
"O NO, i want to be free!"

Not too far into it but this one immediately stands out

Not really disney or jump/shounen style and probably not something you'll get on tik tok trending or youtube shorts - we do think this one could take on a bertold brecht any day of the week (but we never liked the guy anyway)

Clearview on how the universe , the mother of all things is very female with the singularity at its womb - compared to most games id say the credit roll is fairly small here - even compared to something really artsy like Senua which they say is made on whats called a micro-budget today (10 million) - or Chloe Price (life is strange) which have a roll of hundreds of names -this stays well under a 100 - it must be a demo-crew or something. Despite that , productions like this probably dont come for free and state-side the budget for these things will be pretty small (aka "we will set aside €100000 for the sector" in 2021 for instance - not realistic but more likely a bribe for the mayors cousin getting made ready if you hear something like that)

see more for yourself here : - no affiliations

Ofcourse things like this would qualify for #galmeetsdemo or #freestyle but even if submissions are open we dont promote and there's no honour or money in it - ...

One of the things wa always wanted with the money tho, scour the place for schools to sponsor projects by students that havent graduated yet ... sadly (a) certain country(s) prevented it and the current situation created will make sure that never happens in this lifetime - too bad

but no time to complain, even if chaos constrained by a field of kryptonite has nowhere to go its never wanting for somethign to do

sadly - ... even if you can gimp , blender and code the rest together what you dont get is 10 voice actors , singers and people living in the basement who work for pizza scraps to model all your extra objects and landscapes

If we got to controlling time itself probably first want to check out construct or Tooll ( example ) or more obscure stuff like textmode framework ( youtube ) because bums cant afford notch , there's tons of stuff out there thats not unreal engine or unity to allow you to let the beast go without doing all of the heavy lifting - the only thing you need is inspiration and creative spasms - which , SADLY, SATELLIUS .... don't come by command from nine to five, those people you call creatives ? weve observed them ... they're triffids from marketing in disguise who talk a lot ... :) arent they ?

the way things are going it looks like most of the clair time will be spent on electronics for the foreseeable future (all under the assumption we can get a few components more than just cables and some volt converters - for now we have the most expensive phone charger on the planet probably but at least those euros arent devaluating anymore)


check it out

dancing girls on tiktok ?

"shorts" ???

awel no comment


we do , but vimeo aint for bums either and its just some music vids - which are probably at best from 2002 or something because the laws of creation broke down and we into pieces slowly over time as we got hammered every time with maslows hammer by butchers with a hacksaw trying to perfrom psychic surgery so now the eggshell is a maslows-mush which falls through everything and disperses at the slightest whiff of zombie breath

too bad


you cant "just get over it"

maybe you can do that in disneyland, dont know, none of us ever lived there

SO CHECK IT OUT - i bet it beats telly

yah, clearly, and to the commentator : you can't spell JoG without a dash of vitriol, mate, it has become part of our blood - you can blame mister Sir and whoever stuck us here back in hole (and the 13 times before, well seven more like)

but you cant say we never tried and settled for a leash at 18 and called it a lease

my kind of noir here : not focused on the black - replace it with any people its the same movie as long as the actors are as good as they are ...

just like there are no rules to music there is no definition of art tho there will be those who have to categorize and quantify everything. Most of the time they tend to preach un measurable abstract stuff like "love" (quantify please?) ...

one might say the purpose of art is to make someone think about it and see what they see - so every work is a rohrschach test on its own

americans might see a victory for what they call africans

we see noir that has nothing to do with black

some bad-ass depression tho ...


there's another thing, we dont wanna do our "top 10 best" b/c we feel influencers are slowly replacing the part of the brain that forms opinion as the a.i. will do that for you too shortly

like someone memed once : "i wonder what the part of my brain that used to store peoples phonenumbers is doing these days"


so pick your own - conclude your own and if you do that, the artist might be pleased

if they did it for the grant from netflix ?

i doubt you will find those people in this thing

in this case its more likely really the other way around its in their blood and they breathe it comes out

and netflix wants their name on it

not vice versa


but soon the A.I. will do that for you

(well we are not concerned until chatgpt wins a c64 best demo compo on transmission which seems to be a way away)

away away we go



see ?

you - we said EOF - and we said is that okey (PERIOD) - if "i cant stay like this" then why did you turn us into this, we were doing quite allright until you stuck us back in hole, almost ready to start getting out of this gravity well you call a country ?

you there, master-controller who has all the answers ?

"you cant eat art"

but you can eat homeless people and it looks there wont be no shortage so we're not too worried about that considering where weve been, a homeless guy is probably not too bad when grilled


anything else ?

fubar, 25 years too late, we wanted to stop at EOF why do you go poking ?


so you cant help it ? thats a lame excuse, you dont have the rights to our brain and our privacy isnot for sale AND if we want advice from the master controller

we'll ask

you are not invited

so lets end with a joke

thats not a joke :)

shows you can do gud stuff without crotter buying you out too

now EOF

and stop with the suggestions and the "we are in control" thing - i thought you learned by now but we forgot for a moment

you are pavlov-gnome

the AI that never learns

we were doing FINe

until the day you stuck us back in hole ,

please go jump off a cliff or something
vacate the planet

leave some room for the remaining 100k mutants who can handle it

yea that thing you made sure is coming

but we cant with you around


no we cant - you make it impossible, your behaviour isnt gonna change and that means its game over, you got 20 years to space or you can do like the amish until the next big bang , pretty much

pink unicorns and fluffy clouds

but to quote that other american who's not actually an african but actually "just american"



"slice of life" - without the bokeh heheh

NOW, if you dont mind (thats like when YOU say "pleas" or "sorry" its automatic and you almost never mean it but they drilled it in your pea-head and killed it in their schools)

polite obviously doesnt work

if you didnt poke

we would have quit at EOF

like vermassen-op-een-moped(met een bakkes)? must have last word even if its "ZTEJUSFD!" ?

gud, have last word

leave planet


= oxygen for the rest of us


"if you dont mind" ?


4:30 already, so you dont

obviously not, it repeats itself like a zombie bumper car against your leg into the same spot over and over asking "what does that do"?

until you whack it with a hammer and get fined bc YOU HAVE TO LISTEN

running around for 4 weeks with a cold, pretty sure its 2 in a row but frankly, who checks for covid anymore ?

Even if WE still feel like the potential longterm damamage has the potential to spell planet-Parkinson in 20 years there's no cure and the later strains are more intelligent than you , they dont kill they just snot a little, not even enough "to stay home from work because im not sick!"

perfect triffids

there's nothing to do about it once you caught it- vaccines dont stop it anymore (not that they did last year) and unless you can avoid humans like the plague they are chances you catch it have become pretty big -

so thats that, not good for the mood, even if the end of the Sumerian era , the decline of mankind, the disintegration of this median moral majority overlay on physical reality you call society(-by-norm) should get us a modicum of joy , being the twelve monkey supporters we are ...

there is only one evil this side of the galaxy and its name is man

sound a little like the first favourite son of the monotheist god who seems to get confused with the shining one over time but maybe was b/C the shining one was one of the sons who came down and hence later translated as ... didnt like these humans very much - but smart enough not to get nailed to a board and be used as an excuse for a few religions who worship suffering, complacence, submission and obedience

"in the name of the lord"

very feudal - ...

this head of snot makes us somewhat less agreeable, top on that stuff breaking down about a few 100 euros worth (which is to us MONEY unlike as it were to people who claim "its only a hundred dollar") from just lying on a shelf or table

makes it a bit hard to uphold our otherwise sunny disposition and bright and smiley facade like the girl in the supermarket at the counter always has while sometimes i see her eyes shoot lightning that says "MAN IM GONNA KILL YOU" to the guy in front of me


about some bullshit shit she has nothing to do with and just wants to get on with it and get home b/c after work she still has to close shop and clean and come home

and clean


skynet feels different but someone has to turn the crank



die welt

der ?


barely passed german in hi school but you know

they taught us german

from books that were printed in the 1960s


yes they did

best education system in the world



the night passed but no loss here this time cuz snot and replacing backups takes a long time (i think they lie about sate 6 and usb 3 speeds)

and a part of it will never be recovered

b/C we dont have the money and

that TOO makes our otherwise sunny disposition

a mite less agreeable than usual


my brain hurts

remember- all this talk ?

actually dont wanna do that

m hm

last verse

titties without titties

borderless shifting and it says neger



(its a statement i think - - - and a gud one too)

so sweet dreams on pink unicorns and fluffy clouds but we dont really get that

its like a fake crack rush and 15 minutes later you wake up to a place thats just the same but with a hangover on top

how is that "positive" ?


well if you wanna play the woke card then its a bit racist b/c it doesnt have white borderless titties without borders (or asian ones) and i dont see a one-legged blind transgender bearded dwarf girl anywhere wearing a ring to rule them all


but its bold

which also can be a definition or part-for-art

see, there you go

quoting warhol as if it means something

do you know what an -ism is ?

an ism is a great idea or theory that turned to dogma b/c so many humans followed it and can regurgitate it but no one lives or even gets it and some in the protectorate use it to guise their own agenda

that's an ism

which we are not

titties without titties

no vulvas to plow (gilgamesh, inana, enki et al ...)

what a sad world you're creating

good thing its coming to an end


time to go home

if even for a little while

to THAT place, as close to home as it gets

got anything non-depressing left ?


not that life aint depressing and vids dont have to be pink

but the thing is we aint

we are sick and twisted and definitely ill ass fuck but not depressed and see , part of our current theory is

it needs us to be depressed otherwise it cant continue analyzing the mutant anomly from its mundane-gathered dataset so it keeps bumping into the same spot which is black and blue by now until we snap and hammer it and then it goes AHA ! SEE ? VIOLENT !

b/c it doesnt understand something it will never understand and so it hammers it into something that fits one of the holes it has in that toy it got to play with from it master

the creator, no machine can have an output greater than itself so its not much better

and it just cant get us depressed b/C we been there
won the staring contest

a real one with the real abyss, not "a bad day"

and so we actually dont get depressed but since these northwest euro-drecklands that seems to be a hard concept for people who live in disneyland, despite that

the abyss is there, one step back

so we cant

step back

there's nothing there

but a hole

and we're already stuck in this one

walled off with kryptonite

like the nephilim

stuck, wingless

never to see the skies again

dont let is spoil your appetite now, think positive : it might be your last meal and ten years from now you get protein bags or homeless steak as a choice



i see your deep into games atm :)))
yeah its all calculated in advance eh :)))
they want people to live in fear spend your money give up your freedom. Have to learn new things too

its just life as is ...
even the kids are exposed to this experiment which i think is a terrible thing to do to them.

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