Around the recap
what an odd day yesterday
I seem to have spent a lot of money, all the paper in my wallet is gone (what goes for a lot down here ofcourse - like maybe €100 or so)
In my backpack a sixpack of 50cents (which i obviously didnt hatch) ...
What must be about 5kg or so ... which is nice bc i lurv the stuff ...
and an actual snickers bar , which, bought by me must stand for some kind of statement ...
SO ... doesnt feel like
though hazy, as if someone dumped a lick of GHB or something in that kennedies song (or ramones?)
which i doubt ...
all things combined though, aldi included i dont count to a 100 and if i drank that much without knowing i would feel slightly different than i do atm lol - SO
i bet i'll find new urban legends in a while then ... but i doubt i did (that thing where "every time you see him he's drunk" but actually he only comes out the door twice a year IRL ... salems lot style ... where if you do in brussels not even the cops will give you a second look, right ?)
So maybe im too old for that shit and shouldnt drink six beers anymore
Start the day with a two glass of water and some Dar-k-ohi
Yea, plastic wrapping hey - - - if they banned that in the 80s the world might look different, and now, just try to find something without it ... even the cans stay around for years if you just drop them on the road ... (which i never do btw , at one time we actually had a job as streetsweeper ... quite different from tupperware, callcenters, outdoor greenhouse cleaning or administration at the government ... you understand the value of dogs and stray human filth ...)
and the mail goes
再生計画に基づく弁済に向けた手続に関し、重要な情報が含まれておりますので、再生債権者の皆様は必ずご確認ください。なお、本メールと同内容のアナウンスを、株式会社MTGOXのホームページにも掲載しております。 現在、再生管財人は、令和3年11月16日付で東京地方裁判所(以下「裁判所」といいます。)の認可決定が確定し成立した再生計画(以下「本再生計画」といいます。)に従った弁済(以下「本件弁済」といいます。)に向けて準備を進めております。 裁判所の許可をもって設定された譲渡等禁止基準期間は以下のとおりです。 始期: 令和4年9月15日(日本時間) 終期: 基本弁済期限日(※1)(ただし、本再生計画4.又は4.7.3.(3)の規定に基づく弁済期(※2)が基本弁済期限日よりも後に定められた場合には、当該弁済期をいう。また、裁判所の許可を得て基本弁済期限日が変更された場合には、当該変更後の基本弁済期限日をいう。)。 (1) 債権譲渡手続申請受付の停止 (2) 譲渡等禁止基準期間中に債権譲渡通知がなされた場合の取扱い 再生債務者及び再生管財人は、譲渡等禁止基準期間中に債権譲渡通知がなされたことに起因又は関連して生じる又は生じる可能性があるあらゆる損害等について、如何なる場合も、また、再生債権者その他如何なる者に対しても一切の責任を負いません。 なお、お問い合わせフォームからは多数の問合せを受領しているため、返信がタイムリーになされない可能性があることにつき、予めご了承ください。 本メールは送信専用であり、貴殿/貴社が本メールに対して返信等をされても内容確認及び回答などの対応はできないことにつきご留意ください。 再生債務者株式会社MTGOX 以上 [English Translation for Reference Purposes Only] To MtGox rehabilitation creditors, Rehabilitation creditors should read this document carefully, as it contains essential information regarding repayment procedures. The same Information of this e-mail is uploaded to the MTGOX homepage ( The Rehabilitation Trustee is currently preparing to make repayments (“Repayments”) in accordance with the approved rehabilitation plan of which confirmation order of the Tokyo District Court (the “Court”) was made final and binding on November 16, 2021 (the “Rehabilitation Plan”). The Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period set with the permission of the Court is as follows: Start Date: September 15, 2022 (Japan time) End Date: Base Repayment Deadline (1) (However, if the repayment deadline in accordance with Sections or 4.7.3.(3) of the Rehabilitation Plan (2) is set later than the Base Repayment Deadline, such repayment deadline. In addition, if the Base Repayment Deadline is changed with the permission of the Court, such date will be the revised Base Repayment Deadline.) *1 The Base Repayment Deadline is set by the Rehabilitation Trustee with the permission of the court as the date deemed appropriate for repayment (see Section of the Rehabilitation Plan) and will be set in due course. In addition, the repayment deadline for Early Lump-Sum Repayments is the same as the Base Repayment Deadline (see Section of the Rehabilitation Plan), and the repayment deadline for intermediate repayments, which will be determined with the permission of the Court, is also expected to be the same as the Base Repayment Deadline. By setting the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period in reference to the Base Repayment Deadline, the deadline of the entire first repayment will be the end date of the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period. Discontinuation of Acceptance of Applications for Claim Transfer Procedures During the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period, the Rehabilitation Trustee will cease accepting applications for claim transfer procedures through the Rehabilitation Claim Filing System (the system accessible via; the “System”), applications for claim transfer procedures sent by email to the Rehabilitation Trustee’s email address for offline claim transfer procedures, and all other applications for claim transfer procedures. If you submit a notice of transfer of rehabilitation claims to the Rehabilitation Trustee during the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period, the Rehabilitation Trustee will not be able to determine those to whom the Repayment should be made, which may interfere with the safe and secure Repayment of rehabilitation claims. Therefore, during the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period, the Rehabilitation Trustee plans to suspend access to the System for transferees and the transferors of rehabilitation claims. As a result, rehabilitation creditors will be unable to choose a Repayment method or register payee information in accordance with the Rehabilitation Plan, and payee information already registered by the transferor will, in principle, be deleted as invalid. This may result in rehabilitation creditors being unable to receive their preferred Repayments, the Repayment date being delayed significantly compared to other rehabilitation creditors, or at worst, the Repayment amount may be deposited with the Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau in accordance with laws and regulations. In no event will the Rehabilitation Debtor or the Rehabilitation Trustee be liable to rehabilitation creditors or any other persons for any damages or losses arising or likely to arise from or in connection with any notice of transfer of rehabilitation claims submitted to the Rehabilitation Trustee given during the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period. 4. FAQ and Inquiry Please click on the link below to access frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding the Repayments. If the FAQ does not address your questions, please make inquiries via the inquiry form in the FAQ. Please note that we may not reply timely due to the large number of inquiries we may receive via the inquiry form. Please do not reply to this email as this is a send-only email address and please note that we are unable to check or respond to any replies/inquiries by you to this email. Rehabilitation Debtor: MtGox Co., Ltd. End of document Great , good to see they're at it thats one thing but the downside is at first i couldnt prove who i was (back then it was really freedom and also microsoft for the xteenth time closed an account and i lost the mail ... part of the reason why we wont use google auth either , if they close it you lose it, one time Kucoin was like "but we cant take your ID for proof, YOU NEED GOOGLE AUTH ! and me like "but the account is gone, satellius had that time of the month again, and like "sorry we cant help you, here's how to reset your password" and me like "but i cant login") yea ... So gox lawyers said i could have €0,45 ... in restitution , which , back then was still around $0,60 and when it started would have been close to a dollar. Which is, afaik , even at "the worst price ever" $20.000 ( = lol yes coming from $1 back then) less than was actually in there but maybe they take like "a fraction" of the worth at the value it had back in 1830 ... at any rate i thanked them for the effort but said that a stamp to send the letter to request costs more So, even if feudal lord gates didnt crusade, i already lost a ton, but basically not since its money i never had and that was all mined on nvidia ...if i would have been closer to the start before i realized it wasnt a scam i could have CPU mined i might be like on an island off dubai or something ... so, if that were the only time in my life but since birth this hole itself has been ripping me off and breaking me into pieces .. AND SO i guess dat isnt weirken ! tell that to buffett ... and poelzi the mastertrader (it not inside trading if you wrote the law ...) and sweat of thy brow and all that shyte ... looks like no rain today - a mountain of dollar wont fix that a bit of a glitch in their matrix then mweh ... Nah, im good, those cans can stay there ... got stuff to do hmmm 8am , the drilling started already they're rebuilding the bridge on the highway, which is about 200-300metres from here but its like they're drilling three doors down its gonna take "only two years" (to rebuild a 10meter bridge ...) so make that three b/c something always happens no idea how something like that can take two years but im not in construction so what do i know totally against my cycles but i guess i'll bite it off and sit through the day - there's enough to do but if i dont get back into the cycle after a week i'll be able to do nothing ... CVS doesnt exist but experts in far places say that if you can't treat it in the first two years its unlikely ever goes away again so even if tomorrow it exists it would be too late ... but its an act ofcourse, im just lazy they're quiet ... the buzz in thirdspace will come back soon enough and GUD i wonder what will be spreading other than slander 2022 probably "its not a bully if its black" ... "you have to give them time to adjust while raping" and "give the muslim an ankle bracelet for setting it on fire so we dont upset the peace" ... and other pleasantries you're not allowed to talk about
(English follows Japanese/English Translation for Reference Purposes Only)
※1 基本弁済期限日は、再生管財人が相当と判断し、かつ裁判所の許可を得た期限日を指し(本再生計画4.3.1.1.)、追って指定いたします。また、早期一括弁済の期限日は基本弁済期限日と同じであり(本再生計画4.3.4.2.)、今後裁判所の許可を得て定める予定の中間弁済の期限日も基本弁済期限日と同じ日とする想定ですので、基本弁済期限日を基準に譲渡等禁止基準期間を定めることで、第1回に行う弁済全体の期限日が譲渡等禁止基準期間の終期となります。
※2 仮想通貨を再生管財人が売却して得た金銭で弁済する場合には、売却に一定期間を要する可能性があることから、他の確定再生債権の弁済期とは異なる弁済期を裁判所の許可を得て定められることとなっております。
再生管財人 弁護士小林信明
Setting of Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period
As stated in the “Information on Repayment Procedures” dated July 6, 2022, to ensure safe and secure Repayments, the Rehabilitation Trustee, in accordance with the provisions of the Rehabilitation Plan, and with the permission of the Court, has set a period during which the assignment, transfer or succession, provision as collateral, or disposition by other means of rehabilitation claims are prohibited (the “Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period”).
Below are details on the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period and how Repayment procedures will be affected during such Period.
Start Date and End Date of Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period
*2 If repayments will be made with cash obtained from the sale of cryptocurrency by the Rehabilitation Trustee, a repayment date different from the repayment dates of other allowed rehabilitation claims may be set with the permission of the Court since the sale of the cryptocurrency may take some time.
Handling of Rehabilitation Claims During Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period
Handling of Notices of Transfer of Rehabilitation Claims During Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period
To ensure safe and secure Repayments and to avoid unexpected disadvantages, we ask that you refrain from transferring rehabilitation claims during the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period.
Rehabilitation Trustee: Nobuaki Kobayashi, Attorney-at-law
o school starts
fuck that shit
we welcome the apocalypse ...
the kohi ? well, not that its not more eco to have a glass container over that foil/plastic they use to sell bricks of "real" coffee but that freeze-dry stuff is just cheaper and even if it doesnt compare to a cup of the real stuff poured well for a one-mugger like ourselves ...
if we make a whole pot to drink two cups every 24 hours thats just not right and we have to pour it down the drain
otherwise ... we much prefer the fresh version
but well
its the end of the world and war 3 is on
cant be too picky b/c refugees need houses and politicians pree
o yea
des :
but they dont call it that (and we are personally not opposed to it either AS LONG AS ITS A CHOICE )
tbh old lady addams (aka mother) has handed us a paper to sign that says we have to pull the plug if she's ever on a machine that keeps her alive
so yours truly gets the honours
aint that something
the old man wants to be actually buried unless he changed his mind ... me and the old lady both feel more like "well dead is dead, they can just throw the rest in the recycling vats who cares"
but personally
considering all the years this hole stole and the future
we need to live another 500 years
or watch the planet die
whichever comes first
eeeh, tired already from the broken cycle, here we go
garbage day, just in time ... (everything gets picked up here in sections : glass / packaging / paper / rest-waste / greenstuff ... chemicals and big stuff you just have to figure out a way to get it to the container park
this is starting to sound like #deardiary lol
greenstuff :
compost bin:
mostly just sits there from back when belgium wasnt a waste-product itself
You just put out the blue bag actually but since a few years rats have appeared here in the socialhousing block (doesnt look like one?) . Something i cant recall happening in the last 40 years really, but there they are, at night its like a (literal) rat-race in the hedges. So is that "cuz" unspoken habits , or is that b/c they had the bright idea to remove all stray cats (because they breed, go figure, so now the rats can breed in peace)
But actually , and also b/c hot weather its not too nice and certainly cant keep those in the house, as well as waste-management and monkey-pox go hand in hand b/c according to actual science its not just sodom & gomorrha catching it. RATS spread it like they did the plague back when belgium wasnt something the queen of england wrote up on paper so her cuz could have something to play with. So its more or less essential ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE A DOG ... you know how they are, they cant help themselves from poking their nose and its already happened, people catching it from dogs (in which case we assume not because they had anal sex with it)
SO ... for practical as well as aesthetic and mostly "how to live until the apocalypse reasons" : THIS is a GOOD use of plastic :)
they just picked up the glass, that you put in a plastic box and they collect it for a flat-fee yearly
as is with the blue bags i think. The "rest-fraction" black container has a chip or qr-code so that goes by weight (PLUS a minimum flat-fee ofcourse, its belgium, even if you had zero you pay, just like electricity, its not possible to not have to pay for the grid, even if you used zero a year ...)
and paper you put in cardboard boxes and thats a flat fee too
breathing out and farting gets you a flat co² tax yearly and
o wait no, that was for 2027 (heheh) they didnt come up with that yet we jaunted again
and thus ... can see the school-kids moving ... 9 am lol, they certainly have no inention of competing with chinese students here (or "insert other asian country") but thats okay, this hellhole will be owned by anything but its citizens soon enough. Mostly splinter-factions and .... global import-export (haha) conglomerates.
We does wonder and hope for their sake sharia-for-belgium doesnt get the grand idea to send some of their kids into the pack infected ... ( you can only retort on that if you have a sharia-for-"insertyourcountryhere" organization in your friendly neighbourhood btw - and this place is 200x300km, people think 20km is far so its basically one hood ... the amount of inhabitants new york or tokyo has but five governments over 4 districts + EU + nine provinces and a mayor per town or city (wonder where all the money in the country goes to)
You think they wouldnt ?
do you now ... to get at the crusaders ?
you're that guy who lives three doors down from disneyland i presume ? with a wife named barbie and a dog named ken ?
HEY, i dont have children man, ... personally never wanted and now for sure ... its the worst possible world to put them in, the planet is full, and you wont save automation from the pension fund by breeding more into a jobless space where flippy the robot has it and
Where tapwater is illegal because nestle needs to fill bottles for warren's shares in coke .... yea that thing is empty since it rained four buckets weeks ago
the only guy who never lied to me
thats it ...
yea , well no, can probably fishwife for four more hours but
dont wanna
(30 minutes later)
ahh that was one gud shower ... i could fall asleep again already without trying
- im NOT, you perceive that due to the orwellian commission trying to insert the concept of goodspeak at a moral level which, to most mundanes, is limited to the guilt button
- im NOT, even if about most of the non-imported folk here would be leaning to the right or far right (in your limited system of one-axis in a 3d-world) as they always have here, and i grew up in it , i dont sit on your one-dimensional axis. Which is also part of note one ... you get to be this or that ... logical and and analogue flexing isnt part of your perception
- that the neighbours (modest) car ... dont have one, never had one, dont want one, in all my life i have had the thought "DAM WOULD BE HANDY TO HAVE A CAR" maybe 3 times and im like well past my 20s (cough) in physical terms - leaving ecological concerns aside, the sheer use, maintenance and (belgium!) tax-load that comes with it doesnt warrant that ball & chain, its like a leash once you have it though most feel it like some kind of freedom - well yea ... some put shiney things on display on the driveway, some are "always remoddeling" the house & garden. Some spend it all on food ... talking about "mundanes only" theres a few left here from the ones who bought a house in the 1970s but most of the place is owned by "the company" (its a soviet thing, you wouldnt understand) and most of that goes to families with many children which just happens to be a certain section of the population which just happens to nudge more and more people to the right
but HEY
fuck that shit
right ?
apocalypse now
hm, 10:30
#deardiary (weird people breathe air and bleed red too)
my shit stinks when i dump it in the toilet btw ...
we do have human traits
(some ...)
Can keep this going until the RC runs out then ... or make ten posts about it and then its spam
or keep editing the same one and have it over and over in the blockchain ?
still dont know how they do that and if they removed that bit (which is like bloating-on-purpose really and makes it faster for node-owners to need terabytes on top ... assmuing it all still works like that)
the body hurts again, that part is already back to normal - just your average run-of-the-mill every day painlevel
total lack of hangover convinces us that we cant have spent all the remainder on beer - aldi, veggies ... a slab of meat ... theres about dunno ...
30 ? missing ?
even in '22 thats enough to give a belgian some head (pun intended)
guess we better get to cleaning, prime choice ...
tsk, didnt pay attention, actually since its for eating we always aks for second choice (cant translate dont know what words) b/c its the same vegetable , its just not selected to look like windowshopper-lure
while this is, so you mostly get less for the same price b/c it looks better
as a broke peasant bum you normally want more for your euro
if we ran a restaurant ofcourse ...
but then we'd just charge the difference through to the customer, right ?
(btw, in belgium theres no such thing as free water in bars or restaurants ... it seems to be an oddity b/c afaik in italy you had that, in france you get it ... and i see american movies (where else do we get reality more than on the news? i mean can you trust the news more than a tarantino scene when it comes to "everyday" ? you get it too right ?)
so ...
came home with all that, forgot potatoes, for once this is something that doesnt really go with rice or pasta (in standard form, ofcourse you can risotto the plague out of everything if you know the right sauce but well)
sigh floor needs cleaning again ... almost sweep and mop it every day (we dont have besos here) and still it seems not enough, no idea how those people with the showroomshine houses do that , i think they're maybe lying ?
Like those kids on youtube with a $50.000 setup in the background ? wonder what the rest of the house looks like or else e'erybody rich ofcourse ! (must be that ...)
Phalaenopsis .. birthday present ... (those things can get really old but the last batch died from some fungal infection that spread across all the plants , so they had to go, sadly, )
AND ...
cut ?
oh, well in comparison (why so talkative ? no idea, just "cuz" ?)
since "its the same everywhere" not particularly to drive belgium into the ground (it can do that fine by itself, just like the rest of humanity, it seems to have a knack for doing stuff that only leads to self-destruction over time and ignoring everything else)
so ITS NOT ... (clearly ...) i wonder if that legend goes around in every country
PERSONALLY ... we think its b/c if they didnt
then everyone would run away and the country would only have refugees and politicians in it , for instance, one cuz who got here some time ago, who found his love & life in the filippines ...
which is great ... as its no secret WE always wanted to move to asia too, on the cost of life, if you compare
its like as he said you can get by on 5 euros a day, take 10 and you're having a pretty good day (without gluttony ofc)
and what more convinces us that its all a plot to keep the peasants down , he said he has to keep an address here or he cant get his pension no more (dont know if thats related to the particular situation or general but it sounds very belgian indeed)
belgium is magnanimous to all (but its own), take the traffic-tax here U moet jaarlijks een verkeersbelasting betalen wanneer u als bestuurder van een gemotoriseerd voertuig gebruikmaakt van de openbare weg. De verkeersbelasting is gebaseerd op het vermogen van uw motor, de cilinderinhoud of van de maximaal toegelaten massa (MTM) van het voertuig.
a standard vehicle will net you about 400-500 (so that again, NO IDEA how that works in other places but wait)
10% of that is "on top" for the township so the legend is that its used to maintain roads (because you wear them out by using them) but its been long clear that they just use everything for everything (as they misplaced the pension money among others and cant find it anymore)
BUT THE FUN FACT , as we said belgium is magnanimous to all (but its own) , if the addamses drive to their bunker in france they have to pay some kind of toll to use the highways, here in belgium
the central cesspit where like all of europe drives through more or less
only citizens have to pay a yearly feudal tax, everyone else can just drive through
... wonders
if "its the same everywhere"
(pretty sure its not)
thats pretty gangster huh ?
So what does a psychopath gangster who wakes up in the middle of the night ESPECIALLY FOR YOU WHO ARE SO IMPORTANT to pass by your house and wait under your window to see if your daughter doesnt fall out, walking around with a cat like Satan's sister would, do when at home ?
we wonder...
Since its gonna take quite a while to stew all that we're going for spaghetti (cant go wrong with spaghetti after all)
If we were the planning kind we would have (not forgotten to buy potatoes for one) gotten some of that dough b/c you can make just THE BEST kind of pie with these ... not sure if this is the same as sikkori (-y?)
During the war they used to burn it for surrogate coffee among other things , its claimed to be "typically belgium" but they say that for french fries (?) too and in china they sell belgian chocolates made in china (state forgot to patent it ... magnanimous as we are)
But since we dont have, the option is to stew it all and freeze it, we could carry it a while in a dry, dark place but as we are made of holes thats not a good idea
its safer in the freezer
(YAY FOR FREEZERS ! sadly the biggest electricity hog and dont really have the funds to experiment with radiative cooling OR dig a hole in the garage for a small cellar to put the thing in so it has to power less as the air around it will be cooler - at least thats how we think that works, otherwise it seems to eat a steady 24kw/day , together with fridge thats 30 ... almost on the dot ...)
one of Einsteins hobbies btw :
not known to many we suppose
if we recall its b/c fridges kill people (back then) and the guys wanted something that kept food fresh without wiping out families if it leaked
... something like that
waters cooking
itadakimasu (this might be that for this post - its not the intention to ---- there is actually no intention behind it ...)
not that we know of
(when brussels wasnt an islamic state yet, we are well past our 20s now ahem)
nothing like a cold one on a hot day :)))

footnote #27 :
btw in that picture we were somewhat past our 20s too, but the miracle a baseball cap and sneakers work should not be underestimated (lol)
on the inside it feels like 90 tho ... and brainwise sometimes 15, mostly 21 and on times ...
who said that again
"is that okay" ?
b/c its gonna have to be
unless someone has nooze on how they're gonna run 10 new plants on dry rivers, how they're going to wirelessly transmit solar power from space and
how a new babyboom by 2030 - 50 under total erosion will lead to 14 billion humans having more jobs AND pension money ?
we would like to know
we seem to be missing something since to us it doesnt add up
at least we have upload filters
(good ones ! its not censorship tho, its uploadfilters (to save warner brothers from extinction)