new post ?

in #stuff2 years ago (edited)


and then one cycle later :

i try not to miss any of either but its also not the intention of this one to start a commentary series on both

you could ofcourse WATCH IT and decide for yourself ... here come the braincells on a motherboard then (you tink i was joking again ?)

So, embryos and stemcells are good for Texas Laws and manslaughter

but braincells is fine ? I mean its not like they shoot musk for the mind-machine interface that can possibly control your every action when implanted and advanced b/c that is not abortion ????

well okay ...

the prime directive , which they copied in star trek, (they must have been talking to one of the council at some time in the past), forbids us from interfering

wether it be taliban or texas

(tho if you look at it from patterns and systems perspective there's really not too much difference)

perspective : a med/low game-rig with an i5 and an rtx 3070 (which can almost run pacman in 2023 b/c of the telemetry in both os, gameclientstore, game and possibly the keyboard too by now) uses around 300 max running a benchmark demo (watts) as we have checked (leaves us with the question why they sold us an 850w psu OR ELSE) the elder celeron devrig when running a demo goes up to about 120-spike150, this thing typing on runs a psu that handles max 90 but uses ... probably no more than 60 - a steam deck console, all in with nothing attached , runs on a psu that takes at most 45 watts , and the doc there sais : a human brain uses at best 20 watts (she would be talking about a thinking one , not a repeating one for sure 20 watts peak power would require pro-active thinking, not "following influencers" b/c the process of realtime processing is a bit different from the process of decoding frames that have been pre-rendered)

so to speak ... there some commentary for yow-ass ...


looks like the weather sais : today mow lawn OR ELSE

and as warhol sais : "does elon mow lawn or does lawn mow bezos" ?

to which the answer is , as Warren sais : this is why YOU are not rich !


well thats not very woke of you, EVERYBODY EQUAL, you have the same chances born in the northwest euro drecklands, frozen wastes and gravelpits as you have on the colombian garbage pile as you have in disneyland with parents "who gave you a small loan"

you're just lazy

and a bad sport too , b/c in belgium wallstreet is america .....

10 samples huh ? thats what they call

"a slow learner"

and this


is "living off the state" while calling everyone out : )

i hope they all get born in belgium in their next life

and remember what they said

now ....



unless you gonna send us that billion ? we'll provide an opportunity for non A.I, non O.I. non flippy the robot, to clean the hall in the new house which is big enough to employ three housekeepers and get right on

something ...?

what exactly is it that you people do ? make money with money and sell a lot of stuff you dont ... Mostly ?

and the money isnt even real, right ?

it has a "nixon promise" with a bunker full of air to it ?



yea (i told them it was a bad idea to force me to comment)

but you know them


i know spacex has sent 5 people AAAAAAL THE WAY to the space station (so have the russians actually ) ...twas those dam' russians again, they must have some money left, probably paid by the russians to the russians

but what exactly does a boeing and a lockheed do ?

we assume "the same as the EU-governments and presidents"




so you mean : reuters is pro-russian propaganda ? not "reporting" ?

hmmm ... you know, theres still russians who are russians b/c they're born in russia ?

its amazing,

but its true

so by now , instead of having finished with the lawn - its sitting here

btw : its NOT POSSIBLE that that happened in belgium, we have the best education system in the world and the most strict food regulations, it must be russian or chinese propaganda - - -

what doesnt cease to amaze for now is the massive effort homo

... (waits for reaction)

sapiens puts into : NOT the prevention of H2O/O-dependent life (they call it something) going extinct, BUT the replacing of themselves by "something else" ... its like the planet devised a virus to infect the virus thats infected it for some million(?) whats in a 100000 .... more like 150000 that counts years and of that 10000 that count spliced with tek ...
to make it auto-remove itself or something

this is taking too much time but hey if y'all got any more of dem channels like this or startalk that arent primarily about pushing the sponsors intrests and also not biased towards one side or the other ?

please leave them in comments .... stuff about "this could be that in 25 years" is a bit null b/c we dont believe that "in 25 years" matters unless miracles are worked starting 25 years ago

that leaves 2150 (+150 for completeness) by which organoids wont be able to exist anymore either, but silicon will

we once had a p60 without a cooler that ran 24/7 during a hot summer and it didnt fail once

try that temperature on your brain , see what happens


et voila 3 pm now, closing in on 1st cycle, pavlov gnome will go something but just skip that and do THAT NOW .... and then angry b/c it obviously doenst feel the pain, you know

every time a fucker goes like that , who has no clue ....

after having had about more jobs than jack Ma between 50 and 60, mostly on some off the books starting at 15+ horeca in weekends and odd-jobs on the one-dimensional scale ALL THE WAY from left to right , from the ministry of information to cleaning greenhouses with diluted fluoric-acid (that thing for the toothpaste ?) 7 meters high on top with a cable 150m long full of pressurized water you drag along without a safety harness (try dragging that for a few hours, leave the comments how your arms and your back feel) during 35 degrees in july and minus 7 in winter .... (for about 12/hour b/c thats the legal norm (which means about 8/9 after taxes b/c you're at the lowest otherwise they charge more) - all the way to EVERYTHING except armed robbery and pimping ... (more or less i guess, HEY THIS IS BELGIUM MAN show me a man who never sold a gun or a pill and i'll tell you "they must be that next-gen i hear about with the plastic in their brains")

and here we are

sleeping twice a day instead of working 7 up to 16 hours voor het zwembad van de baas who then when you quit SUES YOU for €1000 b/c you didnt give notice (b/c you didnt have a contract signed) and the court just convicts you without hearing you and YOU HAVE TO PAY and you ask , ehj ? and they say "verbal agreement" and you say "but my side?" and they say "its decided"



SO, every time we hear one of those fuckers ?

about how its done and what and what not and we get the urge to

smack their face into the pavement until their name is drawn on the asphalt with teeth and blood and say


then break their legs and tell them to walk it off, and dump them kneedeep in shit, shit on their head until they're down unto their neck, put an olympic hurdle in front and say "just get over it"

fuckers with about as much regard for psyche as the fbi in the 1950s (and the 1950s in today)


on "why you are not rich" and other stuff like "do it"

who's your daddy, money man ? well a banker but that has nothing to do with it ... whos your daddy, minister ? well he was prime minister but that has nothing to do with it ... how many imported people live next door, mister Sir ? well NONE but you HAVE TO ...

just stop being poor !

yea i can name 3 : Van Rossem, Lernout and Hauspie ... as i said

this is belgium

so who's your daddy, George ? .. well George ! but that has nothing to do with it

who's your daddy , Vlad ? nobody, but i singlehandedly wrestled all bears on my way up and who's your daddy, Xi ? well nobody but i lived in a cave and killed the resistance to get where i am and

who's your daddy Bukele ? well ssshhh nobody even knows who I am ....

you see ?

ofcourse you dont

disneyland syndrome

well this is NOT america, china, russia, canada or other, this is NOT EVEN FUCKING EUROPE, europe is a paperweight

and ... why are you so angry ?
well .... "why are you so angry NOW"

its not NOW, its ALWAYS, it just doesnt show most of the time, and all the mental shit is real , voor het zwembad van de baas, because work from home is unrealistic for years (and two months later covid took the planet so the gods MIGHT be watching) and GET SOMETHING REAL, nobody moves out of belgium to start their own business, you have to do as others , buy a house by the bank and a car by the bank and when you're 67 it is YOURS !

100 million ?


this is salems lot

so please

save it ...

for the believers

--- dozo


what a waste of time, i havent even finished the video yet

but the lawn is done

and the day is over

i know "just get over it"

come a little closer so i can explain

yea yea

"nerds" ?

they dont seem to be bothered too much by what you think they should heh heh (but assembly has turned into a rich nerds party from a geek event) ...

money is money man ... a bit sad they didnt spinoff an originall geek party after getting big enough but bem


lanparties used to be hella-fun tho the ones we had was a bit smaller

with more beer and weed ....


but YOU DONT ... and actually i dont think anyone alive left knows me - they were maybe here or there somewhere in the past for a short or VERY distant period but everyone seems to have lots to say

i been in crackhouses where the junkies are so bad they dont even bother and piss against the wall or shit in the corner ... women with one black eye and a baby on their arm begging if i cant "shoot the missing fiver or he'll give them a second one" - worked for the ministry of information, had VERY smart friends with iqs that probbaly match (or maybe surpass b/c if they're not physicists it doesnt seem to count) the doc and tyson (we ll never know) and a lot of normal fun people, was very outgoing and now i am not, was i, now i am we

somewhat before rented a small appartment on the luckily bottom floor, ... i the backyard of a mega-slaughterhouse factory, which had certain perks during hot summer days, one year later you still pull syringes from the couch (they left the furniture and we didnt bother cuz money -- ye aMONEY, that THING lazy people dont have b/C they dont just stop being poor and follow warren buffett on youtube) and when you change the filter in the kitchen above the cooking place and open up the case the needles and syringes come falling out)

not having hepatitis, among other stuff like "still breathing" is actually why we are somewhat convinced the gods like us more than they do you, watching the world crumble and you stand there - or actually help it crumble faster and go like OMFG IM GONNA HAVE ONLY 4 BILLION NEXT WEEK NOT FIVE , as well as het zwembad van de baas getting dryer every summer ?
that means some of the gods still like us more than they do you .... whatever happened in previous lives to make them stick us this side of the galaxy and of ALL places on the fucking planet, east flanders gravelpits salems lot ? we must have been cosmic hitlers plural to deserve that, but we seem to have some sympathy

among some of them ... whats been happening since 2019, the world got more quiet and the "im rich b/c i have an audi or im rich b/c i have a horse" are gettig slowly put in place and their perspective gets a bit narrower so they have a hard time ignoring reality ?



if anyone's talking shit


they dont know us

see : WE DONT HAVE FRIENDS, its a conscious choice since here, since HERE (speak english, yes? well we dont but we do) you can trust no one and until we know who did what thats best, even the ones who were decent, its for the best for everyone , that way no one gets up THEIR ass trying to get up ours



none of that is bullshit i dont have to make up stories, had friends and girlfriends who had parents of the type that work seven days and every season clear their closet so everyone gets to walk around in 25OOO franc excess and oneil and billabong vests 'n tshirts because "you gotta get new stuff every year and season" (well they sold it so that wasnt too hard really) and a new car every year , but that didnt stop them from being down to earth or have the kids work factories or desk jobs ....

(went bust and broke and ended in a wellfare kitchen cooking for poor people)


where grandma paid the fine b/c OMG THAT BASTARD YOU KICKED INTO THE CONCRETE dont worry ill pay that for ya ?

see , lawyers, engineers, construction workers, alleycat took one of each in the phone and earned the right to sit in the cave and drink the warm white milk

IT personnel, junkies, dealers ... gun people (the kid lived in a house of guns, they where everywhere, its was "normal" back then even the cops in salems lot were collecting nazi artefacts)

en WEIRKEN? en een huis van de bank

so dont tell me b/c you



make people like us


(no didnt kill anyone --- that i know of --- but the darker ones live below the basement now )

SO ?

"just do it" ?

"get over it" ?

its all in your head ?

well actually it IS, thats half of the problem

the part where the body acts like its 80 is another one

but thats all in my head too, right ?



even old lady addams when she saw pictures of the appartment where i lived for years before here said

"where is that" ?

they never been there you see

actually since 21 they never been there either

SO ?

DAFUK you think you know ? or anyone talking , WHERE THE FUCK THEY GET THAT ?

uuuh ?

polite doesnt seem to get through

was supposed to be some occasional electronics and TRULY we feel like we should turn it to "weekly max" b/c the insight we get from these gud people here on youtube (the five feeds that make youtube worth having so to speak) are ours, we can sit here for ten years explaining to mundanes how their behavioural pattern is actually counterproductive and almost counterclockwise to the one the master system has and thats why SHIT IS SHIT THE WAY SHIT IS NOW - after 11 they still wont get it b/c what they do is normal

its a waste of time - and we only have a few hours a day that are useful , and of those we didnt get to make the money so we can pay someone else to earn enough to eat and maybe feed a kid WHILE WE DO WHAT WE DO ...

and its not gonna get better by sitting here, stuck in a hole we hate since we were 15 and still i

its just gonna get worse, we tell every shooting star "our wished havent changed" but they only seem to be willing to grant the end of all humans (just to make sure we didnt miss the ones responsible for the state we're in)

so the best we COULD is be standing when the last one falls into a dry desert, carrying a pile of printed paper they cant eat

or drink

or even trade their fucking life for anymore

but 2150 is a ways away

we're just quite convinved its gonna happen , since human behaviour is a constant all through the sumerian era

not a variable

that means if it didnt in 10000 years

it sure as hell won t in 10


weekly tops

and no comments

...less time

more demos


5pm ... still gotta eat and time for first cycle (which is ofcourse all bullshit and posing "the act" as we established, and we should get more oscars than de Niro for keeping the act up for 20+ years with shoes of holes and no money in a hole we cant stand where we cant even exist, BECAUSE ITS EASY LIVING)

supposed to be this

€150 Pintel Nuke "Scrap Edition"


on occasion


part of what its supposed to be in a different country making money doing #stuff like Gin and oddjobs (not the booze, bro, watch more animre, is gud for you skillz) - paying a few to do more - and do more b/c screwing a few screws is not the edge of our set


bad for business tho if you take parts and fix it into a working machine


maybe one of the reasons why we never even considered the USA, only asia


too late now and

you know if we talk about a junkie wife with a crackbaby and a black eye by crack-husband here in gatland drukkerland gravelpits ... it could be any of some thousand(s) , just ask the please to give you the stats

and the rest where it matters is probably smart enough not to say "hey thats me" cuz embarrassing and if they do,

they werent there , not about what they're talking

and the rest ?

3 years of a lifetime seems to define, and kozzen gatpolis with interpol(leken) aspirations (in het diepst van zijn gedachten) felt the need to rape all privacy, in co-op with salems lot (where salems lot's still salems lot)

b/c check yow-ass there, white suburban working class shy A+grade kid who taught himself to read before 1st grade by sheer curiosity and nevernding questions


motherfucker , THE KID WASNT EVEN BLACK (not that that mattered at that time here in hole b/c there WAS no black ...)



(not your sisters or yo momma, already did that before they had crack-aids)


gud ?????? is this what you were poking for ?


and i dont want your respect

i want my fucking money - for every second of life you stuck us back here

it boils down to about 495 million (after inflation) of what we couldnt make

a low rough estimate heh


o yea, SURE

drop your machine at the door before dark - ask price first

come back the next day, put the money in the basket, wait for the basket to be pulled up

after counting, wait for the buzzer, the hatch will open and you get it back fixed

we COULD still do that

but that would be taxorism

as long as it doesnt involve human contact

now FUCK OFF ???????

jeezes (someone tell me why we do this ????? i dont wanna so why do i ? its like pavlov gnome succeeded in inserting something while sleeping which leads to erratic behaviour displayed by brainwashed people when trying to make do something that goes against their grains)

and now before you say "but then why dont you?"

come little closer so we can explain and ask why you didnt read everything first or you wouldnt say that ?

what are you, chatGPT or something ?

very woke but not representative of reality

6pm .... the bodys shrinking - medication time

... the most confusing bit maybe not just the fact that when we first got back here a guy asked us like "hey you been in jail in --squatcity--- for x years, right?" and you have to answer "actually no, i went back to school college for socio-cultural work and lived togethet with a psychopath i loved very much (back then)) - but the fact that when we bump into humans outside we tend to be really nice and friendly towards people who havent really done more wrong than the usual salems lot shit (which you cant escape in salems lot) if you live there you know because salems lot is salems lot, no matter where you go, i bet its the same in alternate dimensions that have it too

which can be confusing b/c the hellfire that just came out here is ALWAYS there

it just most of the time doesnt show because its easier to not to (and its really exhausting to breathe fire when they clipped your dragonwings)

but HEY

we have no intention of socializing until we're out of belgium, we have an obligation to all those demons and the gods

so if you stuck us here for life

you can stop bothering with that 1950s "the fat guy does it better" ipsos motivation and "they say ... " and "they think ..."

it doesnt work on us ... mutants

but probably it works on some mutants b/C the norm is the norm, thats why you think the witch can read your mind

she doesnt have to, its in neon letters above your head to the shinigami eyes

but no two anomalies HAVE TO BE THE SAME

thats why we dont really believe in autism and all that one-size fits all (among others) b/c its case per case and person per person and the biggest threat ? mundanes

normal people

you know the ones who know how its done and dont mind crawling up your ass time after time to keep telling you

but HEY




take a good look around, YOUR WORLD, you did that (as you did this to us and dont deny it - excuses wont change it and SORRY IS FOR FUCKING SITCOMS and i dont see your sorry come with six figures or the neo Olsen-twins either we can have (we prefer asian tho ... we must be racist b/c thats not black)

take a GOOD LOOK at what you done to the place


dont know

"how its done"


how d'you like my wutang style ?

thats without practice, edits or rehearsel, it just adds more

and the question remains

why are we typing this

we actually dont wanna

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