So good is the smell of fresh coffee can be intoxicating :)))
Can be hard to imagine going a day without coffee but as you can imagine there are many places on this little blue ball that are not coffee drinkers and to them i salute you for being able to function without an artificial stimulant like coffee but for myself i make no excuses because Ive been drinking coffee for so long actually since i started working as a kid it was the work juice in the morning and every one drank it up every morning like a beginning of the day ritual . On the corner where i lived at the time there was a coffee factory where they roasted the beans did you you know there is only one type of coffee bean like tea i m guessing its just how dark roasted they cook the coffee beans. So funny the smoke could be so aromatic and thick coming out of the smoke stack you would be overwhelmed by the smell of fresh coffee bean that at times was so thick it would totally cloud out my street a main street here stop traffic smell the breeze because they couldn't see the stop lights and if that wasn't enough the fire department would show up every week or so cause the smoke stack would clog up and a fire would soon ensue and voila the best coffee in town was made there eh :)))
Heres a free vote on behalf of @se-witness.