Hmm Energy .. are you in control of yours or is it out of control ...
Hmm Energy .. are you in control of yours or is it out of control ... i know it can be tricky just keeping track of every day activities, Someday s are better than others maybe just because the sun is shining and people are in a better mood but i can almost see it coming in waves, On the plaza i can usually make a quick observation just by counting the number of bags people are carrying , because you know they bought something so they're shopping. Most merchants will put on their happy face and be in a good mood. But on those cold rainy days when nobodys smiling keeping yourself awareness occupied helps a lot, i think im going to finish up now :)))
the problem with energy is navigating around the black holes in life , wether that be humans or places ...
congratulations on the site - lets hope this thing picks up again ... UK cracking down on binance, its like the inquisition is back lately
yeah promotion time :))) not everything planned is common knowledge for the blockchain enthusiasts :)))
"blockchain enthusiasts" :)
thats a very kind way of saying it
im not sure if your stuff is active but maybe something is clogging the mail on registration, just fyi
so funny so many updates :))) updates of the updates of the updates ... just add a little draino and voila :)))