RE: What You See & Hear Is Not What Is Happening, Troop Withdrawal On Track - Episode 1545
Great work Dave. So Trump goes along with whatever the deep state wants, and that is somehow going to deescalate the situation and allow the troops to come home? His alternative would have been lets look at the evidence before we jump to concisions and bomb a sovereign country. But instead he goes along with it because people cant handle the truth? So the billions of tax dollars wasted, escalating the situation, and creating chaos in the region so he can keep the deep state thinking he is on their side. And that is going to stop the deep state from conducting these false flags? Trump will just go along with these false flags every time like he has been doing. (thats the plan?) Nothing will change until the federal reserve is dissolved, there are more and more false flags coming. How can we be sure this isn't just a wag the dog distraction to keep the attention away from the most important issue: the federal reserve is about to crash the economy, and finish the extraction of wealth from whats left of the middle class.
my guess is some US troops get gassed in syria and its on, and trumps head is spinning. everyones heads are spinning. another 1 down. off to iran.
Unfortunately, the deep state knows that the best way to start a war is to stage an attack on the homeland, which they have had no problem doing in the past.