Stay Strong. I, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #strength7 years ago


Life has a way of frustrating us. Things have their ways of getting to us. We respond to things differently and take things to heart differently.

When situations threaten us and try to take away our peace, we should learn to stay strong.

When people try to tell you they understand, they really cannot understand. They can only sympathize but never understand what you are going through except they have been there before or they are going through the same. Even at that, the varying degree at which we go through things differs.

Things are not as bad as they look. Situations are not as dire as they feel. Keep pushing, it won’t always rain, there will still come your sunshine. There is light at the end of the tunnel and it is not from an on-rushing train.

Have you seen how the handler of a​ hammer is so consistent with hitting the nail on the head till the wood gives way? Situations won’t just give way on their own if all you do is fold your arms and cry about it.

When there is a mountain on your path, you don’t just sit down at its foot and cry, you need to stand up and take the step towards climbing it. One step you take is one less step you need to take.


When we face some situations, we feel there is no obvious progress but the situation gets weaker and weakened every time we tackle it.

Stay strong. I know it is an easy word to use, but then, would you rather have it any other way? Situations try to appear more than they really are, just like we discussed in an​ earlier post about fear. When situations happen, we need to respond rather than react to it. When you respond, you try to have it under control. When you react, the situation controls you and when the situation has​ you under control, you tend to mess it up even the more, and this is where it gets more frustrating.

Sit down and analyse when situations happen. Let your first thought of action and thought be “How do I get out of this?”, rather than panic under the weight of the situation.

You have been hurt and burned? Stay strong. You lost a loved one? Stay strong. You lost a job? Stay strong. A friend betrayed you? Stay strong. Someone walked out of your life? Stay strong. Your expectations got dashed? Stay strong. You have been trying with no head way? Stay strong. You lost money in business? Stay strong. You lost something precious to you? Stay strong.


Situations have a way of forcing us to be creative and to think. Have you ever noticed the best of ideas come after you have failed at something? Situations happen not always to break us, but sometimes to force us out of our comfort zone to restrategize and to think.

I hope to be able to share my experiences with you all (losing parents and my only sister) one day, so we can both learn, because I do learn a lot from most of your comments and I am really enjoying it. We all have a voice, we should all use it. be continued...

Thank you for your time.


My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


When situations happen, we need to respond rather than react to it. When you respond, you try to have it under control. When you react, the situation controls you and when the situation has​ you under control, you tend to mess it up even the more, and this is where it gets more frustrating.

Whether you're dealing with a serious health problem, or you're faced with a financial crisis, tough times are inevitable. And it's during those tough times that your mental strength will be tested.

Without adequate mental strength, life's inevitable challenges will likely fill you with self-doubt and anxiety. Those uncomfortable feelings can lend way to negative thinking. And negative thinking will affect your behavior--which can inadvertently turn your catastrophic predictions into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Staying strong in the midst of hardship requires you to manage your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Paying attention to all three areas will help you emerge from your struggles even stronger than before.

Situations happen not always to break us, but sometimes to force us out of our comfort zone to restrategize and to think.

This is true, as our mind can be our best asset or our biggest enemy. If you believe your negative thoughts, your self-limiting beliefs will prevent you from reaching your greatest potential.

Thanks for always bringing these important topics to mind, your posts are always a valid school of life

I absolutely love the way you connected every thing together. This is so detailed and lovely. You have spoken well. Thanks a lot for this.

Thank you bro, glad it made sense


"Let your life reflect the faith you have in God. Fear nothing and pray about everything. Be strong, trust God's word, and trust the process."

Life can be really tough. It’s a daily struggle with one daunting challenge after another. As if this was not already enough, life also has the tendency to give us a really hard time whenever it pleases. It will smack you to the ground and throw dirt at you. In other situations it will try to push you beyond your limits, just to see if you break down. And just when you thought the worst part was over, life finds a new way to throw curveballs at you. Even though life is hard we must not give up. We do have to stay strong; there is simply no other option. Whenever life pushes us to the ground, we need to get back up on our feet, shake the dust from our clothes and continue pursuing our dreams and wishes with an iron will and determined perseverance.

We need to stay strong because the moment we simply give up we fail. This is also the reason why so many people are not able to ever accomplish their dreams and desires. It is simply because they give up as soon as they are confronted with challenges and difficult times. Life, however, is not intended to be easy all the time. It has its ups and downs, but ultimately life is designed as a battleground created to make you stronger, day after day. In order to grow and advance in life, we need to prove that we will not break down. You can only become stronger when you do not give in just because you are confronted with difficulties.

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So, Stay strong from inside.

@olawalium day by day i'm getting fan of your motivatoonal post. Keep up the good work dear brother ♡

This is absolutely fantastic. "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but that of power, love and of sound mind".

You have highlighted every single details and I absolutely love it. We should never give up, no matter what. We are building our character along the way.

Thank you so much for this.

You have spoken well..

We do have to stay strong; there is simply no other option. Whenever life pushes us to the ground, we need to get back up on our feet, shake the dust from our clothes and continue pursuing our dreams and wishes with an iron will and determined perseverance.

The only option is just to keep moving.

Slow movement is also movement, that's all we should know and stick to.

Because you have been trying and the result is not forthcoming does not put you in the same category, because time will tell.

Wow thank you for this again @communitycoin
Stay strong is one of the hardest things to say to someone facing challenges in different situations of life.

When people try to tell you they understand, they really cannot understand. They can only sympathize but never understand what you are going through except they have been there before or they are going through the same.

People sure may not be able to do more than sympathize to ease one's pain but doesnt take it away. No matter what happens, even when people sympathize with us or not, we shouldnt take things to heart. Though, not easy, but it helps.

We all must have gotten to some stages in our lives, that requires holding on and staying strong.

You have been hurt and burned? Stay strong. You lost a loved one? Stay strong. You lost a job? Stay strong. A friend betrayed you? Stay strong. Someone walked out of your life? Stay strong. Your expectations got dashed? Stay strong. You have been trying with no head way? Stay strong. You lost money in business? Stay strong. You lost something precious to you? Stay strong.

Sure, it doesnt have to be about death. Even when friends leave and all that above, there is no reason to break down totally. It wont be easy, but it would be worth it. Thank you @Olawalium again.

Either sympathy or empathy does not solve the problem, the solution lies in taking steps.

A journey of a thousand miles start with a step...

Thank you so much for this darling. We should always try to stay strong. It is not always easy but taking a step is always one less step needed to total healing and restoration.

Really enjoyed your comment. Thanks cutie.

When situations threaten us and try to take away our peace, we should learn to stay strong.

Our actions and reactions when confronted with situations determines the size of those situations. If we are filled with "I can", then the size of the problem reduces, but the feelings of "I can't" would only magnifies the problem.

When there is a mountain on your path, you don’t just sit down at its foot and cry, you need to stand up and take the step towards climbing it. One step you take is one less step you need to take.

Taking the first step with boldness would make you to understand that their is nothing to the mountain than just a mare footsteps who was given to support your foot as you are climbing up.

Personal story

I was facing with the mountain of failure back then in primary school, I was so poor to the extent of writing my common entrance examination three times (I'm sure non of you can beat that) smile

I was filled with so much fear, I was thinking probably school is not meant for a poor boy like me, but I kept ressing, I kept reading even when I don't know what was written in the book to learn, I kept staring at it with the desire to know what was inside the book. Smile

I just noticed that I was building confidence as a result of my willingness to learn and my problem was becoming little gradually, I tried the common entrance again and I made my papers, not very well, but their was an improvement.

That was the last time I ever failed in my academic life, if I have stopped before I even tried, I'm sure it won't be a testimony today.

Don't be like that guy who has accepted defeat before he gave a trier, you have not fail until you admit to failure

Thank you @olawalium and @communitycoin, waiting for the other part. And looking forward to learn about how you turn what was meant to break you to what made you

I love hearing people's personal experiences, i do learn a lot from it and that is why most of the things I have been sharing are personal experiences too.

Like you said, when you took that bold step to learn, you noticed the problem is not as bad as it looked. Situations try to magnify themselves more than they are and that is what scares us the most. Taking the step towards it always help. You did amazing and you are a living testimony of staying strong. Well done.

Thank you so much brother.

Life has a way of frustrating us. Things have their ways of getting to us. We respond to things differently and take things to heart differently

Staying strong and focus has been the most simplest and complex word when talking about Life challenges which has a way of frustrating us. Situations in life have their ways of getting to us. We respond to things differently and take things to heart differently, that is just the simple fact, but no matter what, we have to get go of the past in order to stay focused and strong, losing properties, parent, relatives and even lovers the world doesn't end there, we have to get over our adversity and learn to grow through our adversity.

Though, the problem is that we might find ourselves faced with the same challenges over and over again, and that’s when we started to lose motivation and sense of belonging to face the issue we make us to lose sight of the potential lesson. At that point, challenges can become problems that can spiral us into despair and frustration.

We must remember that life is full of up and down, we have to stay strong and focus to win this endless battle of life, we should never lose hope when we still have life, it's only death to bring end to human race without that nothing can stop us from achieving our aim and goals in life. "Stay strong and never for once compromised focus with anything" .

Since we have no control over nature and it disasters of your own reality, all I can say is that we have always prepared for the negativity of life, life they say is not always a bed of rose, there is no one that is real from life challenges, we just have to face ours squarely and never be consumed by the fear it posses. There is no one you ask on this earth that won't have one or two things to say about what they have passed through. We have to remember that we are only free form the persecution of life only when we are no more alive so I will say we have the ability to overcome these challenges. It is with this sense of responsibility and awareness that you we can begin the journey into a higher state of consciousness where challenges are no longer challenges, but opportunities to get a glimpse of our highest self.

Putting a challenge off doesn’t make it go away. This is true of big challenges, as well as the small ones. The most important thing we can do is to face what’s in front of us, we have to forgive and forget the past, think of what to do at the present moment and stay strong plus focus by heading for the future.

Remember nothing can stop you from achieving your positive dream and goal, I will love to share my personal experience about life maybe tomorrow. I always get inspired by your pieces, ride on and never lose focus. I have been I your shoe too brother and know what it does entailed.

Exactly bro, we all have stories, we all have struggles, and the best way is to stay strong, stay determined and figure a way out. We should try as much as possible to keep our head above the water. Thanks a lot brother, as always.

We should try as much as possible to keep our head above the water

I will surely use your words as quote this days, you always inspire me, carry on brother, see you on the top. Keep the good work flowing brother.

Thank you so much. There is no traffic at the top. See you there

When we face problems, we often feel sad, confused to depression. In fact, not infrequently people who feel like to run away from the problem and do not want to face the problem.

This is certainly not the right attitude to deal with the problem. Furthermore, the attitude of running away from problems indicates that we are immature for fear of facing problems.

Intend yourself to become an adult Remember your original goal, why do you want to become more mature? Adulthood is not just a matter of age, but your attitude to life and all its problems. You need to be mature so you can be more independent and no longer rely on others to get things done. You are not always in the comfort zone you have today. So you must prepare yourself when you are forced to get out of your comfort right now. Intend yourself to become more mature. This will greatly help you face the future, so you become a more resilient and mature man. With a strong intention, you will be able to continue to mature day after day, regardless of any problems you face.

Make yourself more courageous decision-making is the next step for you to become more mature in the face of problems. If you had previously depended on others to make a decision for your life, now take that control. Dare you take a decision for all your life problems. After all, you are the one who lives that life then you must have a share in it.

Do not hide from problems Regarding the previous point, you should never hide or run away from problems. The problem is an important part of maturing you. So, face him and do not run away from him. The problem will not solve itself if you continue to let it. In fact, it could be a bigger and more complicated problem if not addressed immediately.

Dare to take a very heavy attitude though Not infrequently the solution of a problem requires an attitude that is very difficult to do. It will be great to mature yourself, so do not rush to pick an easier step. The harder you feel to solve the problem, the stronger you will be forged in the face of trouble. This will make you a stronger person in the future.

Thinking in the long run When you think of solutions to problems, do not just think about solving them for now. Think about the impact of decisions you make in the long run. Look at the impact on your life in the future, the lives of others, to what risks may arise from the attitude you take.

Make the problem a reflection of yourself In addition to finding solutions to solve problems, you should also take lessons from emerging problems. Understand why the problem can arise in your life. With you understanding the cause, you can learn from it to no longer repeat the same mistake. After all, a good man is he who learns from the mistake of not repeating it.

Positive Thinking Sometimes the problems that arise make us sad, down, to feel hopeless. We think that life is unfair and feels that we ourselves have a bad luck. Thoughts like this will only make you not eager in the face of problems and it can actually bring down your mental. So, throw that thought away. Fill your mind with a positive mind. Take advantage of the problems that arise and you must believe that every problem must have a solution. Believe that you do not always get caught up in that problem and will be dating the day you are grateful to have experienced the problem.

Ask others for opinions Do not hesitate to ask others for advice. The other person could be your parents, relatives, or even your best friend. Find people you trust. Sometimes the opinions of others will help us see the problem from the other side and can provide useful solutions.

Do not forget to pray After we have tried and tried to solve the problem, do not forget to pray for God's guidance. God who gives you trouble as a form of His affection, also has a solution to your problem. Praying is the perfect accompaniment of all the work you do in the face of trouble.

Woooooooow!. two hands up in the air hahaha.

Thank you so much for thie and your time. Our attitude is everything. Our attitude to the situation determines our level of maturity. Good one. Gracias.

And the fact is no one can run from problem, it comes wherever you are and unnoticed

This is an applaudable publication. We all ought to stay strong in the various aspects of our lives- even our endeavors on the multiple steem platforms. sometimes, we are up and somedays we may be down. Strength, however, does not come from winning. Our struggles develop our strengths. When we go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is indeed strength.

Oh my friend, I really enjoyed this. This did it for me:

Our struggles develop our strengths. When we go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is indeed strength.

Thanks a lot for your support always.

You're always welcome.

Like bit poetic content with rhyming stanza in between @olawalium... Coming to the resilence is not easy and there are ups and downs...down time we might get a smooth run but in ups time we need to stiff our legs to climb up..its not about givving up but getting stronger to overcome the bad patches.....also the up time make many people stronger enough to face any situation

Hmmmmm true. Such situations actually makes us stronger than we already are.
Just like failing an exam, one will be able to move steps higher and do better after been down.

Love this my friend. We should not always pray for lighter burden but stronger character. What we go through strengthens us and build us up in every aspect. It is not easy but it is the only way to grow. Thanks a lot my friend.

Successful people are all focused oriented. They have a goal in mind and they stay focused on that goal until completion. They don’t get distracted by shiny objects or even other opportunities. They stay relentlessly focused on their primary goal.

Staying focused is a skill that can be learned. Once you master this skill of focus, you can achieve wonders with your life.

Situations have a way of forcing us to be creative and to think. Have you ever noticed the best of ideas come after you have failed at something? Situations happen not always to break us, but sometimes to force us out of our comfort zone to restrategize and to think.

This brought back the memories of my parents, staying focused has not been easy but to stay focused it requires a lot of commitment and determination.

A lot of commitment, determination and will power. I like that. Thanks a lot brother.

congratulations ... These topics are my passion because they are themes of daily life. Staying strong reminds me of the Rocky movies, in every fight there was a teaching. Although many times he was on the verge of losing, he always got up and maintained his firmness until the last round. So do not faint stay until the last round because you can still give the coup de grace that will give you the victory.

Wow!. Love this ending. You nailed it right there. We should not faint. We should push further. We will be surprised how far we can still go, from the point we thought was the end. Thank you so much for this.

Wow beautiful. And even one stays till the last round, one should still keep standing.

Staying strong is not easy but its necessary. No matter what we are going through on earth, life goes on.

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