Quote of the day - Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a guy who knows a lot about winning and about exercise. He has won several body building prices, he has overcome challenges because of his language, and he has even turned into a leading politician in the United States. That is quite an accomplishment for a guy from Austria. Looking at his life, I believe that there is a lot to learn from his, and this quote is just showing us that once again.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.
So what is he saying? He is saying that strength does not come from winning. We might believe that winning is what gives us strength, but it isn't. Winning comes as a result of the strength we have acquired whenever haven't been winning.
The struggles we have, those are developing our strengths. When you exercise and feel like you want to give up and when you feel like your muscles say stop, but you still keep going, that is when you develop strengths, that will later lead you to victory.
When you go through hardships and not surrender, well, that is strength. So, instead of feeling sorry for yourself when you exercise and when life hits you in a tought way – keep on going and develop strength.
In the end, this is what will give you the victory. But, when you win the victory, you will know that the strength didn't come in that moment. Instead, strength came whenever you decided not to give up, but to struggle and to fight and to not surrender, whenever you were working on your own and felt tempted to give up!