Stop lying to me…


Don’t you dare to say you know nothing about that graffiti over there… I can see at your face that you’re lying… And stand up when I’m talking to you 😉

This post also participate in the “Daily Photo Contest” organised by @juliank in the theme : #streetphotography
Thanks for organising this, in my eyes, best photography contest on steemit!

The different themes are:

Monday: foodphotography and animalphotography
Tuesday: landscapephotography and cityscapephotography
Wednesday: architecturalphotography and vehiclephotography
Thursday: macrophotography and colourfulphotography
Friday: streetphotography and portraitphotography
Saturday: sportsphotography and smartphonephotography
Sunday: goldenhourphotography and longexposurephotography

Curious to see my other work?

Happy to hear that 😉
The best thing you can do is checking out my profile here on steemit ( @pixelfan ) and follow me. I’m always happy to connect with other photographers! (And of course I’m always very happy with a little upvote… although a large one is allowed too 😊)
But of course you can find me on other social media too... just check out:


Check The Daily spotlights of 22 February 2018! You missed one? ----> #dailyspotlights
Your quality post caught my attention and I hope you benefit from my resteem. My followers have a refined appreciation for quality art. You might also enjoy my curated collection. To see the quality posts I have curated via resteem, see my blog @pixresteemer. If you want to know more about me and my mission, please check my introduction.

Interesting photo! :-D

I'm new in here, just trying to get started... but so far I'm a bit disappointed, as my posts seem to be invisible.

Since you enjoy photography as well, can you please look around my blog (mostly photographs from my holidays) to check if I could do anything better...?

I'd like a few hints... cause it's a bit disheartening to keep posting, and receive almost no votes at all. :-/

It's indeed not easy to start here on steemit. When you're new, not a lot of people will help you cause you can't offer a lot back. Yes, it's about money first, social media second :-(
But not everybody is like that... I made some great new friends here also.

Maybe you should try to participate in contests with your photography... this is by far the most easy way to make new connections and discover new accounts.
One I always participate in is the photocontests from @juliank You should check it out. I saw a post in your feed about a very nice oldtimer... you could have used that for the wednesday contest #vehiclephotography
Check my post, there are 2 contests every day...

Thanks, I'll check it out. How does one participate in such contests?

Check this out :
Some rules have changed overtime, but the essentials are still the same...
You could also join the world of photography community on discord... lots of nice and helpfull people overthere...

Nice! Thanks for the suggestion! :-D

World of Photography Beta V1.0
>Learn more here<

Thank you for participating in #streetphotography

You have earned 6.30 XP for sharing your photo!

Daily Stats
Daily photos: 1/2
Daily comments: 0/5
Multiplier: 1.26
Server time: 09:23:50
Account Level: 6
Total XP: 4672.85/6400.00
Total Photos: 142
Total comments: 54
Total contest wins: 88
And have also received a 1.80 percent upvote.

Follow: @photocontests
Join the Discord channel: click!
Play and win SBD: @fairlotto
Daily Steem Statistics: @dailysteemreport
Learn how to program Steem-Python applications: @steempytutorials
Developed and sponsored by: @juliank

In antwoord op je vraag op Ello: geen idee wat ik met Steemit ga aanvangen; voorlopig kijk ik het nog even aan. 't Gaat mij niet zo zeer dat ik het hier niet plezant vind (al ben ik de werking van de website na 6 maand nog steeds niet gewoon - dat zegt toch ook al wat, denk ik) maar wat me steeds meer tegen de borst stuit is dat de meesten hier zitten omdat ze geld verdienen. Op zich nog çava, maar het maakt dat de kwaliteit (op enkele positieve uitzonderingen zoals jij) van de posts belabberd is... Ik ga voorlopig nog even steempower bijhouden, maar als ik zover ben om mijn account te sluiten: hoe moet ik dat doen...?

Als je delegeert blijft de steempower jouw eigendom... je geeft het alleen in bruikleen aan iemand anders omdat je er zelf niet veel mee doet... en je kan het ten allen tijde terugclaimen.

Als je je account wilt sluiten dan moet je gewoon power down doen... maar eerst de gedelegeerde SP terugclaimen natuurlijk :-)

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