Street Art Breda 2018
So yesterday I was visiting a friend of mine in Breda. As usual good vibes and it was a great weather to look for some street art. Which you can find pretty much all over the city centre. There are about 60 street/wall paintings. But here are some of my favourites.

Strolling around here was much fun. I know this city quite well. So where I use to see an old building it was cool to see some improvement, street art wise. In stead of a completely new building with no charm at all.
But even if you not into street-art Breda has enough to offer. Cool bars, restaurants, clothing stores, a nice park with in the summer open cinema's, little concerts, weedstores, friendly folks and so on..
Nice street art! It's a long time ago since I've been there,although its only 30 minutes from my place. My favorite place in Breda was the Atlas coffeeshop. Good memories :-)
haah nice! helemaal van de kaart in de Atlas :D Leuk om te horen.
Ik ben er nog nooit binnen (de Atlas) geweest. Volgens mij sloten ze de shop voordat ik 18 was. Ik woonde ongv. van 1990 tot 2000 in Prinsenbeek, dorpje tegen Breda. Was een leuke tijd genoeg cafeetjes, dus elke week stappen. Al zou dat nu niks meer voor mij zijn. Maar indeed good memories :)
Ja, ik heb het idd over een periode van 20 jaar geleden 😅. Damn, ik word oud. Toen gingen wij op woensdagmiddag na school wat ontspannen in de Atlas. Heerlijke tijden
Breda is nice actually.
Wist niet dat ze ook goeie schilders hadden daaro dan!
Breda is indeed nice. its even more then nice:)
Nee, wist ik ook niet, maar komen niet allemaal uit Breda volgens mij.
Oh, m8 when I saw your pics I turned back to the past. I used to work in Breda like seven years ago. Great people, great place and Kapsalon's all over;)
Great to hear that i use to live there 12 years ago, but i kept visiting pretty often.
haha yes indeed kapsalons all over, you mean the food right? Where did you live/ work ?
Ouwe, you were so happy to see this you forgot to vote :P:P
haha peace
I worked at Inter Tyre, a bit for Kompak and for M. van Den Oever. I am new to the Steemit, vote by the green uparrow?
Sounds cool.
Yes you can vote with the green arow. or down vote with the flag just above my comment on the right.. I wouldnt focus on flagging some one :) But at least you know how.
Good day sir
Thanks:) Was looking for the magic "like" button
These are great street art photos. Especially the second picture I find special.
Nice pictures,I personally find the 1st and last best
Greetings @markush
Thanks man, ben ik met je eens :)
That’s some cool stuff!
strak gedaan
this art is very beautiful comrades
yes friends 👍👍👍
hey siponk you just voted for posts that were older then 7 days.. You can only vote for tops 7 days, or maybe a few hours less... anyways something like that. Yet still appreciated.
yes sorry my friend forgot.
for the future I will upvote
your new post @markush
No problem man its all good it was just handy to know. otherwise you are wasting your voting power.
Yes it def is some cool stuff :)
wow!!so amazing really incredible.never i seen .i impressed.thanks for share.@markush